Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist
Image of Isaiah Hankel sitting in armchair

Join Isaiah as he explains how changing your mindset makes your network more meaningful

Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode…

  • First, Isaiah discusses how the attitude you have about your network and networking may be what’s holding you back in your job search
  • Next, Isaiah explains that your introverted tendencies may be causing you to come across as fake
  • Finally, Isaiah reveals that the key to tap into your network is to reevaluate yourself and your values

From This Week’s Show… 

Shift Your Mindset To Transform Your Networking Efforts

When you hear the word “networking,” what immediately comes to mind?

If you’re like a lot of PhDs, the idea of networking conjures up negative emotions such as dread, anxiety, and hopelessness.

But what if I told you that it’s possible to turn what seems like an inherently dreadful experience into a positive one – simply with a shift in attitude?

Does Networking Feel Like An Opportunity Or An Obligation?

In psychology terms, there are two types of people when it comes to networking.

There are those that have a “promotion” mindset, and those that have a “prevention” mindset.

People who have a “promotion” mindset view building and nurturing their network as an opportunity to grow, make connections, and advance their career.

In contrast, those with a “prevention” mindset view their network as an obligation – something they must add to and maintain in order to advance their career.

If you lean towards the “prevention” mindset, try to look at networking in a new light. Everyone is motivated by something different.

When it comes to your network, what is your primary motivation?

If you’re like most PhDs, the only reason you network is to get a job. The problem with this is that human beings are highly sensitive to BS.

The average person knows when you’re don’t believe in what you’re doing.

They know you’re being fake.

But, what if you started seeing your network as an opportunity to learn, to grow in your career, and to make connections with interesting people?

Change Your Own Mindset To Make the Most Of Your Network

If you’re an introvert, you can’t force yourself to be someone you’re not.

You can, however, change your mindset about networking.

If you walk into a room motivated by curiosity and a desire to grow, you’ll automatically feel more authentic in your intentions.

This will result in more genuine connections.

Another reason PhDs struggle to network is that they don’t believe they have any value to offer someone else.

Sadly, most PhDs today suffer from imposter syndrome – they don’t feel like they bring anything to the table. This is untrue and is a very harmful way of thinking.

The key to changing your mindset about networking is to change your mindset about yourself first.

Start seeing yourself as valuable and you’ll start seeing ways to offer value to others. The value I’m talking about here isn’t materialistic.

I’m talking about gratitude, elevation, and recognition.

Networking is the currency of industry and people like helping others. It’s all about an exchange of value, even if that value is just a friendly conversation.

The next time you want to connect with someone – perhaps someone with more seniority or experience than you – realize that elevating them as the expert and showing them your appreciation for their time, attention, and kindness, provides immense value to them.

It’s your gift to them.

If you’re ready to start your transition into industry, you can apply to book a free Transition Call with our founder Isaiah Hankel, PhD or one of our Transition Specialists. Apply to book a Transition Call here.

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