Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join Isaiah as he breaks down three characteristics PhDs should consider about the companies they’re targeting in their job search.

Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode…

  • First, Isaiah takes a look at the importance of company fit in the job search and hiring process
  • Next, he shares three elements of a company that impact what it’s like to work there – and what that means for job seekers like you
  • Finally, Isaiah closes by explaining why it’s so important to consider your compatibility with the companies you’re targeting in your job search

From This Week’s Show…

Company Fit Is An Important Part Of The Job Search Process – One That’s Frequently Overlooked

If you’re searching for your first industry job, chances are, you’re focused on crafting the perfect resume, nailing your interviews, and getting paid.

But have you stopped to consider company fit?

Many PhDs overlook this very important factor.

That’s because many PhDs wait too long to start their job search and end up searching for one in desperation mode as a result.

The problem is that, when you’re desperate, it’s hard to assess critical factors in your job search like company fit, because you’re in an “I’ll take whatever I can get” mentality.

Employers care about how you fit into their company more than anything else, and they are judging your fit from the start.

You should care about fit just as much.

Studies show that your fit in a company will determine your longevity, your pay scale, your happiness and your satisfaction in the role.

There Are 3 CharacteristicsThat PhDs Should Look For In A Company

Let’s start with size.

You may think this attribute isn’t important, but company size is inherently linked to how it operates.

It impacts the flow of production and communication – it also effects how people work.

Large companies are more likely to have a well-defined division in labor. Your responsibilities will adhere closely to the job description.

In smaller companies, however, you’re more likely to wear many hats. The lines are oftentimes blurred between your job description and that of your colleagues.

The second aspect to consider is hierarchy.

If you’re coming from academia, the concept of hierarchy may be new to you.

Large companies often follow a strict hierarchy.

In this structure, lines of communication flow from top to bottom. Each employee has a reporting manager, and employees have strictly defined roles.

Smaller companies, on the other hand, are more likely to operate with a more fluid or flat structure. In this, the division between roles and management levels are less distinct.

Communication is more fluid and employees take on a wider range of responsibilities.

They may also experience more frequent operational changes. Keep in mind these are just examples – company hierarchy is something you should research in advance.

Third, finally and most importantly, you should consider the company’s culture.

Company culture refers to the personality of an organization. It’s values, goals, and ideology.

** for the full podcast, check out the audio player above.

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