Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist
Image of Isaiah Hankel sitting in armchair

Join Isaiah as he covers 4 job search tactics proven to get PhDs hired into industry even during a recession

Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode…

  • First, Isaiah explains why a fluctuating job market means you need to get hired into industry now
  • Next, Isaiah reveals two key attributes that will impress employers during uncertain times
  • Finally, Isaiah discusses why you should broaden your industry job search and consider positions that are known to be recession-proof

From This Week’s Show… 

The Worrisome Impact Of A Fickle Economy On Your Industry Job Search

A year ago, the job market was bursting at the seams.

In the wake of the Great Resignation, employers were eager to bolster their emaciated post-pandemic workforce and evergreen entrepreneurs were looking for new talent.

But now, the job market is shifting once again.

Companies are feeling the weight of the fickle economy, and in response, they’re shutting down their hiring efforts.

They have a game plan in place and it’s certainly not one that benefits you, the job seeker.

That’s why, the time to get hired into industry is now.

The key is to shield yourself from the changes that will negatively affect you while also moving forward in your job search.

There are 4 strategies for doing this.

Why The Need To Commit And Prepare Are More Critical In A Recession

First, you need to commit.

PhDs spend years pursuing the answer to a single scientific question – they’re no strangers to commitment.

But oddly enough, many PhDs fail to commit to their job search. For many, it’s the thing you do when you have a few minutes to spare.

But to get hired in industry, hiring freeze or not, you have to commit not only your time, but your mind to your job search.

Take the time to understand the trends in your field – how are interviews conducted? What are employers looking for in a job candidate? Are there any new methods or technologies that have recently changed the field?

To top the list of job candidates, you have to be prepared for the hiring process.

Show employers that you’re confident and committed – to them and their company mission.

Commitment becomes even more important during uncertain times.

Secondly, you should practice your interviewing skills because the virtual interview is the new resume.

During recessions, employers will be extra cautious in hiring and may interview you 5-10 times before giving you a job offer.

So, make sure you do as many trial runs as it takes to get comfortable.

Make sure to dress professionally – even in your mock interviews. You want to make sure you’re at ease in the clothes you choose to wear.

Become aware of your body language.

Record your practice runs – it’s the best way to see if you’re doing anything that will detract from your professional presence.

You also want to ensure that you engage with all those that are interviewing you.

It’s easy to gravitate towards one person, but everyone there will have a hand in the hiring decision.

So, practice your interviews with a group of people too.

To Recession Proof Your Job Search, Think Outside The Box

Third, you will need to broaden your job search during a recession.

In academia, you were likely siloed into one area of research.

You were also probably told that “research scientist” was the only position you were qualified for, in or out of academia.

But there are so many great high-paying careers that your PhD has prepared you for – so, go exploring!

If you hate the idea of spending the rest of your career doing academic-style research, then look for positions that allow you to use your transferable skills elsewhere.

The primary skills you developed as a PhD are valued everywhere in industry.

Fourth and finally, you should research which positions are recession proof.

Not all positions survive hiring freezes.

Some examples of recession-proof positions include Project Manager and Product Manager roles.

Pay particular attention to jobs that you can do remotely, giving you the flexibility to work whenever and wherever you are.

Now that you’ve curated your search, it’s time to set your plan in motion, and start applying for jobs.

If you’re ready to start your transition into industry, you can apply to book a free Transition Call with our founder Isaiah Hankel, PhD or one of our Transition Specialists. Apply to book a Transition Call here.

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