Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join Isaiah as he explains what a pragmatic mindset is and why having one will positively impact all aspects of your life

Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode…

  • First, Isaiah discloses what a pragmatic mindset is and how it’s different from other mindsets
  • Next, Isaiah presents data on the positive effects of having a pragmatic mindset
  • Finally, Isaiah discusses why having the right mindset is the most important aspect to keep motivation high

From This Week’s Show… 

What Is A Pragmatic Mindset

Your mindset defines your point of view, or the way you look at the world.

If you’re always looking at things from a limited viewpoint—you don’t have enough time, you’re too old, you’re too busy—you’ll always have a limited attitude, and you’ll never make progress in your job search. You’ll never reach your full potential in your career either.

Likewise, if you’re always taking on too much at once—inflating what is logically possible for you to achieve or succumbing to every desire that presents itself—you’ll always feel behind, overwhelmed, and out of control. As a result, you’ll always be in pain.

The only way to relieve this pain is to transform your mindset. You must develop a pragmatic mindset. You must become a pragmatist. A pragmatic mindset will ensure that you stay in touch with reality while always maintaining a sense of personal responsibility in your life.

A pragmatic mindset will also increase your resilience, which is the key to overcoming the pain associated with trauma, tragedy, or adversity.

How A Pragmatic Mindset Positively Ipacts Your Life

Studies reported by the American Psychological Association confirm that people who have a pragmatic mindset are more resilient and that resilient people, when faced with stress, are measurably happier than those who are not resilient.

The same studies showed that resilient people, in turn, have a more stable state of mind overall. Pragmatism is about protecting your mindset, and protecting yourself against unwanted thoughts and desires is essential for goal attainment.

Research from the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin agrees that if you don’t strategically protect yourself from damaging internal influences by controlling your mindset, you are more likely to sabotage your success.

Have you ever pulled back right before reaching a big goal? Have you ever refused to ask for help and tried, unsuccessfully, to do everything yourself? Have you ever overthought a situation and, as a result, failed to make the right decision? This is self-sabotage and it’s the result of impractical thinking.

Why Having The Right Mindset Increases Your Chances Of Achieving Your Goals

A scientific study in the Journal of Applied Psychology looked at personality and goal-striving and found that a person’s mindset emerged as the most important aspect of the self-regulation process and an important motivational strategy that successful people use while working toward goal achievement.

Your mindset today will control where you end up tomorrow. Science shows that when a pragmatic mindset is maintained, goals get achieved, and people feel an increased sense of well-being and improved mood, as well as an increased ability to select, set, and achieve future goals.

Maintaining a pragmatic mindset will protect you against threats of both internal and external distraction. By learning to think pragmatically, you’ll notice an increase in self-reliance, internal motivation, and commitment to your career goals, which will transform the pain of your current position into productivity in your job search.

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