Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

Join Isaiah as he reviews why your resume’s Summary section is key to getting a hiring manager’s attention

In this week’s episode…

  • First, Isaiah sheds light on the importance of a strong, compelling Summary section in your industry resume
  • Next, he breaks down the structure of the bullets in your Summary and explains why each part is important
  • Finally, Isaiah puts it all together using quantifiable results that will compel hiring managers to call

Industry Hiring Managers Spend 80% Of Their Time Reviewing Your Resume Summary

If your resume makes it past the applicant tracking system, there’s really only one section the employer is going to read themselves. 

While this section only takes up one-third of the page, it’s where recruiters spend 80% of their time. 

What is it? 

Your professional summary. 

If you don’t have a rock-solid summary, your credentials won’t count for anything. 


Studies show that employers won’t even read your contact information on the page until they’ve read your professional summary first to see if it’s worth knowing who you are. 

Think about that for a minute.

Your Summary Should Be Structured As An Easy-To-Skim Bulleted List

So, how do you capture your skills and experience in a strong professional summary? 

Start with a headline in bold that says, you guessed it “Professional Summary,” and then add three bullet points after it. 

Each bullet should follow the same format: transferable skills, niche skills, and quantifiable results. 

The very first bullet point is your one-line selling point. 

It should be a compelling statement that captures a recruiter’s attention and showcases your value using key skills, achievements, and goals. 

The transferable skills you use are also sometimes called soft skills. These are qualities that you can use in any job such as leadership skills, communication savvy, and conflict resolution. 

Your niche, technical, or specialty skills speak to what you can do.

Transferable skills namely show how you do it.

The Keywords In This Section Should Come Straight From The Job Description

Transferable skills come first. The reason for that is when a company hires you, they know they’re hiring a person with unique traits and a distinct personality. 

The transferable skills you identify are the best way for them to find out if you work best alone or in a team, if you have experience behaving like a professional, what environments suit you best, if you can manage a project effectively, if you can prioritize your work well, and so on. 

Choose these transferable skills with purpose. Niche skills, such as ethnography, next-generation sequencing, or flow cytometry, are your specialties. 

You’ll pull these directly from the job description and build your bullets around them.

They’re important because they let employers know that you have X, Y, and Z skills that will allow you to hit the ground running in their organization. 

** For the full podcast, check out the audio player above.

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