Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join Isaiah as he covers 5 phrases you should never utter during an industry interview

Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode…

  • First, Isaiah narrows down the reasons you’re getting ghosted in the later stages of the interview process
  • Next, Isaiah explains how using interview answers that reveal your lack of confidence can sabotage you job search
  • Finally, Isaiah shows you how to turn negative answers into positive ones that leave a lasting impression on employers

From This Week’s Show…

You Interview Answers Might Be The Reason Why You’re Not Hired Yet

If you feel like you’ve done everything right – from building a strong network to writing an effective resume – but you just can’t seem to get past the interview stage, you need to figure out why.

Each interview process is unique. However, what’s not unique are the interview answers that guarantee a rejection.

Why You Should Avoid Interview Answers That Reveal Your Lack Of Confidence

Never say, “I’m nervous” during an interview. You may think this makes you seem more human but you’re only creating a negative vibe.

It’s normal to feel nervous during an interview, but you should never show it. Companies want to hire someone that is calm and confident – especially under pressure.

Another glaring mistake that PhDs make during interviews is they reveal their sense of desperation.

They either admit to not having any other interviews lined up or they eagerly agree to the first salary offer that’s put on the table.

Interviews give you an opportunity to exemplify your value. To do this, you must show employers that you’re in demand and that you know your worth.

How To Turn Your Negative Experiences And Shortcomings Into Positives

“Why do you want to leave academia?”

Interviewers ask this question because they truly want to know. But they also want to see how you answer – because let’s face it, no one that is happy in their current position is looking to leave.

So, when answering this question, it’s important to steer clear of negative language.

Never complain about your advisor or your toxic work environment. Instead, tell them how, even from the start, you’ve always planned to leave academia.

You should also never outright admit to not having a skill. Even if you don’t, expound upon this.

Explain that you don’t have the skill but you have a relevant skill, or you have the ability to learn the skill quickly.

There’s no doubt, interviewing well is tough work. It takes preparation and it takes practice.

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