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Why networking should be the focus of your job search efforts and how to do it the right way.

What Is An Informational Interview And How To Ask For One With An Industry Professional

By: Catherine Sorbara, PhD

When a current employee of a company refers a job candidate, that candidate is hired by the company about two-thirds of the time. Top companies only resort to advertising a job when they cannot find the right candidate through other channels, such as ‘word of mouth’ or referrals. This is because advertising jobs online is a painful process for hiring managers. These managers have to wade through thousands of job applications from people they do not know. By setting up an informational interview, you are able to learn about an alternative career while also strategically placing yourself within the hidden…

3 Job Search Strategies That Will Get You Multiple Job Offers While Still In Academia

By: Jackie Johnson, PhD

According to Quint Careers, only 5% of job seekers obtain jobs through online advertisements. Only 15-20% of all available jobs are ever publicly advertised in any medium. Do you now understand how much time you’re wasting by only uploading resumes to jobs you see online? Do you now see how much you’re embarrassing yourself by continuing to do this? Your time is too precious to waste on 5% odds. Why not direct your attention to the other 95%? Here are 3 ways to redesign your job search strategy for a smooth transition into industry.

How To Diversify Your Job Search And Find A New Career Path In Industry

By: Sarah Rodrigues, PhD

PhDs face an incredible challenge when it comes to securing jobs. Academia cannot absorb all the graduates that are passing through. On top of this, many PhDs are either unable or unwilling to transition into an industry position. On the other hand, there is an inaccurate image of PhDs from industry. Many companies in industry believe that a PhD’s knowledge base is too specialized. They believe that PhDs have little ability to be multidisciplinary and are trained only for research-type positions. There is a mutual ignorance and mistrust. As a result, if you want a job in industry, you must…

5 Personality Types To Avoid At Your Next PhD Networking Event

By: Todd Nolan

Networking correctly is not easy. If you’re networking correctly, you’re investing your time and energy into developing long-term professional relationships. Networking takes work. It takes effort and engagement. You can’t merely show up to an event, throw a few business cards at people, and expect to get a strong job referral. Instead, you have to show up, build rapport, and offer value even when you feel like you have nothing to offer. The worst thing you can do is show up to an event and beg for connections, cling onto one person the whole night, or check your phone repeatedly.…

The #1 Way To Network With Industry Professionals When You Have Nothing To Offer

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

You must give value before asking for value. If you want a job in industry, the time to start giving value to hiring managers, recruiters, and industry professionals is now. The reason most PhDs refuse to network with industry professionals is because they don’t think they have any value to offer to these professionals. Either they feel like they’re asking for a handout, which makes them uncomfortable, or they feel like they shouldn’t have to ask for help because help should be given to them automatically. You have value to offer industry professionals, especially if you have a PhD. As…

7 Things Expert Networkers Never Do When Getting Job Referrals At PhD Networking Events

By: Catherine Sorbara, PhD

When it comes to getting an industry job, your network is more valuable than your PhD. Too many PhDs completely ignore the development of their interpersonal skills. As a result, these PhDs act atrociously at networking events. Instead of building strong connections, they repel and annoy industry professionals. These rude PhDS talk incessantly about themselves, interrupt others, talk in condescending tones, and come off as awkward, insecure, and disrespectful. If you ever want a job in industry, you must start networking as if you are already a successful industry professional. You must stop misbehaving at networking events. Here are 7…

How To Build Relationships With Biotech And Biopharmaceutical Recruiters (With Email Templates)

By: Nikolett Biel, PhD

The recruiting process is an important part of transitioning into industry and should not be ignored. Doing your homework on the company and position you’re interested in is not enough to secure a non-academic job. You also need to do your homework on the recruiting agency that will best fit your needs. You need to build relationships with these agencies and, more importantly, with individual recruiters. The key is that most recruiters are NOT going to seek you out. You must seek them out. You must send emails, cold call, and follow up over and over until you’ve built a…

6 Networking Event Tips For Quiet Introvert PhDs (Like Me)

By: Todd Nolan

If you feel out of place at noisy, crowded networking events, you’re not alone. Studies show that that introverts make up one-third to half of the population. Once you realize you're not alone in your fear or discomfort of networking, things will start getting better. Those other smiling faces at the networking events you've been attending are uncomfortable too. Like you, they’re human. By executing the right strategies, you can start channeling your nervous energy productively. You can go from hiding in the corner at networking events to easily walking up to someone to introduce yourself and ask intelligent questions.…

Why You Don't Need An Academic Recommendation Letter From Your Advisor

By: Klodjan Staffa, PhD

If you’ve decided to transition into an industry position, there’s nothing your advisor can do to help you or harm you. Getting an industry job is up to you and you alone, so stop fearing your advisor and start standing up for yourself. At first, it may be difficult to say “no” to your advisor or any other high-level academic, but it will get easier over time. Take action now to change the dynamic of your relationship with your advisor and to change the trajectory of your career for the better. Be respectful of your advisor but remember to respect…

8 Networking Tips For PhDs To Advance Their Careers

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

By focusing on how to network in today’s economy and academic environment, you can put yourself ahead of the competition and get the industry position of your choice. The key is being strategic in your job search, following up properly, and surrounding yourself with the right people. Developing your interpersonal skills will be vital to your success and will become much more important than your technical skills. Follow these 8 critical networking tips for advancing your career as a PhD.

How Following Up Can Get You The PhD Job Of Your Dreams

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

Learning to follow up properly is the most important thing PhDs can do to get an industry job faster. Instead of showing up to networking events without a plan, start creating specific goals for each event and following up with the people you meet afterwards. Instead of leaving an interview and waiting weeks to hear back, start sending thank you emails the very same day and personal letters the next day. Here are other follow up strategies you should be using.

Why You Need To Avoid Negative PhDs In Graduate School

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

PhD students often let themselves get obsessed with making one or two people happy. They fight for the approval of a select few who will never treat them as equals instead of working to build relationships with positive people who will like them just the way they are. They allow negative people not only to stay in their lives, but to influence their decisions. This is a mistake for two essential reasons. First, positive people will not come into your life until the negative ones are gone. Second, you cannot do positive and meaningful work with negative people dragging you…