Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join Isaiah as he explains why PhDs are doctors of learning and how should PhDs leverage their skills to be hired in high-paying industry roles

Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode…

  • First, Isaiah discusses why PhDs are masters of learning
  • Next, Isaiah reveals why PhDs  must communicate their ability to learn to employers
  • Finally, Isaiah explains where can PhDs leverage their learning skill

From This Week’s Show… Why PhDs Are Doctors Of Learning

PhDs are masters of learning. There is a huge difference between leaving graduate school with a Masters degree rather than a PhD. Masters degree are those who have mastered a field. PhD is much more. PhDs contribute to the field. They advance the field further. Less than 2% of the population has a PhD. Because adding to a field is hard. Anyone can regurgitate information. However, it’s much harder to create information.  It is difficult to bring new knowledge into existence for the very first time. But PhDs have done it. You are a creator of information.

This is one of your most valuable and most transferable skills. Don’t assume that everyone can create information. Most job candidates can’t even do a book report. You spend years creating information. Months putting it together into a hundred page thesis just so five other people can read it. You chase a hypothesis till you prove it. PhDs do research and substantiate the findings with evidence. You add new information to the field.

Innovation and tenacity is uncommon. Communicate to every employer you approach.

Why Should PhDs Communicate Their Ability To Learn To The Employers 

PhDs are fast learners. They learn faster than any other group of people. PhDs rigorously learn. The acronym “PhD” stands for a doctor of philosophy. Philosophy stands for knowledge and the ability to ascertain knowledge. This makes PhDs quite literally doctors of learning. Your ability to learn quickly, especially on the job, is incredibly valuable to employers. It’s also exceptionally rare. An average job candidate tries to learn a new software program or Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Then watch a PhD learn how to use that same software program or SOP. On the contrary PhD learns at a much faster speed.  PhDs don’t need to be spoon fed every detail. Employers need autonomous learning.

Speed of learning is a competitive advantage that frightens other job candidates. This fear is often expressed through misinformation like, “You’re overqualified if you have a PhD” or “PhDs are lab rats and can’t understand business” or “You can’t get a job without industry experience”. Don’t believe these lies. Industry experience can often hurt your chances of getting a job. Truly because now the employer has to un-train you on the previous company’s culture and processes before they can re-train you on their culture and processes. Communicate your ability to learn quickly to employers. Leverage it to your advantage.

Where Can PhDs Leverage Their Learning Skill 

PhDs can transition into all 11 sectors of business as defined by the S&P 500 index.  Positions involving information technology, healthcare, communication services, consumer discretionary, financials, industrial, consumer staples, utilities, real estate, materials, and energy. You want to be one of the highest paid R&D or Medical Directors in your field, or the most sought-after Data Scientist, Project Manager. Be it Product Manager, Principal Scientist, Senior Engineer or Clinical Research Associate in your business sector.

You need the learning skill. Methods learned over a decade will lead you to success. As a PhD, you have the value necessary to be sought after by industry employers throughout your career. 

If you’re ready to start your transition into industry, you can apply to book a free Transition Call with our founder Isaiah Hankel, PhD or one of our Transition Specialists. Apply to book a Transition Call here.

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