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Get Job Referrals By Interviewing Industry Employees

Get Job Referrals By Interviewing Industry Employees

  • How to organize an informational interview.
  • Who to choose for your informational interview.
  • Scripts for reaching out to set up informational interviews.
  • How to conduct an informational interview including questions to ask.
  • How to follow up after an informational interview.

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Book Contents

Benefits Of Informational Interviews

Learn about the four distinct ways this one-on-one networking technique helps both your job search and your career

Make Strategic Connections

Find out who you should be introducing yourself to, why, and how to present yourself as a successful industry professional before you reach out for an informational interview

Identify And Achieve Networking Goals

Determine what your job search goals are and the best way to reach them, using scripts and prompts to guide you

Nurture Your New Leads

Establish stronger, more fruitful relationships by learning what to say and when to keep connections as invested as you are in networking

Who This Book Is For

Person Img

“What is the point of networking?”

PhDs who want to transition into an industry career but don’t know many – or any – industry professionals who can give them support or guidance

Person Img

“How do I know what to say if I’ve never had an industry job?”

PhDs who don’t know what they should be doing with or saying to the industry connections they’ve made to support their job search

Table Of Contents


What Is an Informational Interview


Why You Should Do Informational Interviews


What You Need to Do Before Setting up an Informational Interview


How to Setup an Informational Interview


How to Conduct an Informational Interview


How to Follow up after an Informational Interview

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