Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist
Image of Isaiah Hankel sitting in armchair

Join Isaiah as explores career options for extroverted PhDs who love to collaborate and connect with others.

Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode…

  • First, Isaiah assures extroverted PhDs that they can still leverage their degree beyond the bench
  • Next, he identifies some of the soft skills extroverted PhDs possess that make them a perfect fit for collaborative roles
  • Finally, Isaiah explores 4 careers perfect that allow PhDs to capitalize on their outgoing personality

From This Week’s Show…

Extroverted PhDs Might Not Be Happy In Independent & Isolated Lab Roles

Many people assume all PhDs are introverts. This of course, is not true.

Plenty of PhDs get energized by being around people.

If you find independent research to be lonely and monotonous;

… if you thrive on other people’s energy;

… and if you’re hungry for a job that allows you to work collaboratively with others

… then these 4 industry positions might be for you.

There Are Plenty Of Roles Perfect For Extroverted PhDs

The first is the Medical Science Liaison role. If you love talking about science more than you like doing science, this is the perfect position for you.

The second career I’m going to discuss is Technical Sales. If you like finding solutions to complex problems, then believe it or not, sales may be the place for you.

The third position is Project Manager. As a project manager, you would be interacting with others to troubleshoot and develop methods to achieve your company’s goals.

The truth is employers see PhDs as self-motivated. And that’s a good thing. Employers are seeking exactly what your PhD has trained you to be – self-motivated and able to work interdependently – by yourself and with others.

The fourth that extroverts thrive in is Management Consultant positions. Many corporations  deal with very complicated business problems – ones that they don’t have the time or resources to solve on their own. That’s why these companies often turn to business consultants.

** for the full podcast, check out the audio player above.

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