Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join Isaiah as he walks you through the six things you need to do to ensure your next phone screening results in an interview.

Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode:

  • First, Isaiah breaks down how you need to prepare for the phone screening to be successful and the purpose behind a company’s thinking when scheduling interviews and phone screenings
  • Additionally, Isaiah covers the important questions you should be asking that get you noticed 
  • And finally, we cover what it takes to translate all of this research and interview prep work into a phone-friendly format that will help job seekers connect with the interviewer on the other end of the line 

From This Week’s Show…

Phone Screens Are Likely Your One Chance To Make A Great First Impression

Many PhDs also fail their phone screens because they think it’s their time to show off. It’s not.

Phone screens are typically done by HR – they don’t care about your expertise in X-ray crystallography or nuclear magnetic resonance.

First, do your research on the company. What market are they in? Who are their competitors? How big is the company?

You also need to understand the company’s mission and values. This information can be found on their company website.

HR does not have the technical background that you do which means you won’t be asked to prove your technical know-how during this stage. All they’re concerned with is whether you’re a good fit for the company.

When preparing answers, always keep the job description in mind. You need to demonstrate that your skills and experience align with those included in the job posting.

Find A Quiet Spot To Take The Call

There’s nothing more disruptive than a barrage of uninvited noise.

Also, make sure you have adequate reception. The flow of a conversation can be easily derailed by a bad connection.

Make sure you speak clearly and listen carefully.

This may seem obvious, but you wouldn’t believe how many PhDs mumble, talk too fast, talk over interviewers, or are just plain rude and inattentive.

When answering questions, keep your responses succinct. You don’t want to ramble on or repeat yourself.

** for the full podcast, check out the audio player above.

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