Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join us as we talk about…

In this week’s episode…

  • You’ll learn how to prepare for an interview
  • Next, you’ll learn 8 ways to research a company before the interview
  • Finally, you’ll how being prepared before an interview will give you an advantage

Congratulations! You’ve landed an interview with a company you’re interested in, and now it’s time to prepare.

While rehearsing answers to common interview questions is essential, it’s equally important to research the company itself. Studies shared in media from Nature to Forbes to the Wall Street Journal have shown that your knowledge of the company will determine whether or not you get hired more than whether or not you have the right skills.

Did you hear that? Don’t be confused. When employers reject someone, they will always say the reason is because you didn’t have the right skills. This is one of the only legal reasons they can give you for not hiring you.

In reality, however, they’re not hiring you because you lack understanding of the role, the company and perhaps of business in general. In particular, demonstrating your knowledge about the organization can set you apart from other candidates and show your potential employer that you’re genuinely interested in the role. So, what should you research?

First and foremost, the company’s culture and values. Start by delving into the company’s culture, brand and values. Understanding the culture will help you determine if you’ll be a good fit for the organization and if the company aligns with your personal values. Make sure you can describe their brand and brand promise too? You can typically find this information on the company’s website, in their mission statement, or through employee informational interviews.

Second, review the company’s history and milestones. Knowing when the company was founded, its growth trajectory, and key achievements can demonstrate your genuine interest in its success. You can often find this information on the company’s “About Us” page or through news articles and press releases.

Third, familiarize yourself with their products and services. What’s their value proposition? What’s the benefit of what they offer? Who do they sell their products and services to? How much do they sell them for? Make sure you can name every product and service, or, depending on the size of the company, every category of product and services, in their portfolio.

This knowledge will help you discuss how your skills and experience can contribute to the company’s success. Browse through their product and service pages, watch product demos if available, and carefully gauge quality and reception of their offerings.

Fourth, study their competitors and industry trends. This information will enable you to speak intelligently about the company’s position in the market and how it differentiates itself from competitors. It also demonstrates your commitment to staying informed about the industry’s developments.

Fifth, get up-to-date with the company’s recent news and press releases. This can include financial reports, product launches, acquisitions, or any noteworthy events. Being aware of these developments will showcase your proactive approach to keeping informed about the company’s activities.

Sixth, learn about the company’s leadership team, including the CEO and key executives – as in, be able to name names. Familiarize yourself with their backgrounds and any recent contributions they’ve made to the company. Additionally, research your potential team members if this information is available. It can help you understand the dynamics of your future colleagues.

Seventh, examine the company’s mission and vision statements. These statements reveal the company’s long-term goals and purpose. Aligning your career aspirations with the company’s mission can impress interviewers and demonstrate your commitment to their vision.

Eighth and finally, review the company’s financial information and be ready to discuss it. This includes assessing their revenue, profit margins, and recent financial performance. Which products are creating the most financial returns? Where is their financial market expanding?

Thoroughly researching a company before an interview demonstrates your commitment, enthusiasm, and professionalism. Armed with a comprehensive understanding of the company’s culture, values, history, products, competitors, and leadership, you’ll be better equipped to answer interview questions and ask insightful ones of your own. Moreover, your knowledge of the company’s mission and vision will enable you to articulate how your skills and experiences align with their goals

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