Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join Isaiah as he talks about the importance of positioning yourself for a remote role if you want to get hired in today’s job market

Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode…

  • First, Isaiah presents some interesting data you need to consider if you want to target a remote role
  • Next, Isaiah discloses the skills you need to develop and showcase if you want to position yourself for a remote role
  • Finally, Isaiah discusses some extra actions you can take to ensure you’re seriously considered for a remote role

From This Week’s Show… 

What You Need To Know About Remote Working

Interest in remote and hybrid work is up by a whopping 556% – and with prominent companies deciding to continue remote work, these numbers are not going down anytime soon.

Although this is great news for anyone who’s looking for more flexibility in their job, this shift comes with its own set of challenges.

For one, now that geographic location is no longer a barrier, companies recruiting top talent from anywhere in the world. This means that they have infinitely more options, which also means, your competition just got fiercer.

The Skills You Need To Position Yourself For A Remote Role

As always, the best way to get noticed is to set yourself apart from the other job applicants.

To do this, focus on a few skills or experiences that make you unique and show the employer that you’re capable of producing results, even in a remote setting.

Remote work is highly independent – your boss isn’t there to see that you’ve spent the last three hours playing solitaire. More than ever, employers need employees that are self-driven, have a strong work ethic, and manage their time efficiently.

Every PhD has worked independently and has produced results. But remember – every other PhD applying for the job has this experience. To impress hiring managers, you have to prove that you can deliver results above and beyond your thesis.

Talk about how you wrote a review article to better understand your field, or how a student you mentored got into their top choice for grad school.

The key to getting hired into a remote role is demonstrating that you’re driven enough to pursue opportunities outside what is simply asked of you, and that you produce results despite the lack of oversight.

How To Show Employers You’d Excel At A Remote Role

Another thing employers look for in a candidate for a remote role is their commitment to the company.

They want to know that you have a vested interest in them and the work they do …and that you fit into their company culture, even when working outside of a central location.

While this has always been true, companies now are struggling more than ever to maintain a strong company culture – one that provides people with a sense of shared purpose.

To wow them in your interview, demonstrate that you understand their mission and show that your interests and goals align with theirs. Ask questions about how they keep their remote employees engaged.

Last but not least, show the company your commitment to communication, responsiveness, and self-imposed boundaries, not boundaries that you impose upon others.

Many companies are still learning how to best communicate in a remote world, so they’ll be thrilled to know you already know your way around a virtual landscape.

Share the specific devices and apps you’ve used to manage projects virtually and provide examples of ways you’ve used them to stay connected with colleagues and collaborators.

Make sure you openly discuss how responsive you’re able to be in a remote environment. Most importantly, make it clear that you’re able to manage your own work/life boundaries.

No one wants to work with someone who complains about late night emails or instant messages from their coworkers at a global organization that spans many different time zones.

You control your boundaries through your app settings, away messages and through open communication. This is your responsibility as an adult working in a global environment.

If you’re ready to start your transition into industry, you can apply to book a free Transition Call with our founder Isaiah Hankel, PhD or one of our Transition Specialists. Apply to book a Transition Call here.

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