Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join Isaiah as he examines the future-facing skills that PhDs should highlight for employers if they want to get hired in industry

In this week’s episode:

  • First, Isaiah shines a light on the disparity between fast-evolving tech and the relatively slow pace that humans adapt to it
  • Next, he explores four transferable skills that PhDs should emphasize to industry employers
  • Finally, Isaiah reminds PhDs that companies want to invest in people who are willing to invest in themselves, so they should be proactive by learning new things

From This Week’s Show…

The Skills That PhDs Need To Be Successful In Industry Are Changing

According to Institute for the Future, approximately 85% of education jobs in 2030 haven’t even been invented yet. 

That is a staggering number. 

How is this possible? 

Tech is moving fast. Faster than you or I can process. AI and machine learning is the tip of the iceberg now. 

More and more industries are seeing changes in how they work. Most of these changes are due to humans slowly adapting to rapidly evolving technologies. 

Keeping your skills current is the only way to stay relevant in your job search. This means focusing on skills that tech can’t do…yet. 

So today we’re going to focus on four top skills you can master if you want to get hired this year.

Data Communication Is High On The List Of Essential Skills PhDs In Industry Need

The first skill is data communication. 

Look – data is more digestible when it’s engaging.

Data communicators, who are sometimes referred to as storytellers, are pros at observing patterns in data and then explaining the narrative surrounding it in a compelling way. 

Let me break it down. You have a PhD. You can analyze data. 

So what? That’s a basic job that you barely need a bachelor’s to do. 

But, communicating that data through graphs, in presentations, and with a narrative driving home its utility to stakeholders is much more valuable. 

PhDs Can Leverage Their Cybersecurity Savvy To Impress Industry Employers

The second skill is cybersecurity, which has become increasingly important to all physical businesses as they move and more and more assets to digital spaces. 

You might hear cybersecurity and think its something that only IT departments deal with, or that its a skill only computer scientists should be concerned about. 

But anyone with a PhD, STEM or non-STEM, can familiarize themselves with this topic to make their resume instantly more attractive to hiring managers. 

This is because humans are the biggest liability to a company’s security. 

By familiarizing yourself with cybersecurity dos and dont’s, you can show employers that you are less of a liability and more valuable than they may have previously considered.

** For the full podcast, check out the audio player above.

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