Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join Isaiah as he discusses how you can get organized to set up a successful networking strategy

Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode…

  • First, Isaiah lists the main mistakes that PhDs make when they start networking for the first time
  • Next, Isaiah explains the initial steps you should take when setting up a networking strategy
  • Finally, Isaiah teaches you how to set up a Job Search Sheet to keep your networking strategy organized

From This Week’s Show… 

The Main Mistakes PhDs Make When Setting Up a Networking Strategy

The number one reason PhDs fail in their efforts to transition into industry is they fail to follow up repeatedly with those they’ve connected with. You cannot build a professional relationship let alone get a referral without following up online to establish rapport and trust.

The second reason that PhDs fail in their networking efforts is they fail to establish clear goals. They have no target. They have no system. Their documentation efforts are nonexistent. Their reach out is haphazard. Most PhDs don’t even know who they should be reaching out to. Who are you reaching out to? Who would you start reaching out to right now if you woke up tomorrow with the goal to send a connection request and message to three industry professionals?

What Is The First Step To Set Up Your Networking Strategy

I have done thousands of Transition Calls with PhDs in over a hundred countries and the majority of those I talk to cannot give me the name of a single industry company that they would prefer to work with.

The rest are able to name one or two companies but nothing – repeat nothing – about those companies beyond what the average person on the street knows, i.e. Apple makes computers, SpaceX and Tesla hires for AI, BASF deals in chemicals.

How can you get hired into a company if you don’t have any target companies? How can you connect and network with gatekeepers and other employees at those companies if you haven’t targeted those companies?

Networking starts with creating a list of target companies. It starts with research and research, or discovery, is the first step for you even if you’re not sure which industry sector you want to enter yet, because you can always qualify and refine your research results later.

How To Set Up A Job Search Sheet To Stay Organized While Networking

Consider how many spreadsheets, read outs, protocols, lessons plans or other documents related to your research work do you currently have stored on your computer or in the cloud. Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands?

Now, ask yourself this – how many documents do you have stored related to your job search. One? Two? And your goal is to get hired into a top industry career that less than 2% of the population will ever get hired into? Perhaps it’s time to rethink your efforts. You can organize and document your efforts very simply. All you have to do is create a spreadsheet that I refer to as your “Job Search Sheet.”

Fill out 9 column headers in your spreadsheet with the following: 

  • Company Name
  • Company LinkedIn URL
  • Company Size
  • Gate Keeper or Decision Maker Contact (Embed LinkedIn URL)
    • Date Last Contacted
    • Date To Contact Next
  • Proximal Position Contact (Embed LinkedIn URL) 
    • Date Last Contacted
    • Date To Contact Next

Now, simply fill in 100 rows in the sheet. Yes, 100 rows. It should only take you about 60 minutes. Can you spend 60 minutes organizing your job search? If you do, my experience shows you will be hired into your dream position in less than 60 days after completing your Sheet.

If you’re ready to start your transition into industry, you can apply to book a free Transition Call with our founder Isaiah Hankel, PhD or one of our Transition Specialists. Apply to book a Transition Call here.

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