Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Job searching is an infuriating full time job and can be very stressful.

However, following Isaiah’s 42 job searching steps can streamline this process making it more enjoyable.

Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode…

  • First, Isaiah discusses how to choose the right career track for you
  • Next, Isaiah reveals key concepts in the intricacy of applying for jobs
  • Finally, Isaiah walks you through universal techniques to master for a successful job hire – from phone screen to closing the deal.

From This Week’s Show…

Prioritizing Your Job Search 

We have a very special show for you today, understanding your job search from A to Z. 

The United Nations had just put out a new article or a new release with the numbers of job losses that occurred in the second quarter of 2020; 400 million is the amount.

If you’re a PhD, like most PhDs, you have not been surrounded by people that are working in industry careers or in nonacademic careers in general. 

You’re in the academic bubble, or you spent a large part of your life there. And no matter what you’ve read online, you are more influenced by the people that you’ve been around. 

It’s about the sequence in which you apply those strategies, the sequence in which you spend your time, how you allocate your resources. And in which order you allocate those resources as a PhD.

The 42-Steps To A Successful Job Search

Write down the qualities that are the most important to you, and then rank those qualities. So you have a guide, a key with which to look at these different job titles and to see if this job allows you to do these characteristics or allows you to spend your time this way as judged by these qualities.

When they see a PhD, they see somebody who is very good at learning technical or specialty skills. The reason they won’t hire you is because they don’t know if you have transferable skills, realize that first, that’s the key.

Number eight, what employers are really looking at is whether or not they can sit next to you for eight hours a day without going insane. 

Number 13, there are five sections on every resume format:  your professional summary section, your work experience section, your education, your technical skills, and then finally honors, awards, and hobbies.

Your professional brand. In this case for LinkedIn, your SSI score really matters. And a lot of it comes down to how active you are on LinkedIn. 

You have to go from saying happy holidays to congratulations on the new position to how did you get into that position? What was the transition process to, what interview questions did they ask? 

Don’t think the phone screen is just some small event or it should be taken lightly or because you can hide behind a phone and it’s just by audio that you don’t have to take it very seriously. You do. You have to have a strong phone presence. You need to practice

There are only four types of interview questions that you’ll ever be asked. Is it a competency question? Is it an opinion question? Is it a behavioral question? What kind of question is it for the fourth one? You can go to to find out.

Step 39, make sure you have questions to ask the employer. They’re going to say, do you have any questions for me? Take that seriously. Turn the tables, make them sell the position in the company to you.

Step 42 to close the deal. It’s called selling into the close. Always be selling what you’re going to be doing for that company. The value you’re going to be adding all the way through the negotiation and make it win, win.

** for the full podcast, check out the audio player above.

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