Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join Isaiah as he explores 3 clinical research positions for PhDs that don’t require any clinical experience or previous industry experience

Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode…

  • First, Isaiah explains why clinical careers are booming – and why that growth is expected to continue
  • Next, he looks at 3 clinical careers that don’t require any previous industry or a clinical setting
  • Finally, Isaiah explains why these clinical pathways are a great entry point for a high-paying and rewarding career trajectory

From This Week’s Show…

PhDs Are In High Demand For Clinical Careers

Clinical research is booming, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to stop growing anytime soon.

Much of this is thanks to recent scientific advancements and changes in the FDA approval process. 

We now have more drugs than ever entering the market.

For PhDs wanting a career in clinical research, this is really good news. Why? With increased drug production comes more clinical trials, which means more jobs. 

As clinical trials become more complex, there will be even more demand for highly educated and highly trained individuals such as yourself. 

The key is, contrary to popular belief in the halls of academia, you do not need clinical experience to get into the majority of these careers.

Many PhDs think that only physicians and pharmacists are qualified for clinical positions

This is no longer true. 

Here Are 3 Clinical Careers Any PhD Graduate Is Qualified For

First in line is clinical research associate, or CRA for short. CRA positions are great for those that want to remain close to the research. 

You wouldn’t be conducting the research yourself (that would be a CRS or clinical research scientist position). But you would be overseeing the clinical study process.

That includes contacting potential participants, reviewing medical histories, analyzing and interpreting clinical data and visiting clinical trial sites. 

CRA positions are located at Contract Research Organizations. CROs manage the operational aspects of a trial, while the pharmaceutical company manages the research of the trial. 

Are you more interested in collecting, analyzing and interpreting study data? Consider a job as a Clinical Data Manager. 

As a data manager, you would oversee all aspects of study-related data. That includes designing the framework, analyzing and interpreting data and maintaining data security.

Do you prefer to manage projects rather than just data or regulatory aspects of the clinical trials process? Then you should consider a Clinical Trials Project Manager position. 

As you can imagine, a project manager manages all project-related facets of the clinical trial process.

PMs are the central hub in terms of coordination between researchers, clinicians, and everyone needed to drive the overall clinical experience toward completion. 

** for the full podcast, check out the audio player above.

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