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Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join Isaiah for a look at determining which job offers are best for you when you have more than one to choose from
Here’s a quick rundown on this week’s episode:
- First, Isaiah shares that benefits are a truly valuable part of analyzing the value of your job offers in industry
- Next, he encourages PhDs to consider the company culture and atmosphere that each job offers
- Finally, Isaiah urges PhDs to weigh the pros and cons of their highest-priority data points to choose between two job offers
From This Week’s Show…
Benefits Are An Important Consideration When It Comes To Competing Job Offers
Imagine this: you wake up tomorrow and check your email. There’s not one but two incredible offers from two companies that you’d love to work for.
That’s the dream, right? It would be amazing if you could take both.
Instead, you’re faced with the nerve-racking decision to walk away from one and start a new journey with the other.
When this happens, the first thing you’ll want to consider are the benefits being offered.
A company’s healthcare program costs and what it covers has an immediate impact on what your true salary will be.
If the package is not the best, you could be losing as much as $20,000 a year.
Let’s say one company is offering you 10K over the other in base salary.
If their benefits are lackluster, you could end up losing in the end.
If you can’t tally the total compensation after benefits, you don’t really know what the company is offering. So, ask!
The Energy And Office Culture Are An Important Factor In Analyzing Two Opportunities
The second thing to consider is the place you’ll be working and the people who work there.
With any luck, you were able to tour the office and get a feel for the atmosphere at both jobs.
Could you see yourself working at one site over the other? Does the environment seem to align with your personality?
Think about what you found during your research of the company and what you’ve seen with your own eyes. Does the corporate culture seem like one you can thrive in?
If your interviews have all been virtual, ask for a tour of the facility.
Maybe there IS no facility and your work is remote. Ask if you could set up a video conference with the team you’d be working with.
You can’t truly compare the two job offers without comparing their company culture and how well you fit into it.
Let Data Be Your Guide If You’re Having Trouble Deciding Between Two Job Offers
My last piece of advice is to turn to the data.
Create a spreadsheet or a list and include the pros, cons, salary, and benefits. Also include any qualitative features that hold value to you.
Money is definitely important. But in the grand scheme of things, it’s the day–to–day that will affect your happiness and sense of fulfillment.
Overall, there are many factors worth considering. They include:
- sign-on bonuses
- working hours
- the commute
- the rapport you feel you have with your new boss or team
- your number of personal days
- what kind of opportunities they offer in terms of growth
** for the full podcast, check out the audio player above.
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