Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join us as we talk about…

In this week’s episode…

  • You will learn that you will need to move fast when transitioning into an industry position
  • You will learn why speed is a factor in your job search
  • Finally you will learn some action steps you should implement now

Every week I talk to dozens of PhDs personally, at least, and one of the most common things I hear from them is that they want to take their time to consider all their options in industry. This is understandable but “taking your time” in academia is far different than taking your time in industry.

In industry, things move much faster. And your career and other people’s perception of it, from an industry standpoint, can change rapidly. In short, time matters and most often, you need to push yourself to get hired faster. There are many compelling reasons to expedite the job search process.

The first is to maintain relevance. In industry, sectors evolve rapidly, and skills can become rusty or outdated if you’re not in a role that allows you to use them regularly. A quick job search and reentry into the workforce help ensure that your skills and knowledge remain current and that you continue to grow professionally.

Second, you want to maintain a Competitive Advantage. When you start looking for a job, chances are, you’re not the only one. Acting quickly gives you a competitive edge. By applying early, you might be one of the first candidates considered, which can increase your chances of landing the job before the competition intensifies.

Third, momentum matters when it comes to your career, and your job search. The job search process in particular requires a certain level of momentum — networking, reaching out to contacts, interviewing, and negotiating. If you draw out the process, you might lose this momentum, along with valuable opportunities that might have arisen from being actively engaged in the search.

Fourth, Market Perception matters. Candidates who secure a new position quickly are often perceived as being in high demand, which can enhance your professional standing and marketability. Conversely, extended periods of unemployment might lead to negative bias and the unfounded perception that a candidate’s skills are not sought after.

Fifth and finally, there are Psychological Benefits to starting and ending your job search quickly. A prolonged job search can be mentally and emotionally taxing. It can lead to self-doubt and diminish self-esteem. Conversely, securing a job quickly can be a substantial psychological boost. It validates your skills and experience, giving you a sense of accomplishment and confidence.

So if you’re ready to start your job search, or you’ve started but aren’t going anywhere fast, here’s your immediate action items:

1. Get your current CV or resume down to 2-pages (500-600 words)

2. Balance every niche skill or experience on your resume with a broad transferable skill and a quantified result (no exceptions).

3. Rewrite your LinkedIn Headline and About Section to match your resume before you target your resume to each job posting (employers want to see continuity).

4. Choose a minimum of 10 long-tail (more than one word) keywords from the job posting and get them on your resume at a density of 0.5%-2% (that’s a 2-word keyword used 2-3 times on the average 550 word industry resume).

5. Build a list of 100 companies in your sector(s) of interest without worrying about location or other factors for now.

6. Track which companies are adding employees over the next 3 days (LI shows you employee reported employee counts).

7. Apply to the best fit job (choose the best one even if you’re not a good fit) at those companies who are adding employees because your only other option is to sit back and do nothing or randomly apply to auto refreshed job posts that are more and more likely to be ghost job listings.

8. Reach out to a hiring manager at each company to ask them if the job is still available to start conversations.

9. Make one new connection at each company you applied to each day and follow up with those who reply to get intel on unposted positions.

In conclusion, while a job search should never be so rushed that you make ill-advised decisions, there are valid reasons to make the process as efficient as possible. A swift job search minimizes financial risks, maximizes professional relevance, and leverages momentum, all while enhancing personal well-being. Ultimately, the decision on how quickly to pursue a new role depends on individual circumstances, but being mindful of these factors can help guide a successful job strategy

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