Become A PhDCEO & Enter The World Of Startup Success
Use Your PhD To Start And Grow A Successful Business
Introducing PhDCEO By Cheeky Scientist
Being a PhD and an entrepreneur is rare. Investors know this, and we know this ourselves. We are PhDs who have chosen to innovate and lead businesses.
Whether you already have an idea for starting a business or a second stream of income, or you are trying to decide on the right idea, this program is for you.
If you work for a startup or want to work for a startup and are interested in understanding how startups grow, how to get equity, or how to pitch investors, this program is for you.
If you’re a freelance writer or editor or doing freelance or consulting work of any kind, PhDCEO will help you grow your client list and billings.
Here Is A Sneak Peek At What PhDCEO Members Get Access To...
About PhDCEO
PhDCEO will mentor you on how to be a successful entrepreneur. This is something that PhDs are well equipped to do but often fail at for a few simple reasons – they don’t understand how to get customers, build a team, sell a product, or pitch investors (Cambridge Enterprise Annual Review).
Cambridge Enterprise is a well-known organization that functions as an incubator for academics, providing funds to help PhDs take their business ideas to the next level.
But, even though this organization provides millions in funding for PhDs who want to become entrepreneurs, the majority of these PhDs fail.
Because instead of communicating with investors and stakeholders, and instead of participating in meetings, these PhDs stay in the classroom, library and/or lab. They have an academic mindset — not the mindset of an entrepreneur and founder.
PhDCEO will make sure you avoid this and hundreds of other pitfalls.
Here’s the Targeted Mentoring You’ll Receive from The MWO...
Module #1: Ideation
As a PhD, you understand the importance of ideas when it comes to science, technology, or the arts. It’s that innovative idea that cures diseases, overcomes technological challenges, and solves complex industry issues. In this module, we explain…
- How to come up with a business idea if you don’t already have one. In this module, you’ll learn about Guillebeau’s convergence postulation for this initial starting point.
- How to go about getting feedback for your vision. Because you’ll be taking an evidence-based approach, this will be key for further launching your business. In this module, you’ll discover the concept of validation and how to seek it for your startup.
- What you need to know about equity. While you may want to take on a business partner, you’ll see how parting with your equity is not the ideal situation.
Module #2: Modeling
In this module, we will help you understand some key concepts for developing your startup, including…
- The guiding philosophy for entrepreneurial endeavors. This module sheds light on the iterative model of creating a business… and how this philosophy ties into your background as a PhD and researcher.
- How to better understand your ideal customer. Because your startup will be completely focused around the needs of your ideal customer, diving deep into this aspect will be key for your success.
- Your company’s value proposition. If the phrase “value proposition” sounds more like something you learned in your undergraduate business class, you don’t want to miss this module. We’ll explain the three aspects of a value proposition–helping you get clarity on what makes your startup unique… which will empower you to articulate that uniqueness to potential customers.
Module #3: Productization
If you’re struggling to confidently get your business idea… past the idea stage… let Module 3 empower you to overcome stagnation and improve traction. This module will help you…
- Gain confidence in your minimum viable product (MVP). In this module, you’ll see just how easy introducing your MVP to audience members can be.
- Deepen your insight into the relationship between your business and early adopters. When it comes to getting your startup off the ground, securing your first customers will be crucial. This module will help you increase your understanding of this facet of launching a startup.
- An important concept for developing business ties. Learn how to get support at the productization stage without depleting your savings. You’ll learn why cash-neutral partnerships deserve your attention… and the ideal timing for the formation of these alliances.
Module #4: Selling
Maybe you have a natural gift for selling. Or perhaps you aren’t sure how to go about it. No matter your situation, this module can help. You will discover…
- The reason why selling is so essential to your entrepreneurial journey. Making sales isn’t just a nice part of launching your startup. In this module, we’ll explain why it’s essential to becoming an authentic business owner.
- Several essential components of a winning sales page. Did you know that an important way to sell your MVP isn’t making calls or attending events? You’ll learn the value of crafting a sales page that addresses sales objections and provides important customer education.
- An overview of inbound and outbound marketing. Maybe you’ve heard these terms…but you aren’t really sure how they differ. With your membership, you’ll better understand these concepts, which will help you decide the right strategy for your business.
Module #5: Launching
If making a public launch of your MVP seems a little scary, don’t panic but dive deep into this module as we help you understand…
- The mechanics of your product launch. Enjoy very specific guidance on how to introduce your MVP to the word. You’ll get informed on everything from the timing of A/B testing to the content of your emails to potential customers.
- Generating leads for your MVP. Don’t use trial and error to find customers for your business. There’s a better way to find leads…as we’ll explain in this module.
- An important strategic decision for your product funnel. When it comes to the product (or service) you feature in a funnel, the product you choose matters. Let us help you understand which product will support your strategic best interests.
Module #6: Team Roles
As your business grows, you will need to grow your team. You may even want to start building your team before your business grows. Either way, this module has you covered…
- 3 team roles you need to fill first. Your startup team needs to include 3 key roles. Finding the right person for each role is critical to you being able to formulate and execute projects quickly.
- How to grow your team using contractors and freelancers. As you grow your team and start to first become profitable, you will still likely not be able to afford full-time staff. Here you will learn how to bridge the gap to hiring full-time staff by hiring part-time virtual workers.
- How to effectively manage others. Startup founders face a paradox: they are great at getting things done but struggle to train others to get things done to their standards. This module will help you lead effectively without micromanaging.
Module #7: Project Management
If you’ve been waiting to learn more about SCRUM, you’re in the right place. In this module, we provide an in-depth treatment of this efficient approach for your startup, explaining…
- Key terminology you should know. Not sure what distinguishes a product owner from a SCRUM master? In this module, we’ll help you expand your vocabulary and deepen your knowledge.
- How a SCRUM team functions. Get a better understanding of SCRUM dynamics before you launch a startup or lead a team.
- What you can expect during a typical sprint. Get a clear understanding of the process and tasks in a sprint…as well as the amount of time involved.
Module #8: Investors
While you don’t need funding to start your business, it’s important that you have the education and materials needed to strategically attract investors should a funding opportunity or need present itself…
- A step-by-step guide for creating a Pitch Deck. A pitch deck is a longer version of your elevator pitch presented as a PowerPoint presentation. Getting your deck right is crucial to your success with investors.
- Detailed mentorship about how to build an executive summary. An executive summary is like an abstract of your business plan. It is a distilled business plan, pitch deck and mission statement in a single-page document. You need an executive summary because investors may ask for it at any time.
- Prepare a verbal pitch for in-person meetings with investors. The verbal pitch is your gateway to capital. The verbal pitch itself is a quick introduction to your business that takes less than 10-20 seconds to explain.
Module #9: Funding
While you don’t need funding to start your business, it’s important that you have the education needed to strategically position your company and make savvy long-term decisions…
- Understand the ways you can receive funding. Break free from thinking that your only hope is attracting the interest of angel investors. This module reveals the variety of means available for funding your startup.
- Overview and personalized walkthrough fundraising milestones. From idea conceptualization to market research to building an advisory board to proof of demand and potential for scale, this module will mentor you on the nomenclature of investing and the evaluation milestones investors use.
- How to get funded by a Venture Capital (VC) firm. This is a must for PhDs. The key to getting backed by a VC firm is getting introduced by an entrepreneur whose startup brought good return on investment to the firm. This is easier than it sounds once you know how to do it.
Module #10: Risk Management
As you likely know, risk is part of being an entrepreneur. Because of this, it’s a topic that deserves your serious attention. If you’re interested in understanding risk factors and making wise decisions, you’ll be glad to know that we cover…
- 3 risks that can kill your business. In this module, you’ll discover the major pitfalls that can sink your company. The more you know about potential threats to your business success, the more likely you will be to make better decisions.
- Different forms of organizational waste. As an entrepreneur, becoming a good steward of your resources will become essential. This module provides a look at the mistakes that hinder you from this goal.
- What the future might hold. What’s the difference between startup growing pains and a situation that has no solution? Learn about the challenges you might face…and how quitting your business is a legitimate option.
The #1 Traning Program On Entrepreneurship For PhDs Only
This is the only mentorship program created by PhDs especially for PhDs who want to create their own companies, work as a freelancer or excel in a role at a startup. The PhDCEO program leaders and board members have already created or co-created their own companies or currently work advising investors. This program will ensure that you have the right tools to make your ideas become a reality, from knowing how to sell your idea, to pitching to investors and mastering how to build a successful team. PhDCEO will mentor you on how to create a successful company and talk in a way that resonates with your clients.