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Amy Heffernan, PhD, is an analytical chemist, mass spectrometry specialist and diversity & inclusion advocate. She has 10+ years’ experience in analytical chemistry, and technical knowledge of LC-MS(MS) applications for small molecules and proteomics applications across food and environment, forensic science and biomedical science markets.

Amy Heffernan, PhD

Articles Written By Amy Heffernan, PhD

4 Steps To Defining Your Core Career Values For A Job Search

By: Amy Heffernan, PhD

Transitioning into an industry job is just the first step of building a fulfilling career. Too many PhDs can find themselves working in jobs that provide little more derived satisfaction and happiness than when they were still in academia. If you fail to identify your values and align your job trajectory to those values, you’ll end up taking the first job offer you get — even if it’s not the right fit. Taking some time for introspection in this area will help you filter out companies that are in conflict with your core values and help you get closer to…