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What to expect from an industry interview and how to prepare.

5 Essential Job Search Statistics For PhDs

By: Jeanette McConnell, PhD

The truth is in the numbers. PhDs need data. You need to know the facts. How else will you make a decision? This is true in the lab and in your job search. Understanding the essential job search statistics is the only way to really know how to execute a successful industry transition. You need to know statistics, such as: 80% of jobs are never advertised, it takes an average of 52 days to fill an open industry position, it can take up to 2 weeks to hear back after an interview, 56% of job offers are rejected, and not…

3 Interview Preparation Tips For PhDs Applying For Biotech Or Biopharma Industry Jobs

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

To ace an industry interview, you must not only know what to do during an interview, but also what NOT to do. Any PhD can craft a successful industry resume. But not every PhD can show up to an interview, make a great first impression, and get a job offer. Too many PhDs blow their first interview by not taking it seriously. The worst thing you can do during a job search is work hard for months (not to mention the years it took to get your PhD) and then mess it all up in the first 90 seconds of…

The Top 6 Most Difficult R&D Interview Questions Every PhD Should Know

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

Why are you a good scientist? Are you an ethical scientist? What could you bring to other companies? Imagine getting these questions in rapid fire succession at the very beginning on an industry interview. How would you answer them? By challenging yourself to think about how you would respond to these and other tough interview questions, you will put yourself ahead of the majority of PhD job candidates who are just winging it and hoping for the best. Here are 6 tough interview questions you should know.

5 Sure Ways To Ruin A Job Search With Poor Body Language

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

While preparing your elevator pitch and crafting responses to difficult interview questions is important, the body language you display while you interact in interviews and networking situations is even more important. A sure way to sabotage your job search is to not smile when you meet new people, avoid eye contact, have a weak handshake, fidget, and slouch. Each of these adds up to poor body language and sends the message that you are not qualified and lack confidence. Changing poor body language habits can be difficult but, with practice, you can master your body language and get the job…

Negotiate A Higher Starting Salary With These 5 Email Templates

By: Aditya Sharma, PhD

As a PhD who has spent many years in academia, it is possible to lose sight of your value. But, when you are transitioning from academia to industry, you must reconnect with your value in order to get the pay you deserve. The only way your future employer is going to see your value is if you communicate it to them. Once you know what your skills are worth, negotiate to get the salary to match. Sending the right type of email will help you secure a higher starting salary. Negotiation emails should be polite but direct. Here are 5…

7 Professional Skills That PhDs Must Develop Before Scheduling Job Interviews

By: Gemma Paech, Ph.D.

Academia is designed to keep PhDs in academia. Professional development for industry is seen as irrelevant and a waste of time because you’re just supposed to fall in line with the system and stay where you are. For PhDs who want more out of their careers, the lack of professional development can feel crippling. The reality is that the majority of PhDs leave academia because there’s no future there. Not any fulfilling future that does justice to the hard work you’ve done, at least. Industry-relevant professional development is your responsibility. But it’s not as hard as it seems. Here are…

How A PhD Gives You An Edge Over Other Candidates At A Job Interview

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

As a PhD, you have countless technical and transferable skills that make you an extremely valuable job candidate. The academic environment can make you feel like your PhD doesn’t hold the value in industry that it actually does. Do not give in to this mentality. Having a PhD is a rare and valuable trait. You are an expert innovator, a master of conflict resolution, and a master of learning. As a PhD, your concern should not be that you may lack value. Your concern should be that others may not understand your immense value, which is why it’s your job…

How To Dress For Success At A Job Interview

By: Gemma Paech, Ph.D.

Your value as a PhD stands on its own, and all you want is a chance to prove it by getting in front of the right person. The reality is that you can take the perfect, handcrafted resume to follow up on your diligent networking and personal job referral, and finally land your industry interview with a job you really want… and still blow it. It won’t matter how impressive you look on paper if you show up to your interview dressed inappropriately and looking unprofessional. The impression you give hiring managers when you walk through that door determines how…

5 Ways To Ensure Your Resume Makes A Winning First Impression

By: Nina Mazurova, PhD

We all know the power of first impressions. Everyone has had an experience where a strong first impression was a make it or break it moment. In a competitive industry job market, your resume is your first impression on hiring managers and recruiters, and it holds the power to lead you to success or destroy you in your job search. You need a tailored resume for every job you apply to. You need to perfect it so it creates an unforgettable first impression that makes managers and recruiters want to invite you to an interview and meet you in person.…

3 Ways To Avoid Disclosing Your Salary During A Job Interview

By: Gemma Paech, Ph.D.

In the middle of your industry interview, you may be asked to disclose your current salary. Not only is it an uncomfortable question, it’s an inappropriate one — and if you answer, you may reduce your value and your salary offer before you even get a chance to negotiate for what you deserve. The bottom line is, you don’t have to, and shouldn’t, disclose your current salary. Doing so will only work against you. Managing the question should revolve around focusing on the value you can provide the company. This will increase your odds of a fair salary negotiation for…

5 Skills Employers Look For When Interviewing Humanities PhDs

By: Gemma Paech, Ph.D.

Non-STEM PhDs have highly sought after transferable skills for industry jobs that many are not aware of. It is important to recognize and develop the skills you have gained during your PhD and highlight them in your industry job search. Set yourself apart from other job candidates by demonstrating these five transferable skills and you will become even more valuable to recruiters and hiring managers.

5 Ways Jobs Differ Between Small And Large Companies

By: Tavis Mendez, PhD

Industry jobs are ripe with opportunity. Whether you move into an industry job with a small company or a large one, there are pros and cons to each one that you need to be aware of before you interview. Both have unique opportunities and a corporate culture that might suit one PhD but not another. Whether you want more focused work or like to wear many hats, the private sector has a job for everyone. Here are five important differences between small and large industry companies.