Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join Isaiah as he talks about the importance of company culture in your career progression and how you can find out a company’s culture before getting hired

Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode…

  • First, Isaiah reminds you why company culture is such an important aspect to consider throughout your career
  • Next, Isaiah discusses how you can take advantage of your knowledge of company culture to climb the ladder
  • Finally, Isaiah explains how you can find out a company’s culture before getting hired

From This Week’s Show… 

Never Underestimate The Importance Of Company Culture

You could be the most productive person on your team, but if no one wants to interact with you (or vice versa), then eventually, you’ll get squeezed out of an organization.

After all, even Steve Jobs was fired for not being able to work within his own company’s culture.

Another reason to care about culture is that your ability to climb the corporate ladder is highly dependent on how well your work style aligns with that of the company.

How To Skyrocket Your Career By Knowing The Company’s Unspoken Rules

It should be no surprise that people well-integrated into a company’s culture are more likely to get promoted.

That means, to move up the corporate ladder, you must have the inside scoop – for instance, what the unspoken rules are; how to speak the company language.

And fitting in isn’t just about increasing your seniority or your pay, it’s also about being a better leader. In the end, you’ll be a more effective leader if your team regards you in high esteem.

How To Find Out A Company’s Culture Before You Get Hired

Start by looking online – that’s right, do your research on the company’s culture. Most companies will have a website along with a social media presence – review these assets.

Make sure to talk to people who are currently working at the company as well. Not disgruntled employees from the past or people who’ve never worked there.

Talk to people on the ground who are working there right now. This will help you paint a picture of the type of company it actually is – it’s values, where it’s headed, and also how people experience working there.

You can also learn a lot from the actual interviewing process. The key is to ask questions that allow you to assess whether it’s a good fit for you.

Overall, it’s important to consider company culture before deciding to take a job because each company’s culture is unique… and it goes above and beyond its dress code, the breakroom ping pong table, or the free snacks. It’s what gets done, how it gets done, and by whom.

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