Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join Isaiah as he explores the phenomenon of imposter syndrome and explains why it has real consequences for your PhD job search

Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode:

  • First, Isaiah discusses imposter syndrome and explains why it’s not just about self-esteem
  • Next, Isaiah talks about some ways that PhDs are shortchanging themselves in their job search, and what consequences this has
  • And finally, Isaiah explores some strategies smart PhDs can use to balance their destructive habits and thought processes with more constructive ones

From This Week’s Show…

Imposter Syndrome Is More Than Just Chronic Self-Doubt

Is there a point where being humble and having high standards hurts you more than it helps you? 

A recent review revealed that 82% of people report having self-doubt or are convinced of their own incompetence. 

In industry and academia, this psychological phenomenon has a name – imposter syndrome. 

We all have days where we question ourselves, but imposter syndrome is different.

Imposter syndrome is distinguished by the anxiety that you’re always in danger of being “found out.

You believe you are always on the brink of being discovered for the failure that you know you are. 

You may attribute your success or accomplishments to lucky breaks or the generous help of other people.

All this might sound relatively harmless. After all, as a PhD you’re no stranger to worrying about how you measure up. 

But what if I told you that feeling like an impostor can you keep you underpaid and underemployed for years – possibly decades? 

There Are Real Consequences For Catering To Imposter Syndrome

People with imposter syndrome are less likely to be able to catalog their own accomplishments. This gives them a serious disadvantage when it comes to branding. 

It also makes them less likely to take risks, meet new professional contacts or represent themselves. 

Worse, your low self-esteem can easily become a characteristic that your peers and supervisors grow weary of being around. 

If this sounds like you, you need to know that conquering these baseless doubts is absolutely critical. Not just for finding a job as a PhD in industry, but ultimately so that you can find happiness in the job you land. 

The first step to improving your outlook is to remind yourself that you’ve earned a seat at the table. The work you put into your degree demonstrates discipline and perseverance. 

The thought and care you invested in your research are evidence that you can thrive independently and can teach yourself anything. 

You have soft skills that go beyond your education – even if you don’t have any actual paid work experience. 

Consider what your strengths are and remind yourself that, above all, you’ve had many more opportunities to quit than you’ve had lucky breaks. 

** for the full podcast, check out the audio player above.

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