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Dr. Isaiah Hankel is the Founder and CEO of Cheeky Scientist. His articles, podcasts and trainings are consumed annually by millions of PhDs and other professionals in hundreds of different countries. He has helped PhDs transition into top companies like Amazon, Google, Apple, Intel, Dow Chemical, BASF, Merck, Genentech, Home Depot, Nestle, Hilton, SpaceX, Tesla, Syngenta, the CDC, UN and Ford Foundation.

Dr. Hankel has published 3X bestselling books and his latest book, The Power of a PhD, debuted on the Barnes & Noble bestseller list. His methods for getting PhDs hired have been featured in the Harvard Business Review, Nature, Forbes, The Guardian, Fast Company, Entrepreneur Magazine and Success Magazine.

Isaiah Hankel, PhD

Articles Written By Isaiah Hankel, PhD

#532 5X Powerful Job Search Habits

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

These strategies are designed to enhance your job search in 2024, aligning with the current trends and expectations in the job market.

#531 Time To Get Out Of Academia

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

As PhDs, it’s our moral obligation to confront the data. The academic system is more broken than it has ever been for PhDs and there’s no fixing it.

#530 AI Resume Filters Killing Your Job Search?

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

Don't let AI filters dim your career prospects. Adapt, strategize, and remember, your value extends far beyond the confines of academia.

#529 Cover Letter Secrets Changing The Industry

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

A well-written cover letter is your chance to make a strong first impression, so invest the time to make it compelling and tailored to each job application.

Why No One Can Get Academic Jobs Right Now

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

The academic job market presents numerous challenges for PhDs, including oversaturation, funding instability, adjunctification, and the pressure to publish. These factors create a competitive and exclusionary environment, making it difficult for highly qualified candidates to secure tenure-track positions. The solution lies in transitioning into industry roles strategically.

#528 Say This And You're Not Negotiating, You're Begging

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

It’s common for PhDs to feel overwhelmed by the salary negotiation process and many sabotage their chances of getting paid well.

#527 How You Are Being Ranked By AI In Today's Job Market (& How To Increase Your Ranking)

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

Protect your reputation score in your job search. How well your resume does on job boards is tracked and shared.

#526 New Salary Negotiation Tactics & What To Enter For Salary Expectations On Job Portals

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

Dive into what hiring managers want to hear during salary negotiations now, including what salary ranges you can expect this year.

#525 Want An R&D Job You'll Have To Answer This

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

Focus on your adaptability, problem-solving skills, communication, collaboration, and of course, perseverance.

Beat AI With These Resume Strategies

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

ATSs are used by 99% of Global 500 companies, 66% of large companies, and 35% of small organizations, according to a recent survey from Jobscan.

Questions That Show You're Management Material

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

Despite not having the “manager” title, you were doing just that throughout your PhD and beyond.

Research & Analysis, A PhD’s Secret Employability Weapon

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

In today's fast-paced, data-driven world, the ability to dissect information, predict trends, and provide insightful recommendations is more valuable than ever.