Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join Isaiah as he covers what it takes to execute a successful video interview and shares tips for impressing potential employers virtually

Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode…

  • First, Isaiah takes a look at the growing prevalence of video interviews in the post-pandemic job market
  • Next, he gives 3 tips to avoid the biggest mistakes PhDs make during their virtual interview
  • Finally, Isaiah closes by explaining that video interview etiquette can outweigh a candidate’s qualifications

From This Week’s Show…

Many PhDs Go Into Their Video Interview Completely Unprepared

The last few years have forced companies to change how they conduct interviews. 

Video interviews are now standard. In fact, a recent report showed that 60% of HR managers report having used or are currently using video interviews in their hiring process. 

That’s because they’re faster, more efficient, and can often be more telling than a paper resume or audio-only phone call. 

From a company’s standpoint, video interviews strike the perfect balance between utility and efficiency. 

The problem is, for many PhDs, video interviews are more nerve-wracking than interviewing in person. 

It’s weird seeing your own gestures and expressions while you talk; its uncomfortable hearing your own voice; it’s challenging to stay upbeat and clear-headed when you’re talking to nothing more than a computer screen. 

This is why many PhDs get wrecked on their first interview. 

They go into it completely unprepared. They don’t know what’s expected of them, and it shows. 

Just because you used Zoom to teach a class or in a lab meeting does not mean you know how to interview by video. 

There Are 3 Common Mistakes PhDs Make In Their Video Interviews

The first mistake many PhDs make is not being expressive. 

They either sit awkwardly, fail to smile, use stiff and unnatural gestures, or speak in a monotone voice. 

And please don’t be the PhD who has their camera showing only from their nose upward. 

This happens more than you’d think. 

Treat a video interview the same as an in-person interview. Smile, speak with inflection, and use appropriate hand gestures. 

Keep your energy high – much higher than in person. 

It’s difficult for people to read you on camera – this is especially true when they don’t know you. 

Leave no doubt in their minds that you’re happy to be there and that you’re excited about the job prospect. 

The second mistake is being sloppy in your preparation. 

To start, never take a video interview on the phone – this isn’t a FaceTime call with a friend. 

It’s an incredibly unflattering angle and it’s unprofessional. 

Your video interview should be taken just as seriously as any other type of interview. 

So, prior to starting, make sure your background isn’t distracting. 

Make sure you have ample lighting on your face, and dress as you would for an in-person interview. 

And above all make sure you do a few audio and video tests beforehand. 

** for the full podcast, check out the audio player above.

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