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Mitali Patil, Ph.D., is a dynamic medical writer with a degree in Bioengineering. Her diverse array of specializations includes R&D, legal plan development, marketing, and plenty more. A humanitarian in a lab coat, Matali’s biotech innovations forged new opportunities in the early detection of cardiovascular disease. Today, she coordinates with pharmaceutical companies, applying her unique range of advanced skills in the production of medical and commercial content.

Mitali Patil

Articles Written By Mitali Patil

3 Big Worries That Hold PhDs Back from Success

By: Mitali Patil

To put it mildly, the road to a PhD can be rough. The Berkeley Science Review once reported that over half of grad school students claimed to feel “frequently overwhelmed, exhausted, sad, hopeless, or depressed.” And sadly, the American College Health Association has announced that 15% of college students were depressed. They added that suicide was a major issue within this demographic. Is it starting to look like academia has a problem? It should look that way — it’s true. Not to mention post—grad problems in finding careers. For all the value in a PhD’s education (and there is tremendous…