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3 Networking Blunders Every Unemployed PhD Makes

Ok, I get it.

I have to network if I want to transition into industry.

Every reference website made a point of mentioning this again and again during my job search.

But I hated even the thought of networking.

I was a typical PhD introvert.

I also suffered from imposter syndrome all through graduate school, which made networking even more challenging.

I always understated my experiences and skills, especially when talking to others I perceived as experts in the field.

Like a meek little lamb.

I made myself invisible before I even showed up.

The thought of walking into a room full of industry professionals and convincing them I belonged in their company riddled me with anxiety.

I would sign up for events and then on the day of, I would make a sorry excuse to not go.

I was too tired.

Too busy.

Too afraid.

I was holding myself back from everything I wanted by being a chicken.

When I did actually make it to a networking event, I ended up talking to people I already knew.

Like, people who came with me from my lab.

Or other PhDs who were looking for the same job as I was.

Occasionally, I would force myself to talk to someone new, but when I did, all that came out of my mouth was a minute-by-minute history lesson of my academic experience.

I’d blather on about my thesis work, my postdoc work, and all my amazing technical skills… until the other person excused themselves to go to the bathroom.

One day, I decided to try something different.

I decided to volunteer at a regional science center.

This involved teaching children how to build a rocket out of a film canister and why magnets attract iron.

Coincidentally, I would start up conversations with their parents and grandparents and we would casually chat about my job search.

This was a light bulb moment for me.

Many of these parents were scientists who had jobs in industry.

Several of these parents reciprocated my generosity to volunteer by sharing their industry insights and even providing job referrals.

Learning to network like this — in unconventional locations — was the key element in my transition out of academia.

Why Most PhDs End Up Unemployed Or In Postdocs

Finding work is hard work.

Many graduate students and postdocs say they are serious about transitioning into industry.

Then they spend their days and nights at a computer, filling out online applications, and writing cover letters — applying, applying, and applying online.

This so-called job search strategy is redundant and wasteful.

According to figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, the length of a typical job search is over 3 months.

A PhD-level job search can take between 6-12 months on average.

Meanwhile, major job boards boast a measly 1-4% average response rate.

NOT 1-4% odds of getting a job.

1-4% odds of getting a reply.

Think of all the time you’re spending on those job boards.

And for what?

1-4% odds of someone actually messaging you back.

How pathetic.

If you want to increase your success rate, you need to have face-to-face meetings.

80% of today’s jobs are landed through networking.

The problem is most PhDs have no idea how to network effectively.

Instead, they consistently make the same mistakes over and over again.

As a result, many PhDs end up settling for low-paying postdocs or even for unemployment.

Young businesswoman traveling with a private airplane. A pilot is sitting in a cockpit.

3 Networking Mistakes Every Unemployed PhD Makes

Industry careers are not built sitting in front on the computer and applying endlessly to jobs.

(Remember the 1-4% response rate?)

The only way to get hired is to get in front of real people.

You need to network.

But you need to network correctly.

This means skipping PhD-only events and getting in front of some new people.

It means learning how to effectively communicate your transferable skills, not just your technical skills.

It also means learning how to build rapport with people — learning how to talk about other people’s passions and interests outside of science.

Here are 3 common networking blunders every unemployed PhD makes and how to avoid them…

1. Only networking at designated networking events.

Networking is NOT restricted to only defined settings at defined time points.

You should be conscious of how you present yourself and the impressions you make wherever you go.

Serious job hunting is a round-the-clock job.

Random conversations that you strike up with your hairdresser, yoga teacher, or local grocer can lead to unexpected leads.


We’ve had hundreds of Cheeky Scientist Associates get hired through these types of conversations.

You have already built rapport with them by being a dedicated customer or a friendly neighbor and they might be more than willing to extend their network to you.

You never know who knows someone at Pfizer or who is married to someone at Merck.

The key is to allow yourself to converse with others and always be approachable.

Change your body language so that you’re more approachable.

Change your habits so that you are more approachable.

Avoid always wearing your headphones in public settings and giving the impression that you would rather be left alone.

Don’t walk around with a wad of gum in your mouth or wearing your pajamas because you were too lazy to put on proper clothes.

You can’t get an industry job by acting like you plan on staying in academia forever.

A word of caution — networking anywhere at any time does not mean asking random strangers for job referrals.

It means being friendly and approachable and giving value when and if you can.

This will allow you to build up professional relationships which will in turn lead to more referrals.

2. Only networking to get a job.

What are you passionate about?

If you are having difficulty making meaningful connections at mundane networking events, maybe you need to find a setting that’s aligned with something you actually care about.

Maybe you need to stop seeing networking as a job and start seeing it as a ‘cause’.

Maybe you need to stop faking it.

Showing up to a networking event you don’t care about just because you think it will lead to a job referral is a poor strategy.

A better strategy is to find events and causes you care about.

Start showing up to places and functions that naturally excite you.

Other people will be attracted to your excitement.

You’ll be surrounded by like-minded people.

Conversations will flow easily.

Pressure will decrease.

You’ll be engaged.

When you’re involved in something you’re passionate about you won’t feel like a fake and, as a result, you’ll have a much easier time building rapport.

Volunteering is a great way to do this, which is why volunteering is a very common source of job referrals.

Volunteering builds industry credibility by showing you have a diverse background that extends beyond technical skills.

It shows you care about something beyond just yourself and things that only benefit you.

Volunteering will allow you to increase your network while improving your interpersonal and communication skills.

Prove that you care about more than your tiny PhD bubble and extend your network to your community.

3. Only going to networking events that others host.

You’ve scoured the Internet, your institution’s events board, and the local newspapers.


You can’t find any networking events.

Perhaps you work in a small university city with few networking events available.

Or the ones that exist are poorly attended, dry, and void of any real opportunity.

It’s time to change your strategy.

It’s time to show some initiative.

It’s time to start your own networking event.

The advantage of this is three-fold.

First, setting up an event allows you to develop your leadership skills and other transferable skills.

Second, setting up an event helps you build credibility as an expert and as a ‘super-connector’.

Third, setting up an event helps you build your network.

Starting your own Meetup group or promoting events on Eventbrite or through other social media takes minutes and you can do it from your phone.

Or, you can invite industry professionals to give a talk at your university on alternative careers for PhDs.

Or, create an event outside of your academic circle.

For example, you can start a book club, a foreign language learners group, or beginner’s photography group.

Either way, your fellow academics will respect what you’re doing, as will potential future employers.

You don’t need hundreds of people in attendance for it to be a ‘real networking’ event.

Even meeting with one other person is a networking event.

Starting your own networking event (or event series) will often lead to referrals from unexpected sources.

By inviting others to your own event, you’ll become well-known and will place yourself at the top of other people’s minds.

If you want to get a job referral and maximize your job hunting efforts, you need to stop making common networking mistakes. You need to start networking in unconventional locations and in unconventional ways. You also need to start communicating your transferable skills, not just your technical skills. Remember — no matter where you are, there is always opportunity to strike up a conversation and you never know where these kinds of conversations might lead to. By starting your own networking event or volunteering for something you’re passionate about, you can start getting job referrals in unexpected places.

If you’re ready to start your transition into industry, you can apply to book a free Transition Call with our founder Isaiah Hankel, PhD or one of our Transition Specialists. Apply to book a Transition Call here.

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Cathy has a PhD in Medical Life Science and Technology and is COO of the Cheeky Scientist Association. Cathy is passionate about science communication including translating science to lay audiences and helping PhDs transition into industry positions. She is Chair of Cambridge AWiSE, a regional network for women in science, engineering and technology. She has also been selected to take part in Homeward Bound 2018, an all-female voyage to Antarctica aimed to heighten the influence of women in leadership positions and bring awareness to climate change.

Catherine Sorbara, Ph.D.

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"Hi Isaiah - I have news to share! I applied for a position on Monday night. I had an interview Tuesday and was just offered the position! (Wednesday). I can't believe it! All the hard work. The LinkedIn Messages. The resume building All your keys. I countered 5k more than they offered and they accepted it! I am so over the moon right now and so excited!"

Brittni Levasuar

Brittni Levasuar

"BIG NEWS!! Lufthansa offered me the gig!!"

Marco Milesi

Marco Milesi

at Lufthansa

"I'm happy to share that I am starting a new position as Senior Scientist at Eikon Therapeutics!"

Hank Cheng

Hank Cheng

Senior Scientist

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"I started working with you all back in October 2022 and it took me about four months to secure my new role. I actually had two six figure salary offers in the learning and development arena! One was from a prestigious HBCU and the other one was with a scientific research organization. I signed my six figure offer letter for a Head of Talent Development role with the scientific research organization on March 1st. I negotiated and received a $7,500 increase in salary and I also received an increase in my relocation package. I cannot thank you all enough!"

Dr. Rhonda Anderson

Dr. Rhonda Anderson

Head of Talent Development

at Southern Research

"I have been quiet here for a while but happy to finally share that I've transitioned! It was a long and challenging journey towards transition, being at another full-time job plus being a toddler mom, but I am so thankful I found this supportive community that has helped me and motivated me throughout."

Shobana Sekar

Shobana Sekar

Senior Bioinformatics Scientist

at Roche

"New offer - went ahead and signed contract today - - excited and thank you for the confidence booster - grateful for investing in Cheeky Scientist."

Wael Bahnan

Wael Bahnan

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Kamrul Hansen

Kamrul Hansen

Principal Scientist - Analytical Technology

at Servier Pharmaceuticals

"I proceeded with the offer we were discussing and i signed the contract a few days ago. I would like to thank you so much for your support throughout this process. it was really helpful and beneficial!"

Samir Tohme

Samir Tohme

Project Engineer, Optical Development & Simulation Expert

at EDL Rethschulte GmbH (FEV Group)

"Hi Isaiah, I hope you are good....I did receive and accept a job offer!"

Debadrita Pal

Debadrita Pal


at Sanofi

"I am deeply grateful for all the incredible support, professional and personal, I got here and was essential for me to get here. I just completed 4 months at my present company and successfully transitioned, from the training process to working full-time in the team in the team I was hired for, this last week! I never fully thanked Cheeky for all the help they gave me in the training in the job search process, in a way that I was able to realize succes on one of the first jobs I applied for, only a bit more than a couple of months after joining the association. I heard and was told it was possible to have such quick results,but I never believed that it would happen to me; for this I am deeply grateful for you all! Joining CSA was one of the best decision I have ever made, and is something that will still help me for many years to come, for as long as my career goes on!"

Jose Hugos Elsas

Jose Hugos Elsas

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"Just wanted to say thank you for all your help and motivation.You were great in guiding me in the right direction."

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Rittik Ghosh

Senior Scientist

at Boehringer ingelheim

"Aside from all the technical pieces, the comradery, I really had an excellent time at the symposium that I was in Florida, that was super helpful...having a community that takes a part in your wins and also helps you pick yourself up and dusts yourself off when you don't get those wins and that you're not alone."

Christine Lo Bue-Estes

Christine Lo Bue-Estes

Medical Communications

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"I'm happy to share that I’m starting a new position as an associate computational scientist at md anderson cancer center!"

James Jennings

James Jennings

Associate Computation Scientist

at MD Anderson Cancer Center

"Thank you for the assistance from the CSA these last couple of months. I was offered the position with a life science investment firm this week and I happily accepted the offer. Growth with the company is guaranteed and I hope that this will be the last time I have to interview in NYC (lol)."

Ilke Roelofse

Ilke Roelofse

"I'm happy to share that I'm starting a new position!"

Norhaziland Mohamed Zaid

Norhaziland Mohamed Zaid

Senior Development Scientist

at Haleon

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