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The Next Transition Report Will Be Delivered To Your Inbox Here's What To Do Next... In the meantime watch this short but important 2 min video I made for you... (yes it’s only that long so watch it all)

Are You Ready To Transition Into Industry?

If yes, take a few moments to answer the questions below. You will then be able to book a Transition Call with me and/or one of my Transition Specialists to brainstorm a plan to help you get hired into your dream industry position.

Apply for your free Transition Call below.

Our Members Get Hired At Top Industry Companies

Go “All In” On Your Transition Into Industry.

If you're committed to transitioning into an industry career, I will help you identify the best position and company for your skills so you can finally do meaningful work that leverages your PhD and compensates you well.

If you want to start planning and executing your industry position, fill out the application above to book a Transition Call with me and/or one of my Transition Specialists.

During the Transition Call we will

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    Determine where you are currently in your industry transition and where you need to be in order to get hired.

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    ​Your transition timeline and how to line up multiple job offers before your deadline so you can have your pick of top companies.

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    Which industry job titles are possible for you based on your PhD background and your unique circumstances.

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    Review a strategy for getting your name in front of industry decision-makers and reinventing your professional brand so you can start building industry credibility.


Saad Ahmed Sheikh, Ph.D.

Senior Research Scientist - Sandvik Group

Before joining the Cheeky Scientist Association, I struggled to get interviews, and my CV was 4 to 5 pages. Once I joined the Association, I was able to grasp the material and techniques from the modules and began to feel confident during the interview process.

Swati Dhar, Ph.D.

Lead Scientist - NeoImmuneTech, Inc.

Before joining the Cheeky Scientist Association, I had a LinkedIn account, but I did not know how to optimize my utilization. After joining the Cheeky Scientist Association, I felt at home in the community with like-minded professionals. Immediately my networking skills started to improve, and I was able to make connections outside of my academic circle. My favorite thing about the Association is how everyone looks out for one another. I actually found my current position via LinkedIn.

The first step is to jump on a Transition Call with one of our Transition Specialists.

In your Transition Call, we will help you get clear on the exact challenges you need to overcome to optimize your job search and get hired.

If you’re a fit to work with one of our mentors to get hired, we can discuss this option too. To book your Transition Call just fill out the application above by answering a 6-part question form.

In just 45 minutes, we will help you get clear on the exact challenges you need to overcome to optimize your job search.