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Hear Florence Janvier’s Story

Before joining the Association, I was looking to transition into industry. I was attending seminars and workshops at my school, but there was nothing very specific, or tools to help me transition. Definitely the first “aha moment” for me was the “Top 20 Jobs for PhDs and Postdocs”. That opened my eyes, I saw all the possibilities that were accessible for me. And from that I was able to narrow it down to the top four positions that were interesting to me and aligned with my values. The other “aha moment” was in Module 1, where you ask us to picture the type of lifestyle we want. That really helped me to figure out my vision that I had for myself, and it helped me narrow down to what I really wanted to do.

Get Hired Like Florence Janvier, PhD

Ready to start your industry transition? Apply to book a free Transition Call with a Transition Specialist. We can help you figure out where you are now in terms of your transition and where you need to be in order to transition. We can also explore which positions might be right for you.

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Success Stories

Mathura Shanmugasundaram, PhD

Mathura Shanmugasundaram, PhD

Associate Director, Global Medical Affairs

Even though I knew how to network and I knew how to present very well, and all the science, I didn't know how to sell myself. The Cheeky Scientist Association really helped me in that sense. It helped me with strategy and with understanding what the industry was looking for. Also there was a rich network of people. They tell you their experiences, encourage you, and also tell you what not to do. I had a very academic CV, so I put it there and everyone told me "Hey, you have what it takes, you're just not putting it there correctly." All of this really made an impact.

Paolo Rusconi, PhD

Paolo Rusconi, PhD

Senior Clinical Project Lead
Zimmer Biomet

When I decided to quit my postdoc I spent some months looking for a position, and I managed to go through some interviews but I was never very successful. So I thought I still needed to optimize my approach to the job search, so I decided that joining the Association would be a good chance to get the most out of the few interviews I managed to get. For sure the most important thing [about the Cheeky Scientist Association] was that the materials were tailored for people with a background in academia. People with this kind of background aren't really prepared to transition into industry because you spending your entire working life in academia. You have to reinvent yourself and understand how things work outside academia.

Jack O'Sullivan, PhD

Jack O'Sullivan, PhD

Senior Sales Specialist

There was a very clear moment as I was trying to break into industry, that I said okay, I need help and I need to change something. It was this moment where I got head hunted by a recruiter for this job that I thought I was absolutely perfect for. I loved the company, knew loads about it, went and smashed the first interview, was going into the second interview, and then it all went wrong. I didn't get it, and I realized I must be doing something fundamentally wrong and needed to make a change. I enrolled in tons of career development programs, I got a mentor, and I found the CSA as well. I just threw myself into everything. A huge difference between the CSA and other career development programs is that it's run by people who have PhDs, have transitioned into industry, know science, and understand the industry really well. The advice I was getting from other sources was great broad advice, but not useful, while the advice I was getting from the CSA was so targeted, so clear.

Priyasri Shotton, PhD

Priyasri Shotton, PhD

Associate Director
Eli Lilly & Co.

The Cheeky Scientist Association modules were awesome. Especially Modules 1 through 3, where it's slow and the onus is on us to do the homework. They teach you that no one's going to do it for you, no one owes you anything. They help you figure out what you want to do. And the group was amazing. Just a great group that helps each other out.

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