Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join Isaiah as he shares less common job search strategies that are sure to cut your unemployment time in half

Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode…

  • First, Isaiah touches on the frustration of feeling like you’re running around in circles with your current job search strategy
  • Next, he breaks down four habits that PhDs can adopt to reinvigorate their job search
  • Finally, Isaiah reminds PhDs that you want to work smarter, not harder, in your job search

From This Week’s Show…

Finding Time To Really Focus On Your Job Search Makes A Big Difference

When searching for a job, it can seem like you’re always running behind.

You’re trying to update your resume, sharpen your interview skills, and follow up with old contacts – all at the same time.

And all the time you’re wondering when, if ever, the calls and emails will start coming in.

The truth is, if you don’t know where you’re going and you don’t have a plan of attack, you’re going to spend a lot of energy going nowhere fast.

You can, however, cut your job search time in half if you follow the right strategies.

Try These Four Job Search Strategies

For one, make your job search your number one priority.

There are two major parts to an effective job search strategy – setting aside time and eliminating distractions.

Our mental energy is time-dependent and finite.

To create an effective job search strategy, you should set aside not just time, but the correct time.

Set aside time at the beginning of the day when you’re the most mentally sharp.

Find a quiet spot at home, go to the library anywhere that doesn’t have distractions.

Second, focus on companies, not on job titles.

Many PhDs make the mistake of searching for jobs based on very narrow job title criteria.

They know, for instance, they want to be a research scientist and that is literally the only keyword they use to find jobs online.

Don’t do this.

It constrains your options, and you may end up overlooking some really interesting and rewarding positions.

Instead, focus on what companies you want to work for.

You may be thinking, “Well how the heck am I supposed to know who I want to work for?!”

The same way you discover what job title you want: research.

There’s a lot of company information floating around the internet.

Use this to your advantage. Once you’ve narrowed down your list of companies – let’s say down to four or six – then you can start looking for open positions at those companies – or even just the types of positions that are offered at the company.

This strategy will not only allow you to focus more on what’s important, but it will also save you a lot of time.

Third, readjust your thresholds.

This takes us to the end of today’s Transition Report. As always, remember your value as a PhD and start thinking and acting like a successful industry professional.  

** for the full podcast, check out the audio player above.

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