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We Fight For PhDs And PhD Careers

We Fight for PhDs and Phd Careers

We have helped and are helping thousands of PhDs transition into their first or next industry career. Our members develop their careers knowledge for life.

Tao Wang, PhD

R&D Chemist - Canadian Energy Services

Transitioning into industry is a life-and-death issue… You can’t just ‘do it next week’ or ‘try again next year.’ In the CSA private group, most of the suggestions were really helpful. I really like how active the group is, and I like how selfless the other PhDs are.

Alex Portillo, PhD

Non-Systems Inside Sales & Marketing Senior Representative - Bruker Nano Surfaces

I became a member of Cheeky Scientist after struggling for over 3 years to find a full-time teaching position in academia. After a ton of frustration, Cheeky gave me the course materials to successfully transition into an industry career. I’m thrilled to report that I’m now a  senior representative at Bruker Nano Surfaces in California.

Remil Aguda

Design to Cost Chemist | Lead Analyst - Abbott

I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new position as Design to Cost Chemist | Lead Analyst at Abbott!

Lilly Jin Xu, PhD

Regulatory Affairs - Novo Nordisk

I learned, in networking, not to expect anything back right away, but to focus on adding value. I also learned how to initiate informational interviews with other Cheeky Scientist members and also outside of the group. I’m still learning from the group.

Disharee Nath, PhD

Associate Medical Director - Mind+Matter

Cheeky Scientist was instrumental for me. I got a lot of guidelines for how to get started, and the biggest decision for me was to make it my priority. Having a very specific set of goals made it easier to focus and put my entire energy into it.

Ananya Chakravarti

Scientist II, Process and Analytical Development - Morphocell Technologies

I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new position as Scientist II, Process and Analytical Development at Morphocell Technologies!

Deepak Kumar, PhD

Global Genomics Services and Project Manager - Agilent Technologies

First of all, the resume template that we get from Cheeky Scientist is absolutely amazing. The moment I did that change, I started getting results. I started getting calls from interviewers. Every third or fourth day, I had an interview.

Dignesh Shah, PhD

Risk Management Lead - Huma

I had several hiccups in drafting my resume. I would upload so many resumes and hear nothing back. I learned from Cheeky that every element needs to be in the right order going in the right direction; you don’t know which element will click. Just dumping everything into a CV won’t work.

Brandon Austin

Director of Development - Houston Public Media

I have started a new role [Director of Development at Houston Public Media]. Thanks for the help and guidance.

Adwait Ranade, PhD

Medical Manager - MRS, Biopharma Operations - Pfizer

I wanted to change my current job and I had been trying for at least the last six to seven months. I had applied, applied, applied, gone through all the people I know, contacted them, forwarded my resume. I had done every possible thing, applied for 90 or 100 jobs and had not heard back from a single position. I really learned a lot from Cheeky Scientist–how to prevent yourself in an interview situation, what to answer and what not to answer. The most helpful part for me was the salary negotiation guidance, which was phenomenal.

Costas Agalou, PhD

Chief Commissioning Editor & Deputy Editor-in-Chief - Wiley

The thing that really intrigued me about the Cheeky Scientist Association was that it focused on PhD students, and at that time that was exactly what I was looking for. [After joining the Association] the biggest and most immediate benefit that I found was the change of mindset. Every time I was applying for a job I changed my whole approach, from my CV to the end, until I secured a job. I think that was the biggest benefit that I saw in myself.

Swayandipta Dey

Customer Technical & Installation Support - PicoQuant

Exciting news to share! Just started a new position as Customer Technical & Installation Support (Time-resolved Microscopy) at PicoQuant. Looking forward to working with the Service Support team and contributing to the company’s mission.

Siva Purushothuman, PhD

NSW/ACT Territory Manager and Product/Business Development - JB Medical Equipment

As an academic, I never thought I was capable of possessing an Industry position until I joined the Association. The Cheeky Scientist modules helped bridge what I had done in academia into what is needed in industry. Immediately I learned the importance of networking and began setting goals. I was able to make meaningful network connections and find a career in industry.

Ron Hunter, PhD

Senior Scientist - Chemistry, Manufacturing & Control (CMC) - Cardinal Health

I needed to overcome my personal version of imposter syndrome in order to pursue the career and lifestyle I wanted. It wasn’t easy, but the folks at Cheeky Scientist made it possible. I’m now happily employed as a technical director of chemistry at Merieux NutriSciences.

Khyati Shukla

Automated Engineer - Optimal Industrial Automation

I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new position as Automation Engineer at Optimal Industrial Automation!

Rebecca Sweet, PhD

Senior Medical Science Liaison - The Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson

I knew that I needed to have aa well-developed strategy in order to be successful. When I joined the Association, I was very far off from a real job search. But having access to CSA’s network was huge.

Vincent Genest, PhD

Associate Partner - McKinsey & Company

During my PhD I considered doing something else, but my main challenge was that I didn’t know what I could do. I started working more on my own I realized that I wasn’t happy as a postdoc and this was not what I wanted to do in my future life. Once I joined the Association, I really shifted my mindset. It was no longer about what can I do with the skills that I have right now, but rather what do I want to do, and then I’ll just frame my approach towards what I want to do. Just this little change in mindset really made the difference.

Alyssa Abraham

Account Manager - JumpFly, Inc.

I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new position as Account Manager at JumpFly, Inc.! I can’t wait to get started!

Sarah Rodrigues, PhD

Academic and Governmental Consultant - Elsevier

When I joined Cheeky, I started to think about where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do. I was able to work backwards and form a strategy – I wasn’t a victim anymore. Your PI is not responsible for your success… You are.

Ranjani Muralidharan, PhD

Senior Analytical Chemist - Vertellus

Through Cheeky Scientist, I came to know my worth as a PhD. I was working at an environmental remediation firm, which was no way related to my PhD. work. But as soon as I joined the group, the transition plan helped me realize where I want to be.

Lindsay Williams

Sales and Business Development Manager - PeptiGrowth Inc.

I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new position as Sales and Business Development Manager at PeptiGrowth Inc.!

Paul Mlynarczyk, PhD

Senior Analyst, Post Market Surveillance - Johnson & Johnson

As many of you PhDs have experienced, there’s really not much guidance as to how to structure your resume for industry. That was one challenge for sure, because after uploading my resume in its previous form I usually didn’t get any kind of response. Knowing how to tailor a resume to a specific position was a big challenge, but…after taking care of that it becomes a lot easier.

Zahra Bahrami, PhD

Scientist - 23andMe Therapeutics

I realized during the first years of my PhD that academia was not for me. I convinced myself to join CSA, and I must say that it was one of the best decisions I have made in my life! I was amazed by the amount of resources and support that this excellent community provided.

Sadhana Chalise

Software Research Engineer/Scientist - Intel

I’m happy to share that I’ve joined Intel Corporation as a Software Research Engineer/Scientist through their Returnship program. I am grateful for the opportunity to return to work after a career break.

Jaesik Hahn, PhD

Sr. Systems Performance Engineer - ASML

The biggest hurdle for me was submitting resumes that would get through the applicant tracking systems and be seen by real human beings. Getting the first phone interview was a challenge for me. The most helpful part of the Association materials for me was the negotiation module, as well as the webinars on the whole process of transitioning to industry. It changed my perspective as a whole. The negotiation module really changed my attitude.

Farzana Alam, PhD

Assistant Professor - Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

CSA helped me to regain my faith in myself. I learned to build my resume, shape my LI profile, prepare for interviews, network, and negotiate.

Autumn Phaneuf

Chief Operating Officer - Cosmo Labs

I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new position as Chief Operating Officer at Cosmo Labs!

Cristina Pierro, PhD

Senior Consultant Project Lead - Zaz Ventures

For me, the biggest challenge was to overcome the thinking that if you don’t do academic work, you’re worthless. Once I realized that that wasn’t true, then actually taking action was much easier. At that point, the biggest challenge became networking. At first I was skeptical about joining the Association because it is an American company and I didn’t know how helpful the networking would be across the ocean, but because the Association was expanding so much I ended up actually networking in person with other Italians. Once I started networking, that was really a pivotal moment.

Paula Cunha, PhD

Clinical Research Associate - IQVIA

Before joining the Cheeky Scientist Association, I struggled with how to navigate the world and mindset of industry. My network was in academia; I knew I needed to branch out. Once I joined the Association, I felt more confident in my job search. I really enjoy the exclusive private groups because it is a space for PhDs to support one another and build their industry network.

Vaishali Inamdar

Preclinical Scientist - iota Biosciences, Inc

I’m happy to share that I started working as a Preclincal Scientist at iota Biosciences, Inc. powered by Astellas!

Rachel Clemens, PhD

Business Development Manager - Axiom Space

The community itself was incredibly supportive. I don’t think I’ve encountered a more supportive community before. People really would help each other. One of the things in the Cheeky Scientist materials that really helped me was the Transition Plan, and specifically the strategy. Once I had that, it made it a lot easier for me to utilize my network more effectively and also to have a lot more confidence that this was the direction that I wanted to go in.

Marios Tsatsos, PhD

Co-Founder - Adjoin Homes

I was struggling to find the right career path to match my goals and lifestyle. When I decided to join Cheeky Scientist, I discovered the data scientist career path and realized I actually had the skills required for the position. Now, I AM a Data Scientist – at a top company in London, UK.

Shuangshuang Du

Scientific Programs Manager - International Society for Stem Cell Research

When I joined the Cheeky Diamond program, I really thought that my only transferable skills from graduate school were caring for mice and counting cells. However, just one year into the training, I not only secured a job offer in the non-profit sector before graduation but also discovered my true career aspirations. The program enabled me to establish connections and open doors I had never even considered before.

Antonio Martins, PhD

Director, Strategy Realization Healthcare - Merck Group

When I joined the Association, my initial impression was great. It was a bit overwhelming, because the amount of available resources in the Association is really a lot. And when you’re so eager at that stage and really want to get a job, you just want to go through it as fast as you can, absorb it as fast as you can. One thing I found great about it was the webinars, I think the people that were being interviewed were really great. Spot on on their experiences, on the tips they shared. I also found several things in the private group very valuable. One of them was that a lot of the senior members of the CSA reply right away to your questions, as silly as they might sound, and as desperate as they might sound sometimes. They respond to them with an open heart and an open mind.

Sergio Aguedo Mojica, PhD

Senior Field Application Scientist - Nexcelom Bioscience

I joined the Association because after receiving my PhD and doing a postdoc I realized that the academic path I was preparing for was full of insecurity and some peril. There were very few faculty jobs, the funding is scarce, there’s perpetual instability, and “publish or perish” culture makes it very difficult to succeed in that system while maintaining your sanity. So unfortunately I found myself completely unprepared for a job search outside academia. I had been following the Association for something like six months before I finally took the plunge and joined. Immediately after joining I was part of a supportive network of PhDs in the exact same situation. On top of that, the materials on resume building, LinkedIn, networking, and other subjects are extremely useful and practical.

Dilraj Kaur

Bioinformatics Scientist - The Institute of Cancer Research

I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new position as Bioinformatics Scientist at The Institute of Cancer Research!