PhD Transition Report Podcast
Hosted By
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist
The premier podcast by industry PhDs. With thousands of monthly listeners, the Cheeky Scientist PhD Job Search Report podcast is dedicated to helping PhDs transition into their first or next industry position. Every episode provides leading edge insights on how PhDs can avoid career failure and job search rejections, and instead attract hiring managers and recruiters to get hired into top industry jobs. Recent shows cover industry resumes, LinkedIn profiles, creating a job search strategy, identifying surging career tracks and avoiding dead end career tracks, successfully preparing for and passing phone screens, video interviews and site visits, and much more. This show features top industry PhDs in 50+ different industry positions. Subscribe now and listen.
The Upcoming 2nd Wave Pandemic Job Market & 17 PhD Careers That Will Survive
Monday June 22, 2020
Don’t let the warm weather fool you. Securing a job in the next 6 weeks is crucial to being prepared for the “second wave” of the pandemic. Join Isaiah as he discusses 17 indestructible career paths that will survive any wave of the pandemic. Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains why the next 6 weeks are so crucial to your job search.Next, Isaiah shares 17 careers paths to focus on in a pandemic.Finally, Isaiah offers guidance on how can help protect your career through the “second wave” of the pandemic. From This Week’s Show… Why These Next 6 Weeks Are Crucial For You To Find A Job I’m going to give you 17 career tracks to focus on and to get into ideally in the next six weeks. Why six weeks? Many countries had a large financial stimulus program. A lot of this relief is ending. On top of the increased numbers of people piling into this job market, you’re also going to have employers stop hiring. They’re going to freeze again, just like they did previously. It means you need to take your job search very seriously over these next six weeks. If…
Overcoming Your Darkest Hour In Academia (3 Ways To Get Unstuck)
Monday June 15, 2020
Have you found yourself in your darkest hour of academia? Feeling stuck or lost in your career path? Join Isaiah as he shares his darkest hour experience and gives you three strategies to turn your own despair in academia into an opportunity for industry success! Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah shares his story, which is probably not far from your own. It’s not a matter if you get stuck but when. Understand you’re not alone and how small shifts can trigger big change. Then, Isaiah shares the three simple strategies you can implement now to get unstuck in your career path. Finally, Isaiah discusses how your skills and passions can help you find your target, keep you motivated, and find success in industry. From This Week’s Show… How Academia Drives You To Your Darkest Hour I want to talk to you about your darkest hour in a job search. A lot of PhDs who have not yet reached severe pain in terms of their job search or in terms of academia are unprepared for their own darkest hour. Sooner or later, we reach a point in academia where we realize there is no reward anymore. “Should I…
Hacking Business Concepts & Industry Nomenclature To Get Hired
Tuesday June 9, 2020
Not knowing relevant industry nomenclature and not showing and understanding of basic business concepts is keeping PhDs from getting their dream industry position. Isaiah will show you 11 key business concepts that you already have and can leverage to show employers your business acumen. Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… -First, Isaiah explains why PhDs need to understand what some industry nomenclature means if they want to transition into industry. -Then, he will present some common business concepts and how they relate to the transferable skills you learned during grad school. -Finally, you will learn how to communicate each of those transferable skills during your job search to showcase your business acumen. From This Week’s Show… As A PhD, You Already Have Business-Related Transferable Skills Today, I wanted to go through 11 key concepts that will help you understand a business in terms of its context. So you can start navigating different business ideas. You can develop your business acumen, your ability to make business decisions. Now, one of the frameworks I want to start with that I think will give you is a good place to start and it’s also where I started in my journey crossing…
The “T-Format” Cover Letter & 7 Cover Letter Mistakes To Avoid
Wednesday June 3, 2020
Including a cover letter in your job application will make you stand out from other candidates… However, PhDs often spend a lot of their precious time crafting cover letters. Isaiah will teach you how to set a cover letter template that you can tweak in no time but will impact employers. Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… -First, Isaiah explains why cover letters are important, but at the same time, you shouldn’t spend a lot of time crafting them. -Then, he will walk you through two cover letter formats and the information you should include. -Finally, you will learn how to avoid common mistakes and make sure that you send an impactful cover letter that catches the employer’s eyes every time. From This Week’s Show… The Importance Of A Cover Letter Vs. Spending A Lot Of Time On It Cheeky Scientist has said that a cover letter should only get a proportionate amount of your time and energy investment. Too many of us think: “Okay, this is something that I need to write. So, it must be the most important.” As PhDs, we’re taught that writing is everything. The things that we can do by ourselves behind a…
Interview Questions That Blindside PhDs (& How To Answer Them)
Thursday May 28, 2020
Many PhDs are getting rejected at the latter stages of the hiring process because they don’t know how to answer common interview questions. Isaiah is going to tell which questions are getting PhDs rejected and how you should answer them. Here’s your quick guide to this week’s episode… -First: Why some PhDs are getting rejected at later stages of the interview process. -Then: What is the right attitude to show when going into an industry job interview so that employers know they should hire you, -Finally: The types of questions you should expect during a job interview and the right way to answer each of them. From This Week’s Show… Not Knowing How To Handle A Job Interview Is Costing PhDs Job Offers… Today we’re talking about interview questions that get PhDs rejected in the later stages of the hiring process, which is not ideal. Many of us don’t know how hard it is to get to those final stages. And sometimes we get lucky, for lack of a better word, we upload some resumes, we make a connection, there’s a referral. All of a sudden, we have a phone screen. But if you get to that stage, you need…
Why PhDs Took Over The Medical Science Liaison Industry (Interview w/Top MSL)
Monday May 18, 2020
“Medical Science Liaison” is a highly respected role with tons of autonomy for PhDs who want to build professional relationships with thought leaders around the world. But the best news is that more PhDs are being hired into MSL positions than even PharmDs. Here’s your quick guide to this week’s episode… -First: What is the MSL role all about? What do MSLs do? -Then: PhD skills that can get you into this incredible industry role. -Finally: Is an MSL career right for you? From This Week’s Show… What Is A Medical Science Liaison? Yuri Klyachkin, PhD, MSL, Weighs In… Yuri: We [MSLs] always struggle with a short answer for this question. But the best way to describe an MSL career… It’s like a Venn diagram where social skills, soft skills, and scientific acumen meet. That’s kind of what we do. We are the extension of a company’s Medical Affairs and Clinical Research departments who go out into the field. And by the “field” I mean the professional environment where you will find thought leaders in a particular therapeutic area. For example, in my case, I primarily interact with thought leaders in the fields of Dermatology and Rheumatology. My job is…
Delete Your LinkedIn Profile If It’s Incomplete (Here’s Why)
Monday May 11, 2020
Isaiah is not stepping around the truth. For PhDs who want an industry job, you should know… If you build your LinkedIn profile wrong, not only are you wasting your own time – you’re hurting your career. Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… -First, Isaiah explains what the data tell us about LinkedIn profile success. -Then, he lets you in on a little secret: how employers use LinkedIn (and what it means for your profile). -Finally, you will learn how to build out your profile to catch employer attention and get contacted by a recruiter or hiring manager. From This Week’s Show… No Profile vs A “Bare-Bones” Profile Today’s show is critical to listen to if you have a “bare-bones” LinkedIn profile or a bad LinkedIn profile… Or a LinkedIn profile that just has your university and some academic job titles in your headline. If this is the case, go delete your LinkedIn profile. Right now. I’m not saying this for effect – I’m saying this because I’m about to explain data proving that if you have a bad LinkedIn profile—one that is not up to date, one that’s not complete—you are less likely to get hired than…
Expert Secrets For Getting Job Referrals
Monday May 4, 2020
Academia is cut off from industry… But if your PI can’t help you, what can PhDs do to get hired? They can get a referral – Isaiah is going to tell you how. This week on the Cheeky Scientist Radio Show, Isaiah shares his own experience as a former jobless PhD struggling in a recession. Sound familiar? The good news is that you can find career success as a PhD, even in a recession like this one. Isaiah is proof that it can be done, and if there is one single way to get a job right now, it is to get a referral first. How do you get a referral? That’s what this episode is all about. In this episode, Isaiah digs deep into the networking processes that PhDs need to get a referral. In the current economy, referrals get jobs. Period. Networking may not be your favorite, but if you value your industry career, it’s absolutely necessary. You don’t have to love it to be good at it though. Obtaining a referral follows a formula you can memorize and apply to get results. But not everyone knows this formula… Let’s cover these expert secrets for getting job referrals.…
Advanced Industry Resume Format & Bullet Point Walkthrough
Monday April 27, 2020
In this episode, Isaiah digs deep into resumes for the recession. You’ll get everything that you need for a strong resume that will catch the right employers’ attention, no matter what job you’re looking for. There are 5 resume formats that you need to know about, understand, and utilize to get hired into your first—or next—industry position. This week on the Cheeky Scientist Radio Show, Isaiah dives deeper into the resume process, showing you exactly how to structure every bullet point, sentence, and line in your resume for maximum impact. Eye-tracking studies have confirmed that employers only spend five to seven seconds on your resume… So what will they remember in five to seven seconds? Isaiah will go through actual resumes from PhDs in the Cheeky Scientist Association, explaining how to transform them into content that will really stick out to employers right now. Show Excerpt #1: Isaiah discusses your resume’s education section. If your education is at the top, you are doing it wrong. Employers hate that. You’re leading with your education, which you think is important, but they’re an industry business – it’s time to work, not study. Work experience goes at the forefront. Even if you only…
Reframe Your PhD Experience & Skills To Avoid Unemployment
Monday April 20, 2020
In this episode, Isaiah covers the 3 major skills you need to emphasize to get employer attention in this recession. Things don’t work like they did before the recession, and there are a few things PhDs MUST emphasize in order to get hired… Things have changed dramatically across the world, no matter what country you’re in. Isaiah is going to unpack the changing job landscape and tell you exactly what you can do to avoid unemployment. The Cheeky Scientist Radio Show will give you all of the information that you need – this will be the place where you can get the most up-to-date information on how to protect your PhD career. We will help you create a safety net for your career. Isaiah will show you the data and lay out everything that’s going to happen over the next few weeks, months, and even years. This is so that you are prepared, armed with all the right information. This week on the Cheeky Scientist Radio Show, Isaiah talks about the skills you need to emphasize to get employer attention in this recession. He breaks them down into 3 different categories to use on your resume, LinkedIn profile, phone screen,…
The Post-Pandemic PhD Job-Search Landscape
Monday April 13, 2020
In this episode, Isaiah provides you with the most up-to-date information about the job market, using it to explain how PhDs can fuel their job search and find career success. Then he runs through the industry careers that are surging right now–careers that are perfect for PhDs… The recession is here. Are you insulated inside the ivory tower? Burying your head in the sand? Isaiah is ready to clear the path in front of you. Are you ready to get hired? In today’s episode of the Cheeky Scientist Radio Show, we are doing things a little differently. Because of the pandemic and the current recession that we are now in, the goal of this radio show is moving PhDs forward into industry careers. The Cheeky Scientist Radio Show will give you all of the information that you need – this will be the place where you can get the most up-to-date information on how to protect your PhD career. We will help you create a safety net for your career. We’re going to talk about industry careers that are surging right now for PhDs. Isaiah will show you the data and lay out everything that’s going to happen over the…
Brain Hacks That Get PhDs Hired
Friday March 6, 2020
Author Dr. Robert Carter joins us first to explain his neuroscience-based strategies for maximizing your potential as a PhD. Then Guillem de Pedro, PhD, shares his poersonal industry transition journey. Finally, Ramya Raman, PhD, discusses the unparalleled career value of SMBA for PhDs who want fulfilling jobs with excellent pay. What does neuroscience have to say about a PhD’s daily potential? Dr. Robert Carter joins us to answer that and more. This week on the Cheeky Scientist Radio Show, we are joined by Dr. Robert Carter, US Army Officer and Author of The Morning Mind: Use Your Brain To Master Your Day And Supercharge Your Life. Dr. Carter is an expert on integrative human physiology and performance, and he will share his neuroscience-based strategies to create your action plan for setting up and winning your day. We’ll also be joined by Ramya Raman, PhD, Medical Science Liaison, and Guillem Brandariz de Pedro, PhD, Account Manager. Guillem will share his transition journey into the account manager role, and Ramya will discuss her personal experience in SMBA and what makes it so valuable for PhDs who want to transition into industry. Skip Ahead: 00:06:57 Show Me The Data00:27:22 Robert Carter00:51:37 Guillem de…
How PhDs Can Make Connections That Count
Friday February 21, 2020
Author Karen Wickre joins us first to explain the nature of introversion and how PhDs can make connections, and how they can use their innate talents to achieve networking success. Then Daniele Paradiso, PhD, joins us to explain his job as a process engineer and how other PhDs can work toward a similar industry role. Extroverted PhDs have an easier time networking than their introverted counterparts. But as Karen Wickre tells it, introverted PhDs actually have a networking advantage. And Karen’s an expert on corporate culture… This week on the Cheeky Scientist Radio Show, we are joined by Karen Wickre: veteran connector, editor, and communicator. Karen will share her networking advice (particularly for introverts) and tips on how PhDs can make connections that count. We’ll also be joined by Daniele Paradiso, PhD, Process Engineer. Daniele will share his transition journey, his new role, and how other PhDs can move into similar roles. Skip Ahead in How PhDs Can Make Connections That Count: 00:09:16 Show Me The Data00:25:54 Karen Wickre00:44:30 Daniele Paradiso About Our Guests Karen Wickre is a corporate writer who has developed stories, styles and cadence for Google, Twitter, and many other startups. As an early “Googler” (she was…
Real-World Emotional Intelligence For PhDs
Friday February 7, 2020
Author Justin Bariso joins us first to explain the theory and research behind emotional intelligence and how PhDs can use it to get industry jobs. Then PhDs Elizabeth Thatcher and Yuri Klyachkin join us to explain their science liaison roles and how other PhDs can work toward similar industry roles. What is emotional intelligence? Can PhDs develop and use it to get industry jobs? Justin Bariso thinks that they can. This week on the Cheeky Scientist Radio Show, we are joined by Justin Bariso, Author of EQ Applied: The Real-World Guide to Emotional Intelligence. Justin has studied Emotional Intelligence and combines the theory and research into practical applications for PhDs. We’ll also be joined by Elizabeth Thatcher, PhD, Director at Pfizer, and Yuri Klyachkin, PhD, Medical Liaison at Amgen. Elizabeth and Yuri will be talking about their respective positions and how other PhDs can move into similar roles. Skip Ahead To: 00:06:23 Show Me The Data00:23:56 Justin Bariso00:47:55 Elizabeth Thatcher(Yuri’s interview is accessible to Cheeky Scientist Associates only – get on the waitlist today!) About Our Guests Justin Bariso is an internationally known author and speaker who helps organizations and individuals develop their emotional intelligence. His thoughts on leadership and…
How PhDs Can Master Their Code for Industry
Friday January 24, 2020
Author Darren Gold joins us to share how you can figure out your own psychological “code” and optimize it to move your career forward. Understanding your own subconscious is the key. Then industry PhD Sherri Ter Molen brings listeners important tips for getting a job as a communication associate. Do you actually know where most of your own thoughts and values come from? Darren Gold’s psychological model pinpoints the source of your deepest convictions as a PhD… This week on the Cheeky Scientist Radio Show, we are joined by Darren Gold, Managing Partner of The Trium Group, where he serves as an executive coach to the CEOs of many of the world’s most influential companies. Darren joins us to share how you can figure out your own code and then optimize it to move your career forward. We’ll also be joined by Sherri Ter Molen, PhD, Communication Associate at National Council of State Boards of Nursing. Sherri imparts critically important career tips she has picked up throughout her industry transition and how other PhDs can move into similar roles. Skip Ahead To: 00:08:18 Show Me The Data00:03:29 PhD Advantage00:32:17 Darren Gold00:56:53 Sherri Ter Molen About Our Guests Darren J. Gold…
Accelerating Your PhD Career Transition
Friday January 17, 2020
Author Whitney Johnson joins us to share her disruptive job-search strategy for PhDs who want to transition into industry. You’ll learn how to model your own transition after market disruptions. Then industry PhD Robert Hable will share tips on working toward a career in leadership development. Market disruption is a powerful phenomenon… But what happens to PhDs who embrace disruption at a personal level? This Week On The Cheeky Scientist Radio Show, we are joined by Whitney Johnson: award-winning author, world-class keynote speaker, frequent lecturer for Harvard Business School’s Corporate Education, and a leading expert on personal disruption. She is the host of her own podcast, Disrupt Yourself. Whitney will share her expertise on strategic adaptation for job seekers and how to use these insights to accelerate your career transition. We’ll also be joined by Robert Hable, PhD: a graduate of Cheeky’s SMBA program who is currently involved with BASF’s PhD Leadership Development Program. Robert will share his industry transition experience and how other PhDs can move into similar roles. Skip Ahead To: 00:06:45 PhD Advantage00:09:35 Show Me The Data00:33:30 Whitney Johnson00:54:18 Robert Hable About Our Guests Whitney Johnson is the CEO of WLJ Advisors and one of the 50 leading…
How To Go From Rejection To Business Success
Friday December 20, 2019
Author and PhD Coyte Cooper joins us to share his own wild transition out of academia. He explains how other PhDs can see rejection as an opportunity and use it to their advantage. Then PhD Yaping Moshier, sMBA, discusses how PhDs can work toward their own industry career in regulatory affairs. What happens to PhDs who experience rejection? According to Coyte Cooper, that depends on their own perspective and initiative This week on the Cheeky Scientist Radio Show, we are joined by Coyte Cooper, PhD and former professor, bestselling author, executive coach, Tedx Speaker, and expert in personal leadership. Coyte will share how he transitioned out of academia, faced and recovered from rejection, and used it to build ultimate business success as an entrepreneur. We’ll also be joined by Yaping Moshier, PhD, Regulatory Affairs Coordinator at University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. Yaping will share her industry transition experience and how other PhDs can move into a similar role. Skip ahead to:00:11:08 Show Me The Data00:30:02 Coyte Cooper, PhD00:56:06 Yaping Moshier, PhD About Our Guests Dr. Coyte Cooper is a bestselling author, international speaker and high performance coach who is one of the premier experts in the area of leadership…
How PhDs Can Own Their Focus
Wednesday December 18, 2019
Author Nir Eyal joins us to share his research on the psychology of attention, self-control, and time management. Technology distracts, but it’s not the root cause… Then PhD Irene Mencia Castrano describes her transition out of academia and into her current role as a senior innovation consultant. Are you struggling to manage the distractions in your life? Are these distractions pulling you from more important goals like finishing your PhD or your industry transition? Nir Eyal has identified the root psychological cause of these distractions This week on the Cheeky Scientist Radio Show, we are joined by Nir Eyal, time management expert, speaker, and author of the national bestseller, Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life. Nir will share his results-driven techniques for honing and owning your focus and time in order to reach your goals. We’ll also be joined by Irene Mencia Castano, PhD, Senior Innovation Consultant. Irene will share her industry transition experience and how other PhDs can move into a similar role. Skip ahead to:00:09:26 Nir Eyal00:33:53 Show Me the Data00:59:05 Irene Mencía Castaño About Our Guests Nir Eyal – Author, Speaker, and Thought Leader Nir Eyal writes, consults, and teaches about the intersection of…
Onboarding Into Industry As A PhD
Friday November 22, 2019
We are joined by Donald Asher, PhD, internationally recognized author and speaker on careers and higher education. Donald is known as “America’s Job Search Guru,” and he has authored 12 books published in multiple languages around the world. Donald will share his formula for successful salary negotiation strategies for your industry job. Then we have special guest Michael Watkins, PhD, founder of Genesis Advisers and author of The First 90 Days: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter. Michael will share his best onboarding tips for PhD industry jobs which he has gleaned from over 15 years of coaching CEOs to master career transitions at the highest levels.
Unknown LinkedIn Features for PhDs
Friday November 15, 2019
This week on the Cheeky Scientist Radio Show, author and digital expert Donna Serdula will talk about how her organization works to help professionals stand out on LinkedIn and ultimately land their dream job. We are also joined by Kristeena Wright, PhD, who will talk about her career transition as an application scientist for Advanced Instruments and what she’s doing in her current role.