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"I just accepted an offer for a position at one of the top pharma companies...I can't tell you how relieved I feel, I'm very excited for what's to come!"

Nahed Jalloul

Nahed Jalloul

Computational Biologist

"I'm happy to share that I'm starting a new position as Founder at Relearning Earning!""

James Wadsworth

James Wadsworth


at Relearning Earning

"I picked the Planet job! It ended up being the better fit for me... Thanks for all of your help!"

Emily Martin

Emily Martin

Hardware Systems Engineer

at Planet

"It feels incredible when you are able to check in with yourself and figure out what is it that you really want. After a long and exciting journey....I am elated to start a new chapter."

Nadzeya Kukhta

Nadzeya Kukhta

Technical Specialist

at Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP

"Extra thrilled...I now have a full-time job lined up before I even graduate. Yay! Cheeky Scientist helped me get my internship, 3 offers, and the offer I wanted at a competitive salary because I had other offers to leverage. All before I even graduated."

Srishti Dasarathy, PhD

Srishti Dasarathy, PhD

AI Research Engineer

at Lockheed Martin

"I'm happy to share that I'm starting a new position as Senior Actuary, Pricing at HDI Seguros!"

Claudia Wehrhahn

Claudia Wehrhahn

Senior Actuary, Pricing

at HDI Seguros

"Going with Nyxoah! Thank you for all your help Isaiah!"

Pratik Chhatbar

Pratik Chhatbar

Senior Clinical Research Scientist

at Nxyoah

"I want to notify you I have gotten an industry position...Thank you and Cheeky Scientist for the lessons which made my job search strategy and CV more competitive."

Michael Dioha

Michael Dioha

Senior Energy System Analyst

at Clean Air Task Force

"Thank you for your advice, Isaiah! I’m super excited and grateful! I would never negotiate the salary and the other details of the offer if it weren’t for Cheeky Scientist. Thank you again"

Marta Silva

Marta Silva

Policy Analyst

at Health Canada

"I would like to express my appreciation and assure that your school was eye-openning, thanks! I registered on your course 2 months ago and from total ghosting I ended up with a dream job in biotech."

Petro Starokadomskyy

Petro Starokadomskyy

Senior Scientist

at Kyverna Therapeutics

"I am happy to share that I'm starting a new position as a Research Scientist at Cellecta, Inc.!"

Chaitali Saqcena

Chaitali Saqcena

Research Scientist

at Cellecta, Inc.

"I just accepted an offer to be a Clinical Researcher Coordinator for a pain clinic near me. I'll be helping them run their clinical trial that uses a device to stimulate nerves to relieve patients pain. I start next Wednesday. So excited! I wanted to say thanks to Isaiah and all the members of the Cheeky team for your help! I really appreciate it!"

Natasha Fowler

Natasha Fowler

Clinical Research Coordinator

at Columbia Pain Management, P.C

"A new chapter begins! I'm thrilled to launch Wenwirth Scientific, where sincere meets creativity with a mission to make medical communication more engaging, impactful, and effective. I am ready to bring game-changing ideas to help you unleash the power of words and medicine. Many thanks to those who have supported me in this journey, I can't wait to work with you and start serving the healthcare community and patients."

Huey Wen Lee

Huey Wen Lee

Creative Medical Communications

at Wenworth Scientific

"I’m excited to share that i am starting my new job as a technical support engineer at lumencor, inc. the ultimate goal is to grow potatoes on mars by 2050 and make other advaces for mankind."

 Andrii Repula

Andrii Repula

Technical Support Engineer

at Lumencor, Inc.

"I got an offer at Estée Lauder! I accepted the offer since it is a great company and less than 15 min away. I don't have to worry about relocating."

Ivan Peran

Ivan Peran

at Estée Lauder

Recent Articles

Best Industry Transition Articles Of The Week For PhDs (July 5, 2015)

Best Industry Transition Articles Of The Week For PhDs (July 5, 2015)

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

Every week we scour the internet to find the best industry transition articles for PhDs, so you don't have to. We have two consultants independently search for the most informative articles on networking, CVs/resumes, transferable skills, interviews, academic blues, and industry positions. Our consultants vote on a top article for each category and for a top overall article each week. This week's best articles are here.

6 Networking Event Tips For Quiet Introvert PhDs (Like Me)

6 Networking Event Tips For Quiet Introvert PhDs (Like Me)

By: Todd Nolan

If you feel out of place at noisy, crowded networking events, you’re not alone. Studies show that that introverts make up one-third to half of the population. Once you realize you're not alone in your fear or discomfort of networking, things will start getting better. Those other smiling faces at the networking events you've been attending are uncomfortable too. Like you, they’re human. By executing the right strategies, you can start channeling your nervous energy productively. You can go from hiding in the corner at networking events to easily walking up to someone to introduce yourself and ask intelligent questions. Here’s are 6 things you can do to overcome and leverage your introverted tendencies to become an expert networker.

Best Industry Transition Articles Of The Week For PhDs (June 28, 2015)

Best Industry Transition Articles Of The Week For PhDs (June 28, 2015)

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

Every week we scour the internet to find the best industry transition articles for PhDs, so you don't have to. We have two consultants independently search for the most informative articles on networking, CVs/resumes, transferable skills, interviews, academic blues, and industry positions. Our consultants vote on a top article for each category and for a top overall article each week. This week's best articles are here.

7 Career-Killing Mistakes PhDs Make That Keep Them Poor And Unhappy

7 Career-Killing Mistakes PhDs Make That Keep Them Poor And Unhappy

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

If you’re waiting for someone to come save you from academia and line up a great industry job for you, you’re going to be waiting a long time. The only way to get your career back on track is to take matters into your own hands. You must realize that the biggest obstacle between you and getting the industry job of your dreams is yourself. It’s your own bad attitude and bad habits that will keep you unemployed after graduation, nothing else. Stop blaming other people for your situation and start blaming yourself. Take responsibility. Make a decision today to quit making the following 7 mistakes that keep PhD students jobless at graduation.

Best Industry Transition Articles Of The Week For PhDs (June 21, 2015)

Best Industry Transition Articles Of The Week For PhDs (June 21, 2015)

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

Every week we scour the internet to find the best industry transition articles for PhDs, so you don't have to. We have two consultants independently search for the most informative articles on networking, CVs/resumes, transferable skills, interviews, academic blues, and industry positions. Our consultants vote on a top article for each category and for a top overall article each week. This week's best articles are here.

Top 10 List Of Alternative Careers For PhD Science Graduates

Top 10 List Of Alternative Careers For PhD Science Graduates

By: Arunodoy Sur, PhD

When choosing the next step in your career, be sure to consider not only the title and salary you want to have, but the lifestyle you want to live. PhDs should gain a thorough understanding of their non-academic career options. Otherwise, they will be forced by circumstances to take positions that are not in alignment with their long-term career goals. To help you avoid this fate, we’ve collated a list of the 10 hottest non-academic jobs today. Understanding which industry positions are on the rise will help you see what’s available to you outside of a traditional postdoc or professorship. This will help you get off and stay off the dead end career track you're currently on. Here are 10 of the hottest industry jobs for science PhDs.

An Insider's Guide On How To Write A Thesis When You're Short On Time

An Insider's Guide On How To Write A Thesis When You're Short On Time

By: Dora Farkas, PhD

I thought about quitting graduate school in the beginning of my 6th year. I was almost certain that there was no way that I could graduate that year, or ever for that matter. I started several dead-end projects, and most of my data was inconsistent and did not support any of my hypotheses. I felt stuck and trapped in my own life. The irony was that I actually created this life for myself because I thought that getting a PhD degree was the road to a better life and a career that I would be passionate about. I finally summoned…

Why You Don't Need An Academic Recommendation Letter From Your Advisor

Why You Don't Need An Academic Recommendation Letter From Your Advisor

By: Klodjan Staffa, PhD

If you’ve decided to transition into an industry position, there’s nothing your advisor can do to help you or harm you. Getting an industry job is up to you and you alone, so stop fearing your advisor and start standing up for yourself. At first, it may be difficult to say “no” to your advisor or any other high-level academic, but it will get easier over time. Take action now to change the dynamic of your relationship with your advisor and to change the trajectory of your career for the better. Be respectful of your advisor but remember to respect yourself as well. Here's how.

Proven Tips On How To Prepare For And Nail A Phone Or Skype Interview

Proven Tips On How To Prepare For And Nail A Phone Or Skype Interview

By: Nikolett Biel, PhD

Phone and video interviews are growing in popularity among biotechnology and biopharmaceutical companies, but they remain very unpopular with PhD interviewees. Very few people feel completely comfortable getting on the phone with a total stranger. Most of us feel awkward and can’t wait to get it over with. As if this wasn’t enough, add on the stress of trying to get your first industry job. Now, not only are you anxious about talking to a stranger, you’re also stressed about trying to impress the stranger enough to get hired. As the interviewee, you have to be able to quickly assess, within the first few spoken words, the interviewer’s personality and adjust your demeanor accordingly. Here's how to prepare.

7 Ways PhD Students And Academics Can Deal With Stress, Anxiety And Depression

7 Ways PhD Students And Academics Can Deal With Stress, Anxiety And Depression

By: Catherine Sorbara, PhD

If you get depressed or anxious as a graduate student or postdoc, don't be ashamed. Getting a PhD and working at the bench is very hard. It requires a high-level of intelligence backed by even more tenacity. If you don’t keep your mindset in check, these things can spin out of control. Remember to take care of yourself and your mind by opening up about your problems, challenging limiting beliefs, celebrating your wins, and going your own way. Do this and you’ll be in a much better place mentally and emotionally. Your career will be in a much better place too. Here's how to do it.

5 Reasons To Ditch Academia Forever This Summer

5 Reasons To Ditch Academia Forever This Summer

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

Academia is broken. The time to transition out of it is now. The academic career track is now a dead end career track. Hiding from truth will not protect you from this future. The only way to protect yourself is to take steps to change your situation right now. If you don’t take action, you will be one of the tens of thousands of poor, unhappy postdocs who are piling up all over the world. But the biggest reasons to transition out of academia are not in the numbers, they’re in the day-to-day lifestyle that PhDs have to endure. Ignoring these facts will not make them go away. Here are the 5 biggest reasons to leave academia now.

8 Networking Tips For PhDs To Advance Their Careers

8 Networking Tips For PhDs To Advance Their Careers

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

By focusing on how to network in today’s economy and academic environment, you can put yourself ahead of the competition and get the industry position of your choice. The key is being strategic in your job search, following up properly, and surrounding yourself with the right people. Developing your interpersonal skills will be vital to your success and will become much more important than your technical skills. Follow these 8 critical networking tips for advancing your career as a PhD.

Top Industry Career eBooks

63 Best Industry Positions For PhDs

63 Best Industry Positions For PhDs

Isaiah Hankel, PhD & Arunodoy Sur, PhD

Learn about the best 63 industry careers for PhDs (regardless of your academic background). In this eBook, you will gain insight into the most popular, highest-paying jobs for PhDs – all of which will allow you to do meaningful work AND get paid well for it.

Industry Resume Guide for PhDs

Industry Resume Guide for PhDs

Isaiah Hankel, PhD

Learn how to craft the perfect industry resume to attract employers. In this eBook for PhDs, you will get access to proven resume templates, learn how to structure your bullet points, and discover which keywords industry employers want to see most on PhD resumes.

AI & ATS Resume Filters

AI & ATS Resume Filters

Isaiah Hankel

In today's competitive job market, understanding the impact of AI is crucial for career success. This involves ensuring your resume stands out in the digital realm, mastering your online presence, and being aware of how AI assigns reputation scores. Discovering how to leverage AI to your advantage is essential, as it plays a pivotal role in shaping professional opportunities.

Complete LinkedIn Guide For PhDs

Complete LinkedIn Guide For PhDs

Isaiah Hankel

The LinkedIn tips & strategies within have helped PhDs from every background get hired into top industry careers.