Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join Isaiah as he breaks down the steps that stand between you and a referral to your dream job in industry

Here’s a quick rundown on this week’s episode:

  • First, Isaiah points out that referrals are, statistically speaking, one of the surest ways to land a job in industry
  • Next, he identifies five steps you can take on LinkedIn that will earn you the referrals your job search is missing
  • Finally, Isaiah reminds listeners that a whopping 70% of new hires come from referrals, so this is a step PhDs can’t afford to skip in their job search

From This Week’s Show…

Referrals Are The Best Way To Learn About Open Positions – And Land Them Too

In this rapidly changing market, getting your resume in the right hands is a team sport. 

What do I mean by that? 

According to Forbes, only 23% of applicants that apply through a job board get hired. 

So, how are the other 77% of candidates getting hired? 

The answer is referrals.

Despite this, only 7% of applicants apply with a referral. 

So, today let’s talk about how you can land a referral for a job in just 5 steps using LinkedIn

Earning A referral doesn’t happen overnight. You need to nurture your LinkedIn connections

The first thing you need to do is create a list of 5 to 10 companies you’d like to work for. 

Do your research – explore not only the job titles, but the company’s values. 

Then, search for employees at your level; LinkedIn members are more likely to respond to requests from people they consider colleagues. 

If you’re not directly connected with them, see if you have mutual connections – this will increase your odds of a response even more. 

If you don’t have mutual connections, introduce yourself to people that they’re connected to. 

Once you’ve connected, ask for an introduction to your now mutual connection.  

If they agree, your first message should be a casual yet polite approach. 

Favor friendly, easy-going language over stiff, formal speech: “Hi” should trump “Hello”; “Best regards” is a better fit than “Respectfully yours.” 

In the body of the message, add value to your conversation: congratulate your new connection on a recent accomplishment or promotion; comment on an article they’ve published. 

This adds value which creates common ground and increases a person’s willingness to help.

by treating your referral connection as a trusted resource, you’re building trust and rapport

The fourth step is to work up to an informational interview. 

Keep the conversation with your new connection alive by asking simple, thoughtful questions. 

Feed into your connection’s interests by asking them about a field, organization, or hobby they’re actively involved in – they’re profile page will offer you clues. 

When you ask if you can connect with them for a one-on-one chat, make your request specific. 

An informational interview is your chance to earn the referral you’ve been working toward. 

Start by asking questions about your connection: Where did you grow up? Do they have any hobbies? 

Next, move to questions regarding their company and current position. 

How do they like the role? What is their day-to-day like? What can they tell you about their career trajectory there? 

Then, in the final stages of the interview, ask for their advice. 

** for the full podcast, check out the audio player above.

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