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"I just wanted to say that I officially accepted a job! I want to thank everyone at Cheeky Scientist for all the help and support. Overall, my job search went pretty smoothly and I have CS to thank for that. I am now convinced that making connections and networking is how you find jobs, and once I began implementing what CS teaches, I started to see more results. I hope this helps others who are in the job search process!"

Jack Schultz

Jack Schultz

Research Computer Scientist

at Southwest Research Institute

Recent Articles

Getting A PhD And Want An Industry Job? Stop Listening To These 3 People

Getting A PhD And Want An Industry Job? Stop Listening To These 3 People

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

Navigating the bridge from academia to industry is not easy, especially for PhDs. It’s hard to know where to start. You can save a lot of time, energy, and frustration by ignoring the advice of people who have no idea what they’re talking about. If you want a PhD-level job in industry, avoid taking industry advice from these 3 people.

How Savvy PhDs Negotiate Salary Contracts Higher

How Savvy PhDs Negotiate Salary Contracts Higher

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

Everyone is negotiating for something. Whether or not you understand how negotiating works, it is being used against you. This is especially true when you're applying for a job, interviewing, or trying to get a promotion. The problem is that most people, especially PhDs, don't know how to negotiate salary. There are, however, a few savvy PhDs who take the time to learn about negotiating and are happier (and richer) for it. Here are 10 tips to help you negotiate salary contracts higher.

How To Get Employers To Hand Pick You For A PhD Job In Industry

How To Get Employers To Hand Pick You For A PhD Job In Industry

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

The only way to get industry employers to notice you is to do things differently. Instead of trying to be the best needle in a haystack, try to get as far away from the haystack as possible. Stop trying to force your way through the crowd to get noticed. This strategy will never work. A better strategy is to completely differentiate you from your peers. Here are 7 things you can do to differentiate yourself from other PhDs and industry employers will hand pick you for open positions.

Escape Bench Work And Finally Get Paid More Than Your Undergraduate Friends

Escape Bench Work And Finally Get Paid More Than Your Undergraduate Friends

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

Even if you want to stay in academia, you should NOT limit yourself to staying in academia. You should identify your transferable skills, develop new skill sets, and position yourself for success at or away from the bench. Whether or not you want to transition into a research, applications, sales, marketing, management, or some other position in industry, the time to start preparing is now. Here are 3 things you can do to prepare.

Oops—I Forgot To Network In Graduate School. Now what?

Oops—I Forgot To Network In Graduate School. Now what?

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

Almost half of all job hires at top tier companies are from networking referrals. If you're about to graduate and haven't started networking yet, it's not too late. There are some things you can do to get you back on track fast. Here are 5 things that will help you get ahead and transition into industry.

PhD Careers: How To Make Interviewers Fall In Love With You

PhD Careers: How To Make Interviewers Fall In Love With You

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

Meeting someone for the first time activates both your amygdala, which is one of the few areas of the brain that receives information from all your senses at once, and your posterior cingular cortex, which controls your autobiographical memory, emotional memory, and attention. First impressions stick and having good interpersonal skills is the key to making a good first impression. The good news is you can improve your interpersonal skills any time by following a few simple guidelines.

If You’re A PhD And Do This, You’ll Never Get A Job

If You’re A PhD And Do This, You’ll Never Get A Job

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

The number of PhDs who will have a business job at or soon after graduation is below 40%. And the number of Life Sciences PhDs who will have a business job at graduation is below 20%. The truth is most PhDs will never get a job in business even though they’re doing all the right things. The problem is they’re doing the wrong things too. The key to starting a great career in business learning what not to do. Here are 5 things to avoid.

How To Be A PhD Big Companies Want To Hire

How To Be A PhD Big Companies Want To Hire

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

More than anything else, big companies want to hire confident people who understand the system. The problem is that the system in question is different than what most graduate students and postdocs are used to. But this system, like any other, can be mastered. Here are 15 things PhDs can do to make themselves better job candidates for big corporations.

How Smart PhDs Use Their Transferable Skills To Get High-Paying Jobs

How Smart PhDs Use Their Transferable Skills To Get High-Paying Jobs

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

If you want a high-paying job, you have to come to terms with one simple fact--selling products makes money. Buying and selling is the transaction that drives all business. The closer a particular job is to that transaction, the more money the person doing that job gets paid. This is why most big companies pay their salespeople in the field more money than they pay anyone else. The great news for PhDs is they know a lot about the equipment, reagents, and technologies that companies sell. This knowledge is useful, not just in the biotechnology and biopharmaceutical industries, but in any industry that wants to make money.

Networking Tips For Scientists - The Psychology Behind Connecting

Networking Tips For Scientists - The Psychology Behind Connecting

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

The best way for scientists to advance their projects and careers is by growing their networks. And the best way to grow your network is by learning how to build strong relationships quickly. This means understanding the psychology behind creating an instant and lasting connection. Here are 16 psychological tips scientists should keep in mind when networking with other people.

PhD Jobs: How To Transition From Academia Into Business

PhD Jobs: How To Transition From Academia Into Business

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

The first step of transitioning out of academia is deciding if you want to stay in research or if you want out. If you want to stay in research, then you’ll seek and apply for R&D or other bench positions. But, if you want to move into sales, marketing, or upper management, your best course of action is to move into an applications-based position. The main job of an application scientist is to teach a company’s customers how to use their products. This often involves teaching customers about the broader fields of science related to the product. The following 15 tips will help you successfully transition from academia into business.

What To Do When Your Academic Advisor Mistreats You

What To Do When Your Academic Advisor Mistreats You

By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD

If your academic advisor is treating you poorly, don’t just work harder and harder in the false hope that he will be nice to you or respect for it. The hard truth is that some advisors will treat you like dirt simply because they think it will make you work harder. Stop chasing the approval of an advisor who treats you unfairly. And stop being afraid of conflict. You’re not going to lose your position. The only way that you’ll lose it is by doing nothing and letting the system overpower you. Don’t let this happen. Instead, follow these 9 tips to make your situation better.

Top Industry Career eBooks

63 Best Industry Positions For PhDs

63 Best Industry Positions For PhDs

Isaiah Hankel, PhD

Learn about the best 63 industry careers for PhDs (regardless of your academic background). In this eBook, you will gain insight into the most popular, highest-paying jobs for PhDs – all of which will allow you to do meaningful work AND get paid well for it.

Industry Resume Guide for PhDs

Industry Resume Guide for PhDs

Isaiah Hankel, PhD

Learn how to craft the perfect industry resume to attract employers. In this eBook for PhDs, you will get access to proven resume templates, learn how to structure your bullet points, and discover which keywords industry employers want to see most on PhD resumes.

AI & ATS Resume Filters

AI & ATS Resume Filters

Isaiah Hankel, PhD

In today's competitive job market, understanding the impact of AI is crucial for career success. This involves ensuring your resume stands out in the digital realm, mastering your online presence, and being aware of how AI assigns reputation scores. Discovering how to leverage AI to your advantage is essential, as it plays a pivotal role in shaping professional opportunities.