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Best Industry Transition Articles Of The Week For PhDs (November 15th, 2015)
By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Every week we scour the internet to find the best industry transition articles for PhDs, so you don't have to. We have two consultants independently search for the most informative articles on networking, CVs/resumes, transferable skills, interviews, academic blues, and industry positions. Our consultants vote on a top article for each category and for a top overall article each week. This week's best articles are here.

How To Transition Into Technical Sales Jobs At Biotech Companies Without Sales Experience
By: Catherine Sorbara, PhD
Why aren’t more PhDs in sales? The problem is that very few PhDs apply to technical sales positions. Most PhDs fail to apply for one of two reasons. First, they think they need sales experience to get a sales job. Second, they think that salespeople are manipulative or “bad” in some way—like they can’t be a scientist and a salesperson at the same time. Both are incorrect. As a technical salesperson in industry, you can apply your scientific skill sets to a variety of labs and projects. With your PhD in hand, you will maintain your credibility with customers and key opinion leaders, while having more resources and more support to help these professionals solve their problems. If you’re interested in a technical sales position, realize that you have already developed the transferable skills you need to get the job.You don’t need more skills or more experience. You just need to start thinking like a salesperson. Here’s how.

Best Industry Transition Articles Of The Week For PhDs (November 8th, 2015)
By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Every week we scour the internet to find the best industry transition articles for PhDs, so you don't have to. We have two consultants independently search for the most informative articles on networking, CVs/resumes, transferable skills, interviews, academic blues, and industry positions. Our consultants vote on a top article for each category and for a top overall article each week. This week's best articles are here.

5 More Transferable Job Skills Top Biotech Companies Look For In PhDs
By: Arunodoy Sur, PhD
When it comes to getting an industry job, transferable skills are more important than your technical skills. No one wants to hire a candidate who is going to be difficult to work with. No one wants to hire a candidate who is going to be the new guy or girl on the team who is awkward to talk to and makes everyone feel uncomfortable. Studies show that hiring managers prefer to hire graduates who demonstrate strong transferable skills over graduates with demonstrate strong technical skills alone. You will not get hired into an industry role if you fail to develop your transferable skills. It doesn’t matter how many impressive publications you have or who your principal investigator is or how glowing your letters of recommendation are. What matters is how easily you can fit into the company’s culture and how quickly you can hit the ground running in your new position. Here are 5 more transferable skills to help you transition into the industry job of your choice.

Best Industry Transition Articles Of The Week For PhDs (November 1st, 2015)
By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Every week we scour the internet to find the best industry transition articles for PhDs, so you don't have to. We have two consultants independently search for the most informative articles on networking, CVs/resumes, transferable skills, interviews, academic blues, and industry positions. Our consultants vote on a top article for each category and for a top overall article each week. This week's best articles are here.

Why It’s Better To Be A Research Scientist In Industry Than In Academia (It’s More Than The Money)
By: Klodjan Staffa, PhD
Working as an industry research scientist is much different (and better) than working as an academic research scientist. As an industry research scientist, you will get to do meaningful benchwork and be paid well. Yes, you can have both. Not only can you be paid well and do meaningful work, you can also work with a supportive team in a supportive environment. There are many advantages to working as an industry research scientist over an academic research scientist. The money is nice, but there are many other benefits. Here are the 3 biggest advantages of working as an industry research scientist versus an academic research scientist:

Best Industry Transition Articles Of The Week For PhDs (October 25th, 2015)
By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Every week we scour the internet to find the best industry transition articles for PhDs, so you don't have to. We have two consultants independently search for the most informative articles on networking, CVs/resumes, transferable skills, interviews, academic blues, and industry positions. Our consultants vote on a top article for each category and for a top overall article each week. This week's best articles are here.

Best Industry Transition Articles Of The Week For PhDs (October 18th, 2015)
By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Every week we scour the internet to find the best industry transition articles for PhDs, so you don't have to. We have two consultants independently search for the most informative articles on networking, CVs/resumes, transferable skills, interviews, academic blues, and industry positions. Our consultants vote on a top article for each category and for a top overall article each week. This week's best articles are here.

How Smart PhD Graduates Get Hired Fast In Competitive Job Markets
By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Why are so many PhDs unemployed? Why do so many PhDs drop out? The problem is too many PhDs allow themselves to become either reliant on or beat down by the academic system. All too often, the academic system thrives on eliminating an individual’s self-confidence. The system convinces its members that working longer and harder hours in the lab is the answer to all of their problems. Feeling unhappy, unsuccessful, and unappreciated? Work harder in the lab. Getting treated poorly by your advisor? Can’t afford rent? About to lose funding? About to lose your visa? Work harder in the lab. The only way to make it through graduate school and transition into an industry job afterwards is to stop being dependent on the academic system. The second step is to start valuing the same things that successful industry professionals value, like networking, results, and building industry credibility. Here are 3 things smart PhDs prioritize to get hired quickly over other job candidates.

Best Industry Transition Articles Of The Week For PhDs (October 11th, 2015)
By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Every week we scour the internet to find the best industry transition articles for PhDs, so you don't have to. We have two consultants independently search for the most informative articles on networking, CVs/resumes, transferable skills, interviews, academic blues, and industry positions. Our consultants vote on a top article for each category and for a top overall article each week. This week's best articles are here.

The #1 Way To Network With Industry Professionals When You Have Nothing To Offer
By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD
You must give value before asking for value. If you want a job in industry, the time to start giving value to hiring managers, recruiters, and industry professionals is now. The reason most PhDs refuse to network with industry professionals is because they don’t think they have any value to offer to these professionals. Either they feel like they’re asking for a handout, which makes them uncomfortable, or they feel like they shouldn’t have to ask for help because help should be given to them automatically. You have value to offer industry professionals, especially if you have a PhD. As a PhD, you’re capable of appreciating other people’s scientific work. You’re capable of solving other people’s complex problems. Most importantly, you’re capable connecting high-level professionals to each other. Whether you know it or not, you have value to offer. Here is the number one way to add value to industry professionals and get the industry position you want.

Best Industry Transition Articles Of The Week For PhDs (October 4th, 2015)
By: Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Every week we scour the internet to find the best industry transition articles for PhDs, so you don't have to. We have two consultants independently search for the most informative articles on networking, CVs/resumes, transferable skills, interviews, academic blues, and industry positions. Our consultants vote on a top article for each category and for a top overall article each week. This week's best articles are here.