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Why networking should be the focus of your job search efforts and how to do it the right way.

5 Things To Do When Your LinkedIn Messages Are Being Ignored

By: Jeanette McConnell, PhD

Networking, with the the goal of obtaining a referral, is the fastest way to get hired. This is because industry employers value internal referrals. Employee referrals account for 72% of all interviews (Society of Human Resource Management). And, 1 out of every 5 candidates with a job referral gets hired (Undercover Recruiter). Companies prefer to hire candidates with referrals. Companies place a lot of value on referrals because ultimately, they make better employees. Referrals result in a higher employee retention rate — 46% at one year, versus 33% for candidates who were hired through a career site (Undercover Recruiter). This…

How Women PhDs Can Use LinkedIn When Searching For A STEM Job

By: Catherine Sorbara, PhD

Women are underrepresented in STEM careers. Only 14.5% of engineers are women, only 26.4% of math and computer science positions are filled by women, and only 27.8% of professionals working in the physical sciences are women (National Science Foundation). As a woman with a PhD who is looking to get hired in the STEM fields, you are a minority. And, this makes networking very important. Because, as a PhD, you are qualified for more than just an entry position in industry. You have the technical and transferable skills required to secure a management position in industry. But, women are also…

7 Tips To Writing LinkedIn Messages For Rewarding Job Referrals

By: Sidharth Mohan, PhD

A recent study found that 70% of people were hired at a company where they had a connection (LinkedIn). 70%! As a job seeker, you must know how to network on LinkedIn. If you do not know how to use LinkedIn, you are missing out on an enormous resource. The power of LinkedIn actually goes beyond your “first connections” because most job referrals come from second and third degree connections (Fast Company). And, not only do job referrals boost your chances at getting hired, but referrals have also been shown to increase starting salary. A study in The Review Of…

3 Ways To Connect With Job Recruiters Using LinkedIn

By: Catherine Sorbara, PhD

LinkedIn is a great platform to find and connect with industry professionals. It allows you to reach out to people who work at the companies you are interested in that you would not have had access to otherwise. To make the most of LinkedIn as a way to connect with people at your target companies, you can use the LinkedIn search feature, get introductions from people in your current network, and look at the company website to find specific people you want to reach out to. For the most effective use of LinkedIn, you should use a combination of these…

5 Ways To Find The Name Of The Person To Address Your Cover Letter To

By: Gemma Paech, Ph.D.

Job postings usually do not include the name of the person who you should address your cover letter to. And, you may be tempted to address your cover letter, “To Whom It May Concern”. Doing this will set you up to fail. Take the initiative to find out whose name you should put on your cover letter. Always call the company first if you are not sure who to address the cover letter to. Then, if that doesn’t work, you can try other tactics such as networking, reading the job posting more thoroughly, finding out who your supervisor would be,…

5 Steps To Earning A Job Referral When Searching For An Industry Position

By: Gemma Paech, Ph.D.

Getting a job referral is by far the best way to get an industry position, but you have to earn a job referral. The best way to accomplish this is through quality networking, both online and in person. Once you reach the place where you want to ask for a job referral, there are a few things that you need to make sure you do before you make the ask. You need to build a professional relationship with your connection, demonstrate that you have good work habits, show your passion for the position, determine if you are a good fit…

5 Ways To Annoy Recruiters And Destroy Your Job Search

By: Catherine Sorbara, PhD

Recruiters are a great resource to use during your job search. But, you must make a good impression on the recruiter by approaching them in an appropriate way. Make sure you avoid common mistakes when reaching out to recruiters such as: trying to make small talk, contacting recruiters from a field unrelated to your target jobs, asking about only one specific position, having an unprofessional LinkedIn profile or resume, and not providing the recruiter with the information they need in the very first message you send them. As a PhD, you are valuable and recruiters can connect you with opportunities…

Top 3 Strategies For PhDs To Network Internationally

By: Gemma Paech, Ph.D.

When looking for positions abroad, it can seem daunting and impossible. You face the problems of distance, cultural clashes, and visas. However, living in a different country can be extremely rewarding. It will broaden your perspective in a way no other experience can. The key to obtaining an industry position abroad is to start networking with people from abroad. If you wisely utilize online tools, have an active online presence, join international groups, and connect with other expats, you can easily network from abroad and successfully transition into industry.

How To Use Your Current Network To Get Job Referrals

By: Jeanette McConnell, PhD

A job referral doubles your chance of getting an interview and increases the likelihood you will be hired by 40%. Investing in your professional network, particularly your existing network, and leveraging those connections is the best way to get job referrals fast. Add value to those people in your network and create genuine connections with them. This will create opportunities where you can request referrals. PhDs are great candidates for top industry positions, and job referrals will make sure your resume gets noticed. Here are five ways to tap into your current network to get industry job referrals fast.

Why Women PhDs Should Apply For Leadership Roles

By: Catherine Sorbara, PhD

Women PhDs are poised to enter into leadership roles and yet many don’t have the confidence to go for them. The truth is that women with PhDs have an opportunity to impact corporate culture and societal change in unique ways with their strengths and experience. Many let imposter syndrome and a lack of confidence hold them back. But, businesses and society alike need women to find their voice and use it to enact change. Here are three reasons why women with PhDs need to be in leadership roles in industry.

5 Ways To Build Rapport With A Job Recruiter

By: Catherine Sorbara, PhD

Attending a networking event is one small piece of the networking puzzle. The real work comes when you try and nurture this connection. You need to continue to follow-up with them over time and be memorable. You have to invest in building rapport with industry connections if you want a chance at an industry job. Being genuine and consistent in your contact with your network will establish you as a front runner for any industry position that opens up. Your fit for the company will be established early on, setting you up for success. Here are 5 ways to build…

5 Strategies Life Science PhDs Use To Get Hired

By: Catherine Sorbara, PhD

Having a job search strategy is the only way a Life Science PhD will be successful in landing a top industry position. Without a strategy, their experience in academia merely translates to an entry-level job working for someone with half their qualifications. Getting a top job in industry means investing in an organized, consistent approach to prove you are worthy of the industry job you deserve. Here are 5 strategies that will help you transition into a top Life Science position in industry.