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Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join Isaiah as he discloses the strategies that introverted PhDs should follow to increase their network and stop being invisible to industry employers
Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode…
- First, Isaiah explains why introverted PhDs are valuable to industry employers
- Next, Isaiah discusses why it’s not a good strategy to act extrovert if you’re an introverted PhD
- Finally, Isaiah gives you some strategies you can use to expand your network while avoiding burnout and protecting your mental space
From This Week’s Show…
Why Being An Introverted PhD Isn’t A Bad Thing If You Have The Right Tools
If nothing makes you sweat more than the idea of networking at a big conference, you’re not alone.
Many PhDs are introverted by nature. And this isn’t a bad thing. Introverts are genuine and passionate…and they’re often some of the most productive people in the workforce.
Because of this, many innovative companies in industry seek out thoughtful, introspecting introverts to fill their top positions. The problem is many introverts, especially introverted PhDs, are invisible to the companies that want to hire them.
But, don’t despair – because given the right tools, introverts can get attention from employers, build a strong and long-lasting network, and stay top-of-mind for top industry positions.
Don’t Be Afraid The Be Yourself…
Introverts have their own superpowers that make them naturally skilled at getting attention and growing their network.
For starters, introverts are good listeners, and they favor genuine conversations over mindless small talk. This enables them to build networks full of genuine professional connections.
People really appreciate this kind of authenticity, so they’re more willing to connect with an introverted PhD, and even help them out in their job search.
The most important rule of being an introvert and getting hired is – be yourself. Don’t force yourself to act extroverted when you’re not. Not only can employers see right through your performance, but it’s bad for your mental state.
Forcing yourself to be someone you’re not can lead to problems such as imposter syndrome and burnout.
Another tool that introverts have at their disposal is virtual space. In today’s tech savvy world, networking isn’t just about talking to complete strangers at a conference.
Most networking today is done online… which is particularly good news for anyone who hates the awkwardness of face-to-face interactions.
Will you still have to meet people face-to-face? Yes. But, you can do so in a matter of minutes, get a few people’s contact information in person, and then do the rest of your networking behind a screen, alone, where you feel your best and energized.
So, take full advantage of this. Reach out people on LinkedIn who are in positions you want to be in, join professional groups focused on research areas that interest you…and, of course, utilize your social network.
How The Introverted PhD Can Set Up Strategies For Effective Networking
Let people know you’re looking for a job. You never know who in your pre-existing network can help.
If you loathe big networking events, quite showing up to them without a plan. As mentioned, go to them for very short amounts of time and with a clear plan in hand.
For example, your plan could be reaching out to the host beforehand and asking if they would introduce you to three people when you show up, showing up and getting introduced, and leaving fifteen minutes later with three business cards.
If going to a big event still makes you feel anxious, then invite a friend. This way, you’ll avoid feeling awkward by yourself, and you have someone who you’re comfortable conversing with when there is a lull in your networking efforts.
While there, you can also seek out other introverts. See who’s doing more listening than talking, or who’s hanging around the periphery of the event. Other introverts may feel less intimidating to approach.
Here’s another pro-introvert tip – arrive early to the event. There will be fewer people and they’re less likely to be engaged in an impenetrable conversation.
If you’re ready to start your transition into industry, you can apply to book a free Transition Call with our founder Isaiah Hankel, PhD or one of our Transition Specialists. Apply to book a Transition Call here.