Documentary Thank You - Cheeky Scientist

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Here's What To Do Next...

Schedule a Transition Call If You're Ready To Transition Into Industry.

*You Have Already Received Access To The Full-Length Documentary. Please Only Fill Out The Form Below If You Are Ready To Transition Into Industry Now And Want To Talk To A Transition Specialist About Your Options For Getting Hired.

Here are some initial pro tips to help you transition now that you have access to the full documentary...

STEP 1: Become a VIP to get VIP messages about your industry transition.

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STEP 2: Watch the documentary above.

STEP 3: Check your inbox for an email from me confirming your documentary ticket.

It looks like this...

You must confirm your ticket in order to get free training materials related to your transition after you watch the documentary.

STEP 4: Take a minute to fill out the Transition Call booking form above next to the documentary video if you haven't done so already.