Hosted By

Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join us as we talk about…
In this week’s episode…
- You’ll learn that PhDs are complex problem solvers
- Next you’ll learn that PhDs thrive in data driven analysis
- Finally, the meticulous nature of PhD training makes these candidates ideal for a marketplace that is increasingly reliant on the pillars of research and analysis
“Why don’t any of these PhDs tell me about how great they are at research and analysis? They all just want to tell me about their publications or some super specific technique I don’t know or really care about, and that a robot is probably doing anyway.” A recruiter for PPD, Pfizer and some other big name companies told me this recently and it immediately made it onto my top 10 list of favorite recruiter quotes.
He went on to say “most PhDs don’t know how valuable they are in this area” and then he asked me “why do PhDs limit their research and analysis skills to just their tiny fields?” Great question. I explained it’s because in academia we’re taught to split hairs in terms of our niche specific fields, so much so we lose sight of how powerful and transferable our overall research skills are.
In today’s fast-paced, data-driven world, the ability to dissect information, predict trends, and provide insightful recommendations is more valuable than ever. As today’s industry organizations are inundated with an avalanche of data, they seek individuals who can navigate this landscape efficiently. This is where research skills and analysis skills shine—traits that are often honed to near perfection by those with a PhD.
Here’s why these skills are so coveted in the job market today: first, PhDs are complex problem solvers – with an increasing amount of complex business challenges, the ability to analyze a problem, research possible solutions, and predict outcomes is crucial.
Second, PhDs thrive in the area of data driven analysis – those with strong research and analytical skills are adept at breaking down intricate issues and designing effective solutions. In an era where gut feelings are replaced by hard data, research and analysis skills enable professionals to make informed decisions. By accurately interpreting data trends and patterns, they provide a solid foundation for strategies that propel businesses forward.
Third PhDs are highly trained in innovation and development – research skills are the driving force behind innovation. Analyzing existing information can lead to the development of new products, services, and processes. This skill set is vital in R&D departments, tech companies, and any field where staying ahead of the curve is crucial.
Fourth, PhDs are strategic planners – the ability to anticipate future trends and prepare accordingly is invaluable. Research and analysis enable professionals to identify potential opportunities and threats, ensuring that organizations are not caught off guard.
Fifth, PhDs are effective communicators in this area – today, it’s not just about crunching numbers and conducting experiments; it’s also about communicating findings effectively. Research and analytical expertise includes the ability to distill complex information into understandable insights that can guide decision-making at the highest levels.
In essence, the meticulous nature of PhD training makes these candidates ideal for a marketplace that is increasingly reliant on the pillars of research and analysis. Whether it’s in a think tank, a financial institution, a tech startup, or a global consultancy firm, PhDs have the toolkit to drive success.