Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist
3 flavors of transferable skills

Join Isaiah as he explains what is the best way to prepare for a site visit, no matter the types of interview you will face

Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode…

  • First, Isaiah discusses the main pieces of information you should find out once your site visit is confirmed
  • Next, Isaiah lists the actions you should take to prepare for your site visit one week in advance
  • Finally, Isaiah lists the actions you should take a couple of days before the site visit to ensure you are fully prepared

From This Week’s Show… 

The Basic Information You Need To Prepare For A Site Visit

Regardless of which interview types you will be a part of during your site visit, you should prepare extensively by asking the employer specific questions before the interview, researching the company in detail online, and setting up informational interviews with people currently working at the company.

Make sure you find out why they are hiring for this position, what the metrics of success are or likely will be for the role, and what the average salary range is for the position (you’ll need this information to comfortably deflect verbal offers and attempts to negotiate onsite before getting a written offer).

Once you get a confirmation for the site visit, ask about specific details. What is the schedule for the site visit? Who will be interviewing you? What is the goal of the interview? Is a presentation expected?

How To Prepare For A Site Visit One Week In Advance

If you have a week or more to prepare for your site visit, here is the checklist you should follow:

  • Read extensively about the company, including any mergers and acquisitions they are involved in.
  • Set up informational interviews with people currently working at the company.
  • Make sure you find out why they are hiring for this position.
  • Ask yourself how you can help the company achieve their goals for the position at hand. Make a list of your answers.
  • Research average and top salaries for this position in the city it is located in.
  • Determine your “walk-away number,” or the lowest salary you will accept.

The Actions You Should Take A Couple Of Days Before You Arrive Onsite

As the site visit approaches, you will need to adjust your strategy to focus on the most pressing items to complete before arriving. Here’s a checklist to complete a day or two before you arrive onsite:

  • Contact the company and continue setting up informational interviews to find out how you should dress, who you will be interviewing with, and whether you will be giving a presentation.
  • If you will be giving a presentation, ask for specifics on what the presentation should be about and who will be in the audience. Then prepare your presentation.
  • Set up and execute at least two thirty-minute mock interviews with friends. Practice giving your site visit presentation, if necessary.
  • Review your research notes about the company and why they are hiring.

After you have prepared fully, you are ready to show up, impress everyone with your professionalism and knowledge, and get a job offer.

If you’re ready to start your transition into industry, you can apply to book a free Transition Call with our founder Isaiah Hankel, PhD or one of our Transition Specialists. Apply to book a Transition Call here.

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