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PhD Transition Report Podcast

Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

The premier podcast by industry PhDs. With thousands of monthly listeners, the Cheeky Scientist PhD Job Search Report podcast is dedicated to helping PhDs transition into their first or next industry position. Every episode provides leading edge insights on how PhDs can avoid career failure and job search rejections, and instead attract hiring managers and recruiters to get hired into top industry jobs. Recent shows cover industry resumes, LinkedIn profiles, creating a job search strategy, identifying surging career tracks and avoiding dead end career tracks, successfully preparing for and passing phone screens, video interviews and site visits, and much more. This show features top industry PhDs in 50+ different industry positions. Subscribe now and listen.


A Busy Versus Productive Job Search

Monday April 25, 2022

Join Isaiah as he discusses why you should set up deliberate times to work on your job search instead of trying to stay busy and why this will make a big difference Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah reveals what it takes to master a skill and what is the fundamental difference between elite and average performersNext, Isaiah dives deep into what it takes to be a top performer in whatever skill you’re trying to masterFinally, Isaiah explains how this relates to you job search and why you should always prioritize being productive over being busy From This Week’s Show…  What It Takes To Master A Skill You may have heard that mastering any skill, whether it’s business, surgery, playing the violin, or fencing, requires 10,000 hours of practice. What you may not have heard is that this practice is best done in short bursts, not in long, drawn out days. Studies reviewed in Psychological Review have shown over and over again that the fundamental difference between elite versus average performers in any field is the number of hours the elite tier spends on deliberate practice  —the uncomfortable, methodical work of stretching your ability to execute…

Speed Of Learning Is A Key Industry Skill

Friday April 22, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains why speed of learning is a key skill that all PhDs, no matter their background should leverage when planning their transition Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses why all PhDs have top of the line speed of learning skillsNext, Isaiah reveals the lies that other candidates tell PhDs because they are scared of their ability to learn new things quicklyFinally, Isaiah tells you how you should leverage your speed of learning to ensure you get into your target industry job From This Week’s Show…  All PhDs Excel At Speed Of Learning When I was in academia, I always felt slower and less intelligent than those around me. I’m not sure why, but years later I realized that most PhDs felt like this. As PhDs, we hold ourselves to an incredibly high standard and, when left unchecked, this high standard can result in impostor syndrome, analysis paralysis and intellectual defensiveness. The first step to overcoming this is to realize how valuable you and your PhD training are. The most valuable skill you have is your ability to learn faster than any other group of people. This is because PhDs are rigorously…

Academia Has Failed PhDs

Wednesday April 20, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains why academia has failed PhDs and why you should accept this reality to get your career and life back on track Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah tells the story of how he got stuck in academiaNext, Isaiah reviews the data that show why academia has failed PhDsFinally, Isaiah explains why you need to accept this reality and take action to get your career back on track From This Week’s Show…  How Isaiah Got Stuck In Academia I was so happy to get into graduate school. I thought the rest of my career was set. I would get my PhD, have a road paved in gold ahead of me. The road would lead to either an untouchable tenured professorship, or, should I choose, a highly successful career in industry. I would probably start out as a VP at Pfizer or Intel. Five years later, headed toward my sixth year, I found myself desperate to get a response to hundreds of resumes that I had sent out over the last two months. What happened? Like many PhDs, I ended up stuck in academia with no training on how to get out. Why…

Creating A 30-60-90 Employment Plan

Monday April 18, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains what is a 30-60-90 employment plan and what are the goals you should achieve at each stage once you get hired Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses discusses what a 30-60-90 employment plan is what should be the goals for the first 30 days of a new employeeNext, Isaiah reveals what a company expects from you at the end of your first 60 days in a new positionFinally, Isaiah reviews the goals of the first 90 days, which usually mark the end of the probatory period From This Week’s Show…  What Is A 30-60-90 Employment Plan Once you transition into industry, you’ll want to work with your employer to make sure you’re doing things right during your first 30, 60, and 90 days. You may want to create and submit a 30-60-90 employment plan to your employer during the interview stage in order to impress them with your candidacy and put your name at the top of their hiring list. The first 90 days of your employment are critical because they get you past the probationary period of your employment and set you on a trajectory for career success—or not. …

The Probationary Period After Getting Hired

Friday April 15, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains why most companies have a probationary period in place and why the onboarding process is important Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses why most companies have a probationary period in place and the stages new hires go through as they become valuable to the companyNext, Isaiah lists the expectations for new hires who are in the investment zoneFinally, Isaiah examines what happens when you start bringing economic value to the company From This Week’s Show…  Why Most Companies Have A Probationary Period In Place Once you transition into your new industry career, you will likely have a probationary period whereby the employer can release you from your contract. The reason for this is simple – you have not added any value to the company yet and the company has very little evidence that you can add value to the them. There is a process to becoming valuable to a company, and not everything is about speed. This process can be divided into two zones: the “investment zone” and the “return zone.” The “investment zone” is where the organization is investing in you as a new employee. This is where you…

Two Questions That Have Helped Thousands Of PhDs Get Better Job Offers

Wednesday April 13, 2022

Join Isaiah as he walks you through the questions you should ask to ensure you get the best possible job offer Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah presents the two questions that have helped thousands of PhDs get better job offersNext, Isaiah explains why open-ended questions are so powerful during salary negotiationsFinally, Isaiah gives a list of the best open-ended questions to ask to counteract things that employers might say during salary negotiations From This Week’s Show…  The Two Questions That Have Increased The Job Offers Of Thousands Of PhDs After reviewing the initial offer and staying grateful for the opportunity but neutral (at most) toward the salary amount, you should get curious about what else is possible. This is best done by asking the employer open-ended questions such as, “Is there anything else you can do in terms of salary?” or, if they say no to this first question, “Is there anything else you can do instead of salary?” These two questions have helped thousands of PhDs swiftly get a 5 to 15 percent increase in salary and a 20 to 40 percent increase in their signing bonuses. Why Open-ended Questions Are So Powerful During…

Never Accept A Verbal Salary Offer

Monday April 11, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains why you should never accept a verbal salary offer and how you can deflect early salary questions Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses why companies will try to get you to agree on a verbal salary offer and why doing so is never in your best interestNext, Isaiah reveals how you can avoid giving a number early in the interview process: by deflecting salary questionsFinally, Isaiah gives some examples of how you can deflect salary questions until you get a written offer From This Week’s Show…  Why You Should Never Commit To A Verbal Salary Offer Be aware that the company will try to negotiate salary with you before giving you a written offer. Any number you provide in this context will only hurt you; therefore, you should prepare to deflect these attempts. You may have to deflect these attempts dozens of times with the same person. Yes, dozens. If you get too uncomfortable during this process to continue deflecting, you will not be paid what you’re worth. If you allow your brain to convince you that you did everything you could and agree verbally to an offer or a…

Always Negotiate And Always Have A Walkaway Number

Friday April 8, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains why you should always negotiate your salary and how you can use your walkaway number as a lever Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses the importance of salary negotiation in industry and some general rules that should convince you to always negotiateNext, Isaiah gives advice on the best way to negotiate and what you should consider throughout the interview processFinally, Isaiah illustrates the importance of having a walkaway number and why you should set your walkaway number early in the interview process From This Week’s Show…  Why You Should Always Negotiate Your Salary Offer Failing to negotiate your salary offer is devastating to both your income and to your career. The good news is that industry employers expect you to negotiate. In fact, if you don’t negotiate, your employer might second-guess your value in industry. They might start to see you as unqualified, desperate, and easy to replace. They might also think less of your character and credibility, and you will have to work harder to prove yourself after getting hired—if you get hired—than someone who negotiates. All of this is because making deals is a key transferable skill in…

Two Critical Factors To Consider For An Interview Presentation

Wednesday April 6, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explores how to prepare for an interview presentation and the two main things you should consider to ensure your presentation is memorable Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses what you should consider and the questions you should ask if a hiring manager asks you to do an interview presentationNext, Isaiah explains the importance of knowing the main message of your presentation and the best way to convey that to your audienceFinally, Isaiah highlights why you should keep your audience in mind at every step of your presentation From This Week’s Show…  How To Prepare For An Interview Presentation When it comes to creating effective industry presentations, you must consider what your audience wants to see. In this case, your audience is the company. Most often, the hiring manager you’re in contact with will give you a short “brief” to help you prepare for the presentation. The most common brief is simply: “Talk about yourself, your interests, and your work in ten minutes.” Other common industry interview briefs include: “Discuss your work on XYZ and how it relates to our business model” or “Review a paper/clinical trial report and summarize the findings…

Business Minded Questions To Ask Interviewers

Monday April 4, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains why it’s so important to ask questions during job interviews and gives a list of questions to ask interviewers Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses why you should always take the opportunity to ask questions during a job interviewNext, Isaiah details the types of questions you should askFinally, Isaiah gives a list of questions to ask interviewers From This Week’s Show…  Why You Should Always Ask Questions During A Job Interview The quality of your candidacy for a position in industry is most clearly reflected in the quality of the questions you ask those interviewing you. You must seize the opportunity in every interview to turn the tables on the interviewer. You must become the interviewer yourself by asking questions that engage the other person and showcase your professionalism, business acumen, and overall understanding of the role, the company, and industry itself. Asking questions shows you’ve thought about and are committed to the position at hand. Asking questions also allows you to find out whether the position and company are truly a good fit for you. The Types Of Questions You Should Ask The key here is to ask questions…

How to Answer Using the STAR Technique

Friday April 1, 2022

Join Isaiah as he talks about the power of using the STAR technique to answer interview questions and each of the components of the answer Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains what the STAR technique is and discusses the first component of the answerNext, Isaiah lists the two next components of the STAR technique and what you should consider when delivering your answerFinally, Isaiah explores the last component of a STAR answer From This Week’s Show…  What Is The STAR Technique The STAR technique is a way to structure an answer to an interviewer’s question. It is highly effective and leaves a great impression with interviewers at any organization, whether the organization is a big corporation or small startup, for-profit or nonprofit company, intergovernmental organization (IGO) or nongovernmental organization (NGO).  When answering an interview question with the STAR method, start your response by describing a specific and relevant situation. You can use an example from your current job, a previous job, education, personal experience, or any relevant event. Always choose a situation that demonstrates your most impressive results and is relevant to the role for which you are being interviewed. This situation should involve a…

How To Prepare For A Site Visit

Wednesday March 30, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains what is the best way to prepare for a site visit, no matter the types of interview you will face Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses the main pieces of information you should find out once your site visit is confirmed Next, Isaiah lists the actions you should take to prepare for your site visit one week in advanceFinally, Isaiah lists the actions you should take a couple of days before the site visit to ensure you are fully prepared From This Week’s Show…  The Basic Information You Need To Prepare For A Site Visit Regardless of which interview types you will be a part of during your site visit, you should prepare extensively by asking the employer specific questions before the interview, researching the company in detail online, and setting up informational interviews with people currently working at the company. Make sure you find out why they are hiring for this position, what the metrics of success are or likely will be for the role, and what the average salary range is for the position (you’ll need this information to comfortably deflect verbal offers and attempts to negotiate onsite…

Mastering Group Dynamics During A Panel Interview

Monday March 28, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains what are panel interviews and discusses what is the best way to navigate them to ensure a a job offer Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah tells what a panel interview is and when are you more likely to have one during the interview processNext, Isaiah gives some good practices that you should follow during a panel interviewFinally, Isaiah points out the best way to close a panel interview to increase your chances of getting a job offer From This Week’s Show…  What Is A Panel Interview During a site visit or a late stage video interview, you may be faced with a panel of interviewers. Panel interviews are done because the company wants as many people as possible to see your face and interact with you before committing to bringing you on board. Best Practices PhDs Should Follow During Panel Interviews Once you are told you will face a panel interview, be sure to ask who will be on the panel so you can research each panelist on Linkedin. During a panel interview itself, make sure you engage with all the interviewers, not just the most outgoing participant. Make sure…

How To Dominate A Video Interview

Friday March 25, 2022

Join Isaiah as he discusses the best way to prepare for a video interview and why the technical aspects are so important Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains the basics of a video interviewNext, Isaiah gives some tips on how to prepare the location where you will take the video interviewFinally, Isaiah goes through some technical considerations that will increase your chances of success From This Week’s Show…  What Are The Basics Of A Video Interview The video interview commonly follows the phone screen and is the next step in the interview process. In this step, you need to consider the technology you will be using, how the interviewers see you, and what you need to do to come across as a professional candidate. One of the biggest keys to executing a video interview successfully is knowing how you look on the other side of the camera. A great way to prepare for this is to ask the company who’s going to interview you, how many people will show up, and where the interview is going to be held. This is a normal question to ask before a video interview or a site visit. You…

The First 90 Seconds Make Or Break Your Interview

Wednesday March 23, 2022

Join Isaiah as he talks about how the first 90 seconds can make or break an interview and how to prepare so you always give the best first impression Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah lays down some facts that should convince you of the importance of your first impression during a job interviewNext, Isaiah gives some advice on how to prepare ahead of time to give a good first impression every timeFinally, Isaiah discusses how to answer the two questions that get asked during the first 90 seconds of a job interview From This Week’s Show…  The Importance Of The First 90 Seconds Of A Job Interview When it comes to executing an industry interview, a typical interview round can last anywhere from fifteen minutes for a phone screen to forty-five minutes for an individual meeting during a site visit. However, no matter the overall length of the interview round, studies show that the interviewer decides whether or not they will recommend hiring you within the first ninety seconds. The same studies found that 55 percent of your impact comes from the way you dress, act, and walk through the door; therefore, you should prepare…

Academic Values Versus Industry Values

Monday March 21, 2022

Join Isaiah as he discusses one of the main differences between academia and industry and why you need to adopt an industry mentality to succeed in your job search Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains the differences in timelines between academia and industry and what that means for your job searchNext, Isaiah explores the best way to research a company so you’re always prepared for an interviewFinally, Isaiah talks about one of the worse habits PhDs pick in academia and how it can jeopardize your chances of getting the industry job you deserve From This Week’s Show…  The Difference Between Academia And Industry Values Industry time is not like academic time. Things move much faster. For instance, new job postings receive their first application within two hundred seconds of being posted.  Things move even faster later in the hiring funnel. You must be ready to say “yes” to a phone screen request at a moment’s notice if your dream employer asks if you’re free to talk about your experiences. You must be prepared to reply right away to their LinkedIn message requesting more information about your candidacy. You must be highly responsive with your phone,…

How To Request A Live Informational Interview

Friday March 18, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains what is the best way to ask for an informational interview, ensuring that your connection doesn’t feel pressured Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah presentes the best way to ask for an informational interview without directly asking for oneNext, Isaiah discusses the importance of clarity and politeness when asking for an informational interviewFinally, Isaiah gives a full script you can use to ask fro an informational interview while keeping the intensity of your request low From This Week’s Show…  What Is The Best Way To Ask For An Informational Interview The most important part of an informational interview is how you request one. If your requests are open-ended or intense, the other party will pass or ignore you completely. When requesting an interview in person or by phone or video, always be very clear about how much of the other person’s time you’re going to take. Clarity and politeness are crucial here. Never ask someone for a moment of their time or open-ended questions like, “Do you have time later this week for a short conversation?” And, of course, as I already emphasized, never mention an “informational interview.” Instead, ask for…

Setting Up A Face-To-Face Informational Interview

Wednesday March 16, 2022

Join Isaiah as he discusses the importance of face-to-face informational interviews to secure job referrals Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains the purpose of a face-to-face informational interviewNext, Isaiah discloses the importance of having inside information about jobs that won’t be posted online at your target companyFinally, Isaiah gives some advice on how to set up face-to-face informational interviews to gain access to insider information From This Week’s Show…  What Is The Purpose Of A Face-To-Face Informational Interview The purpose of a face-to-face informational interview is twofold. First, you want to gather intelligence that will help you determine whether a particular company or role is the right fit for you. Second, you want to leverage the informational interview to build rapport with the person you’re talking to and get inside information about jobs that are open at the company, especially jobs that are not yet posted online or never will be posted online.  Industry experts agree that over 80 percent of today’s available jobs are not advertised. Those jobs are not hidden deliberately; they’re not advertised because the ideal internal or external candidate has already been introduced to the hiring manager through a referral. The…

Pivoting A Networking Conversation To Asking For A Referral

Monday March 14, 2022

Join Isaiah as he goes through the last levels of professional intimacy and explains how you can pivot an informational interview to ask for a referral Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses third level of professional intimacy and gives some pointers on how to transition into itNext, Isaiah explores the fourth and final level of professional intimacy and how to make the transition Finally, Isaiah explains why it is so important to pivot the informational interview at the end if you want to ensure a referral From This Week’s Show…  The Third Level Of Professional Intimacy In the previous Transition Report, we talked about navigating the 4 levels of professional intimacy during an informational interview. Now, we will discuss the final two levels. The third level of professional intimacy overall, is termed “How-To Intimacy.” The ideal question to ask at this level is: “How did you get hired into your role in the first place?” After you’ve learned about the fulfilling and challenging aspects of your connection’s role, it’s time to go deeper in the third level of professional intimacy and ask about their professional story and how they transitioned. Pivoting to this third level…

The 4 Levels Of Professional Intimacy

Friday March 11, 2022

Join Isaiah as he talks about the right way of carrying out an informational interview and introduces the concept of professional intimacy Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains the goal of an informational interview and how this relates to the levels of professional intimacyNext, Isaiah explores the first level of professional intimacy and the questions you should ask at this levelFinally, Isaiah discusses how to transition from the first to the second level of professional intimacy and what questions to ask when you’re there From This Week’s Show…  What Is The Goal Of An Informational Interview The purpose of an informational interview is to elevate the other person’s credibility – the employee that is. You are showing appreciation for their success in industry. They have gone before you and transitioned successfully. They are where you want to be. Act like it. Serve them in the conversation. By doing so, you’ll leave the other person wanting to help you and even work with you in the future. And this all starts by learning to navigate the four levels of professional intimacy correctly. The First Level Of Professional Intimacy The first level of professional intimacy when talking…

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