Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join Isaiah as he explains how to deal with the dreaded resume gap in your industry applications and interviews

In this week’s episode…

  • First, Isaiah reminds PhDs that major shifts in workforce trends have led to shifting attitudes about resume gaps too
  • Next, he explains that PhDs should be upfront and honest about any gaps in their work history
  • Finally, Isaiah shares some tips for constructively addressing a gap in your resume as well as on LinkedIn

The Challenges Of The Pandemic Have Permanently Reshaped The Workplace And Redefined What’s Normal

Many PhDs think that having a gap in their work history is an instant red flag for employers. 

This might have been true 10 years ago, but taking a break is not as verboten as it once was. 

A recent LinkedIn poll revealed that a whopping 62% of employees have taken a break in the past five years, and 35% have plans to. 

The last few years have created major shifts in the way people work, and tested what the workforce can and can’t work through. 

It ultimately revealed to employers that there are many reasons you might have a gap in your work experience. 

Some left work or school to assume the role of a caregiver. 

Others needed to relocate due to job loss or housing changes. Others still were suffering from fatigue and burnout and hit pause before they self-destructed.

Employer Attitudes About Resume Gaps Have Shifted In The Last Decade

And, during this time of shifting priorities and unprecedented change, employees found themselves thinking about what really matters most to them. 

Many workers left their industry positions, and some still haven’t gone back to work.

The good news is that, with the major shifts in the workforce that the Great Resignation spurred, employers are much more focused now on employee retention than they are on a gap in your resume. 

In fact, if you take the right approach, you can even cast your career break in a positive light. 

LinkedIn Has Adapted Its Experience Section, Encouraging Applicants To Disclose A Resume Gap

Companies like LinkedIn are making it easy to be transparent with employers. 

They rolled out a feature recently that allows members to spotlight career breaks in their profile. 

Users can indicate when a career break occurred, and even why using a dropdown menu that includes options like relocation, travel, volunteer work, career transition or full-time parenting. 

Users can also add details such as responsibilities, achievements, and skills to these sections, just like they would provide for any other work in their profile’s Experience section. 

On LinkedIn as well as your actual resume, you should identify any period of unemployment that lasted longer than 3 months and occurred in the past 5 to 10 years. 

Disclose Resume Gaps On Your Resume As Well As Your LinkedIn Profile

On your physical resume, identify the break under your Experience section. 

This is the space to talk about how you reflected on your goals and worked toward them. 

Did you explore new learning opportunities? Add that in along with how many hours you spent weekly training, any certifications you earned and what skills you acquired. 

Did you volunteer somewhere? Great! Name some measurable outcomes from this experience.

** For the full podcast, check out the audio player above.

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