Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join Isaiah as he discusses what company culture is, why you should care, and how it fits into your overall job search strategy

Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode…

  • First, Isaiah explains why you need to set up a job search strategy before you actually need a job
  • Next, Isaiah reviews why you should aim for companies that are a good fit for you
  • Finally, Isaiah discloses what company culture is and why every PhD should care about it

From This Week’s Show… 

Why You Need To Set Up A Job Search Strategy Before Reaching Desperation Mode

To get hired in industry, you can’t start your job search in a state of desperation.

Whether you’re a PhD candidate, a postdoc, or a TA, you should be planning your job search strategy well in advance of your transition into industry.

When desperation drives your decision-making, it puts you at risk of accepting the first job offer you get – whether it’s the right fit or not.

If, however, you have a well-thought-out plan in place, you’re more likely to land a position that isn’t just a temporary job, but a long and fulfilling career.

How To Determine If A Company Is A Good Fit

Part of your strategy will focus on you. You need to determine what kind of job description you want. What do you enjoy doing? What skills do you have?

But the other half of the answer is less obvious. And it pertains to the company itself. What kind of company do you see yourself at?You should really think about the type of work environment you want to be in 40 hours a week.

To be successful in any role, your values, goals, and work style all have to align with those of the company.

And much of this boils down to something called company culture.

Company culture flies under the radar for most PhDs because they’ve never had to consider it in the past. But to be successful in industry, it’s vital that a company’s culture is the best fit for you and your preferred professional lifestyle.

What Is Company Culture And Why You Should Care

Company culture essentially refers to a company’s personality: its values, attitudes, goals, and ideology. In other words, it defines a company’s objectives and determines how those objectives will be accomplished.

I’m going to discuss why you, as a PhD, should care immensely about company culture.

To start, employers are looking for candidates who align with their established culture. If an employer doesn’t feel like they would fit into their culture, then they’re going to bypass them.

This brings me to the second reason you should care: because you’ll face questions pertaining to company culture during your interview. As I said, knowing how you fit into the company culture is very important to an employer, so naturally, this will come up in the interview.

Another reason to consider company culture is because you’re far more likely to make an impact at a company that aligns with your own values and goals.

Culture is woven into the day-to-day of any job. If, for example, you’re someone who likes sticking to a schedule – then you won’t be as happy, or nearly as productive, working with a team that’s very flexible with their time.

If you’re ready to start your transition into industry, you can apply to book a free Transition Call with our founder Isaiah Hankel, PhD or one of our Transition Specialists. Apply to book a Transition Call here.

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