Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist
3 flavors of transferable skills

Join Isaiah as he explains the right job search sequence you should follow and why doing so will get your hired faster

Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode…

  • First, Isaiah describes the wrong job search sequence he, and other PhDs, used to follow
  • Next, Isaiah discusses the steps you should take to put together a job search strategy in the right sequence
  • Finally, Isaiah explores what will happen once you commit to the right job search sequence

From This Week’s Show… 

The Wrong Job Search Sequence PhDs Follow

My first industry job search looked like this: I’d wake up on a random day tired of doing my meaningless research and feel motivated, briefly, to update my resume.

Then, I’d submit the same resume to 5-6 different positions, feel great about myself for a few days and do nothing at all for my job search, reach out to a few contacts on LinkedIn over the weekend when I could batch all my networking (of course Saturday was the worst day to reach out to people).

I’d start to feel bad about myself two weeks later when I didn’t hear back from the jobs I applied to and then a few weeks later do it all over again.

Does this sequence sound absurd? As you read it, you might have thought: Ridiculous! What kind of moron searches for a job like this! Well, me for one. But what about you? Is your job search any different? If we cataloged your job search activities in a spreadsheet hour by hour, what would the result look like?

How To Set Up The Right Job Search Strategy

An industry job search, executed in the correct sequence, starts with understanding your career options and creating a job search strategy.

Creating a job search strategy starts with realizing that sequence matters. You cannot just haphazardly execute different job search activities at different times. Your approach must be organized in the right order. You also need to record your progress.

At the very least, you should have a spreadsheet with five columns: Companies of Interest, Job Postings or Informational Interview Notes, Company Contacts, Date You Last Followed Up, Next Follow-Up Date.

I know, who would have thought that you had to create a document to catalog your job search process? Once you realize that a job search is a second job that requires very robust effort, you’ll finally see why staying highly organized and documenting your progress is so important.

What Actions You Should Take To Get The Best Results

To get hired, you must design a campaign. You must map out the steps you’re going to take, and you must plan for contingencies. You cannot just fly by the seat of your pants.

Thinking about your job search does not count as an activity. Wanting to transition doesn’t count either, nor does playing out various scenarios in your head. Thinking about, dreaming about, and considering the possibilities of your transition are not the same as executing a job search.

Once you have a strategy in place, you must grow and engage (or reengage) your network. The major component of your networking efforts is following up consistently with an ever-growing list of contacts at the companies you want to work for, setting up informational interviews with those people, and gently guiding them to a position where you can gently ask them for a job referral.

That’s where you need to live. If you want a job that pays well and allows you to do your best possible work, you must get organized, you must document your progress and you must get comfortable with seeking job referrals. This takes us to the end of today’s Transition Report. Remember your value and continue to think and act like a successful industry professional.

If you’re ready to start your transition into industry, you can apply to book a free Transition Call with our founder Isaiah Hankel, PhD or one of our Transition Specialists. Apply to book a Transition Call here.

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