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Best Industry Transition Articles Of The Week For PhDs (February 12th, 2017)

Every week we scour the Internet to find the best industry transition articles for PhDs, so you don’t have to.

We have two consultants independently search for the most informative articles on networking, CVs/resumes, transferable skills, interviews, academic blues, and industry positions.

Our consultants vote on a top article for each category and for a top overall article each week. This week’s best articles are…

Top Overall

*The Importance Of Personal Branding To Career Growth And Tips For Branding Success * – Jessica H. Hernandez


TOP The Top 10 Behaviors To Avoid When Networking – Ivan Misner

4 Questions To Ask Your Network Besides, “Can You Get Me A Job?” – Sara McCord

9 Ways To Liven Up Your LinkedIn Profile  – Kerry Hannon           

4 Things You Really Need To Delete From Your LinkedIn Profile Today Erica Breuer


TOP 19 Reasons This Is An Excellent Resume – Vivian Giang

Ten Common Mistakes In Resumes And Cover Letters – Petrula Vrontikis

9 Things You Need To Fix About Your Resume In 2017 – Megan Elliott

CV Challenge: How To Embrace The Robots – David Shindler   


TOP Wondering How To Impress Others In Your Key Job Interview? – Larry Wang

This LinkedIn Recruiter’s Tips For Showcasing Soft Skills On Job Interviews – Brendan Browne

12 Different Ways To Calm Your Interview Nerves (Because You’ve Got This) – Alyse Kalish

Ask A Career Coach: Is My Interview Outfit The Reason I’m Not Getting The Job? – Kyle Lee

Transferable Skills

TOP The Importance Of Personal Branding To Career Growth And Tips For Branding Success – Jessica H. Hernandez

Top 4 Skills Hiring Managers Are Looking For Right Now – Caroline Beaton

4 Ways To Improve Your Strategic Thinking Skills – Nina Bowman

9 Truths About Confidence Most People Don’t Know – Josh Spector

Academic Blues

TOP To Postdoc Or Not Postdoc? – Deborah Sweet

How To Avoid Feeling Isolated During Graduate School – Melissa Walker

Learning How To Learn: The Degree v The Job – David Shindler

Companies In The Cloud: Digitizing Lab Operations – Mike May

Industry Positions

TOP The Changing Landscape Of Pharma – A New Route For PhDs? – Martijn Bijker

Get Unstuck: Three Ways To Get Out Of A Career Rut – Ashley Stahl   

A Career In Business Development – Judy Lytle  

How To Deal With Job-Search Rejection – Liz Ryan

Business Acumen

TOP Becoming A Biotech CEO – Sue Washer

It’s Time For A New Gender Equality Playbook – Dominic Barton

How Pharma Can Fix Its Reputation And Its Business At The Same Time – Damiano de Felice

Change Is A Door To Opportunity – Deborah Shane

To learn more about transitioning into industry, including instant access to our exclusive training videos, case studies, industry insider documents, transition plan, and private online network, get on the wait list for the Cheeky Scientist Association.

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Dr. Isaiah Hankel is the Founder and CEO of Cheeky Scientist. His articles, podcasts and trainings are consumed annually by millions of PhDs and other professionals in hundreds of different countries. He has helped professionals transition into top companies like Pfizer, Tesla, Amazon, Pearson, Google, Apple, Intel, Dow Chemical, BASF, Merck, Genentech, Home Depot, Nestle, Hilton, SpaceX, Syngenta, the CDC, UN and Ford Foundation.

Dr. Hankel has published 3X bestselling books and his latest book, The Power of a PhD, debuted on the Barnes & Noble bestseller list. His methods for getting PhDs hired have been featured in the Harvard Business Review, Nature, Forbes, The Guardian, Fast Company, Entrepreneur Magazine and Success Magazine.

Isaiah Hankel, PhD

Here's What Others Are Saying

"I'm happy to share that I'm starting a new position as Founder at Relearning Earning!""

James Wadsworth

James Wadsworth


at Relearning Earning

"Thanks to Cheeky Scientist, I now have an offer letter in my hand and a new career in the industry, which makes me incredibly happy and excited for the future. The training Cheeky Scientist provided was successful since it helped me to carefully consider my skills and improve how I approached my job search. I gained more confidence talking to recruiters and engaging in on-site interviews thanks to the many training modules and live sessions Cheeky Scientist offered. I had a lot of back-and-forth interactions with prospective employers as offers came in, and Cheeky Scientist helped me be a good negotiator. Through Cheeky Scientist, I could ultimately search for, negotiate, and select my best career route."

Vishnu Modur

Vishnu Modur

Clinical Trial Associate/Manager

at Medspace

"I ended up getting three offers and took one with Emerson as their Quality Assurance Manager. Had to turn down 2 interviews because too many replies coming in at once. So thrilled! Doing great and thanks again for your help and awesome program!"

Lori Keeling, Ph.D.

Lori Keeling, Ph.D.

Quality Assurance Manager, Emerson

at Emerson

"I'm happy to share that I'm starting a new position as R&D Scientist II at Chemring Sensors and Electronic Systems, Inc.!"

Karim Dawkins

Karim Dawkins

R&D Scientist II

at Chemring Sensors and Electronic Systems, Inc

"I am happy to share that I have started a new position!....I look forward to learning from experience colleagues and apply the"

Augustina Kwesie Osabutey

Augustina Kwesie Osabutey

Water/Wastewater Engineer

at Barr Engineering Group

"I would like to express my appreciation and assure that your school was eye-openning, thanks! I registered on your course 2 months ago and from total ghosting I ended up with a dream job in biotech."

Petro Starokadomskyy

Petro Starokadomskyy

Senior Scientist

at Kyverna Therapeutics

"I am happy to share I am starting a new position!"

Tharcisse Guedegbe

Tharcisse Guedegbe

Policy Researcher

at African Bank Development Group

"I am happy to share I am starting a new position!"

Mary Hidde

Mary Hidde

Clinical trial manager

at Medspace

"Extra thrilled...I now have a full-time job lined up before I even graduate. Yay! Cheeky Scientist helped me get my internship, 3 offers, and the offer I wanted at a competitive salary because I had other offers to leverage. All before I even graduated."

Srishti Dasarathy, PhD

Srishti Dasarathy, PhD

AI Research Engineer

at Lockheed Martin

"I'm happy to share that I'm stating a new position as Medical Science Liaison at Celltrion Healthcare Co, Ltd.!"

Tammy Virdi

Tammy Virdi


at Celltrion Healthcare Co, Ltd

"Hi Isaiah - I just want to inform you that I've accepted a job offer from Sandoz, Inc. I want to say a special thank you to you and your dedicated staff for all your help and support throughout the job search stage."

Odeniel Sertil, Ph.D.

Odeniel Sertil, Ph.D.

Manager, Regulatory Affairs, Sandoz

at Sandoz, Inc.

"I signed the offer today! I am will be working as a technical support manager - it is what you call a field scientist within Cheeky. I am super excited and already feel welcomed!"

Maria Terra Terra

Maria Terra Terra

Technical Support Manager

"I'm happy to share that I'm starting a new position!"

Norhaziland Mohamed Zaid

Norhaziland Mohamed Zaid

Senior Development Scientist

at Haleon

"I got an offer at Estée Lauder! I accepted the offer since it is a great company and less than 15 min away. I don't have to worry about relocating."

Ivan Peran

Ivan Peran

at Estée Lauder

"Thank you so much for all the help. I got so much help and inspiration by joining Cheeky!"

Hasala Lokupitiya

Hasala Lokupitiya

Senior Polymer Scientist

at Lyten

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