Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join Isaiah as he reviews the fastest, most efficient way to target your resume for PhD-level industry positions

In this week’s episode…

  • First, Isaiah starts by explaining that you must update your resume before applying to any job in industry
  • Next, he explains that if you want to target your resume, it boils down to doing keyword research
  • Finally, Isaiah reminds PhDs that creating a targeted resume might take some extra time, but the results speak for themselves

If You Want To Be Seen By Employers, You Must Target Your Resume To Each Position You Apply To

Would you rather apply to 50 jobs and get 2 interviews or apply to 10 jobs and get 3? 

Tailoring your resume is the trick to getting better results in your job search. 

You should be updating your resume and cover letter every single time you apply for a job. 

It’s the only way you can be sure a hiring manager is actually going to lay eyes on your application at all. 

Now if you’re like me when I first started my job search, you probably think that sounds unrealistic, right? 

Writing a resume is way too time-consuming for that. 

But it really isn’t. 

You’re looking at 15 minutes, max, to make those changes, and very little effort, if you do it right. 

If you don’t, you risk your application being muted or rejected by applicant tracking systems and never seen by the company you were so excited to work for. 

Keyword Research Is Absolutely Crucial To Creating A Targeted Resume

Creating a targeted resume boils down to keyword research. 

Keyword research is the act of pulling keywords from a job listing and using those words or phrases in your resume, word for word. 

You want to use key phrases and single words that you see as central to the job requirements to mirror what an employer is looking for in your resume. 

The best place to start is at the beginning. 

The first items they mention in their job listing should be some of the first items you mention in your resume. 

You also want to make sure the job title you’re applying to is at the start of your resume. 

Even if you haven’t worked as a Data Scientist, if that’s your career goal then you should work in “relevant to this Data Scientist role” or similar at the top of your resume. 

This is not dishonest or misleading – this is what employers expect. 

They’re looking for specificity. 

They only want to hear about the things they put on the job posting and how relevant you are to those things. 

Nothing else matters to them. 

** For the full podcast, check out the audio player above.

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