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5 Interview Questions PhDs Always Get (and 5 Questions They Should Ask Employers)

By the time I started my industry job search, I was desperate.

I was nearing the end of my PhD and my proverbial plate had never felt so full.

Between final experiments, last drafts, and defense presentations, I had dedicated virtually no time to my job search.

The little effort and time I was able put into it felt very arbitrary and unfocused

I wasn’t even sure what job I wanted. All I knew was that I needed a job – and fast.

Needless to say, when I finally did find myself seated in front of a hiring manager, I was not prepared. 

I didn’t know that I would need to be. 

The point of an interview, I reasoned, was to tell them who I am and why I can do the job better than anyone else. 

Honesty is the best policy, right?

And I should have nothing to worry about since I was bound to be the most qualified candidate.

I had a PhD, after all.

So that was my focus: explaining the things I was good at and answering “yes” or “no” when it seemed appropriate. 

“Do you have any experience in an industry setting?” 

“No, not formally. I’m sure I can learn though.”

“Are you confident that you could do this job?”

“Oh, absolutely. Yes.”

What an idiot.

I didn’t know it then, but I quickly learned that employers knew almost nothing about academia.

The publications I had or the research I had done meant nothing to them. 

I don’t mean that they didn’t care, necessarily. What I mean is that it had no significance – employers had absolutely no context for academic milestones and achievements. 

They assumed all PhDs had a similar experience, a structured learning experience, measurable outcomes.

Over the course of many (many, many) industry interviews, I learned one extremely important lesson:

No matter what question you’re being asked, every single one can be distilled down to the two things employers need to know.

Those two things are Why you? and Why us?

There’s No Such Thing As One Right Answer To An Interview Question

There are, however, many wrong answers.

The consequences of a bad hire for industry employers is more than just lost time. 

Every day without the right person on board means lost productivity and costs associated with the hiring process itself. 

Bamboo HR estimates that companies spend between $7,500 to $28,000 in hard costs to find and onboard a new employee.

This includes hard costs, such as job board fees, background checks, and training resources… 

… as well as soft costs, which are things like lost productivity. 

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) estimates that these hard-to-measure factors add up to as much as 60% of the total cost to hire.

So, you see, interview questions are the final gauntlet of the hiring process. 

There’s a lot riding on successful interview techniques and carefully chosen prompts.

Through these questions, employers are essentially asking two key things: 

“Why are you the best person for this job?” and “Why would you be a great fit for our company?” 

The candidate that employers ultimately hire is the one who makes the most compelling case for themself.

It’s your job to make it easy for them to decide that candidate is you. 

And the STAR method provides the perfect framework to do this.

Use The STAR Method To Showcase Skills And Experience

The STAR method is a structured approach to answering behavioral interview questions. 

It helps interviewees provide clear, concise, and relevant responses.


By focusing on a specific situation and explaining it in a way that clearly identifies the problem and the solution.

This storytelling format makes your answers more memorable and more meaningful to industry hiring managers – and that’s really important if you’re hoping to stand out.

STAR stands for:

Situation: Briefly describe the event or situation you were in, providing context and relevant details.

Task: Explain the task you were responsible for or the goal you were working towards.

Action: Detail the specific steps you took to address the situation or complete the task. Focus on your individual contributions and actions.

Result: Share the outcomes of your actions, highlighting any positive results or achievements. Quantify your results whenever possible.

Remember, every question an employer asks should answer one of those two unspoken questions: Why you and why us? 

By using the STAR method, you can create a response that’s easy to understand and easy to remember. 

That’s because it mimics the beginning-middle-end format that we’ve all been listening to since grade school.

To use this method, first determine what skill or quality the interviewer is trying to assess. 

Sometimes interviewers will identify the skill outright: Describe a situation in which you were able to use persuasion to convince someone to see things your way. 

In this example, your communication skills, interpersonal skills, problem-solving skills, leadership skills and conflict resolution skills are all up for examination.

Choose a relevant example for your answer. Select a specific situation that demonstrates a desired skill or quality.

Next, describe the situation – the who, what, where, and when of your story – to set the scene for your answers to behavioral interview questions.

Then, you’ll explain the task or goal you were trying to accomplish – the why of your story.

The actions you took to solve the problem are what you’ll explain next. 

This is the part of the story recruiters pay the closest attention to; here is where you show potential employers an example of how you will act when on the job.

The result is the conclusion of your anecdote. 

Whenever possible, try to quantify results in your behavioral interview questions. 

Outcomes are more memorable when they have a measurable result. 

Also, measurable outcomes demonstrate that you understand how important results are and that you know how to achieve them.

5 Challenging Interview Questions That PhDs Can Count On Being Asked

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it’s important to keep in mind: a complete response to any interview question should address the Why You? or Why Us? that employers are looking to understand.

It’s important to be aware, as well, that companies are increasingly concerned with transferable skills, not technical skills.

They also want to hire a person who can balance their existing team, not disrupt it. 

Employers are seeking a good culture fit – that means that they’re looking for a slightly specific personality type, work ethic and attitude that aligns with their company’s values.

Your answer should assure them that your strong qualifications don’t come at the cost of an awful personality that’s challenging to work with or negative.

There are 5 challenging questions that PhDs are asked very predictably. 

Some seem very benign, like conversation starters. 

But you can be sure that employers choose their interview questions very strategically. 

1. Tell me about yourself.

    A good answer to “tell me about yourself” in an interview is concise, relevant to the job, and highlights your key strengths and experiences. 

    It is not an invention to showcase your rapier wit or flex your academic accolades. 

    Your answer should be informative, lighthearted, and upbeat.

    Some of the topics you may want to cover include your early years or interests, your education, and any work or volunteer experience you may have.

    The “Present, Past, Future” formula is a helpful tool if you get stuck, too.

    To use this strategy, start by discussing your current experiences, responsibilities or achievements – your “present.”

    Just as you would with your resume, you want to quantify any of these results wherever you can.

    Next, move on to your past. You’ll want to highlight relevant experience or coursework that links you to the role you’re applying for.

    For the future, you want to explain how you’re excited about this role, at this company, and how your experience makes you a good fit.

    This is a also a great place to mention that your career goals align with the company and its mission. 

    Keep your answers tight. You do not want to spend more than one or two minutes on this answer.

    2. What do you know about our organization? 

    A good answer to “What do you know about our organization?” demonstrates your genuine interest in the company and highlights your preparedness for the interview. 

    Start off by –briefly – mention the company’s mission statement and any core values that resonate with you. This shows you’ve done your research and understand the company’s purpose and culture.

    Discuss the company’s products or services as well, highlighting anything specific that interests you or aligns with interests or background.

    If you’ve read any recent news or engaged with the company on any of its social channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, X), mention this. 

    This demonstrates your awareness of the company’s current activities, successes and online reputation.

    Anything you’ve learned about the company’s work environment or culture is great to touch on here. It shows you’ve considered whether you’d be a good fit for the company and have dug deeper than the surface to make sure you’re a match.

    Maybe you connected with someone on LinkedIn who works there for an informational interview, for instance. This adds a personal touch and shows your genuine interest.

    3. Tell me about a time that you failed.

    You probably don’t need me to tell you this, but this question is not actually about failure.

    Industry employers don’t want to know what you failed at – not really. They don’t care about the specifics of your errors.

    This question is meant to measure how well you can handle disappointment, how resilient you are, how you take feedback. 

    Also, if you have a personal connection to the company, briefly mention it. 

    To answer it, turn to the STAR method. Briefly describe the the context of the challenge you faced.

    Choose the right failure. You don’t want to hand your interviewer a reason to toss your resume in the paper shredder, so avoid choosing one that led to severe consequences or reflects poorly on your character.

    Select a failure that you can present as a learning experience. If at all possible, relate it to the position at hand.

    It’s very important that you own your failure. Taking responsibility without blaming others is considered a positive outcome.

    Your answer should emphasize the lessons you learned and illustrate that you have a strong ability to bounce back from a setback.

    4. Why are you leaving academia?

    Many of us are not leaving a company – we’re leaving academia.

    Often after decades in academia with absolutely no industry experience whatsoever.

    This is puzzling to industry employers. 

    They don’t understand why you would spend your life in academia just to leave.

    Why would you reach the top of the pyramid – to go beyond that, to get your PhD, maybe a postdoc, adjunct positions, or faculty positions. 

    Less than 2% of the world population has a doctoral degree of any kind.

    So why are you leaving the top of the pyramid for a middle position in the corporate pyramid? 

    It doesn’t make sense to them – they need you to explain it before they hire you.

    It’s also why PhDs are labeled as overqualified.

    You will not get the job if you don’t answer one simple question well: 

    Why are you leaving academia?

    The best way to approach this question is to explain that you’re not so much leaving academia as you are beginning a new chapter. 

    In this new journey, your academic achievements are laying the groundwork for industry success.

    From there you want to keep the focus of your answer on your desire to make an impact.

    Explain how the industry role offers an opportunity to apply your expertise on a broader scale:, contribute to innovative solutions, or directly influence industry practices.

    That shows that your transition is motivated by positive aspirations rather than dissatisfaction with academia.

    Next, discuss your attraction to new challenges, and explain that industry often presents a whole new set of challenges and opportunities that are different from academic ones.

    Express your enthusiasm to tackle these new challenges, and your eagerness to grow in a new different environment. 

    Discussing our willingness to step out of your comfort zone demonstrates adaptability and a proactive attitude – qualities highly valued in industry.

    Third, connect your academic accomplishments with industry needs.

    Transitioning from academia to industry doesn’t mean leaving all you learned behind, right?

    Instead, it’s about applying your skills in new ways.

    Finally, emphasize your commitment to innovation and lifelong learning. 

    The hallmark of both academia and industry is continued growth and learning.

    Stress your commitment to continued learning and how transitioning to this industry role represents the next step in your personal development journey.

    Explain that you’re not just committed to growth, but to contributing meaningfully in your new position.

    Answering in this way offers a unique opportunity to showcase your innovation, aspirations, and the value you bring to the organization you’re applying to. 

    5. How would you explain a complex concept to someone without a technical background in your field?

    Effective communication is a prized skill in industry.

    So is diversity and inclusion. 

    You need to understand that your answer to this question showcases both of these skills. 

    Most people have limited working knowledge on your field of study. 

    However, they don’t want to be talked down to. 

    That’s why your answer needs to appeal to a broad, intelligent audience that has next to no knowledge about technical topics.

    It’s vital here to choose a concept relevant to your research and break it down into simple, understandable terms. 

    Start with a relatable analogy or real-world example, gradually introducing key ideas. 

    Use concise language, avoid jargon, and provide visual aids if applicable. 

    This showcases your communication skills and your ability to convey complex ideas to diverse audiences.

    Why is that important? 

    Because, in industry, you are going to collaborate with departments that have no technical knowledge. 

    If you’ve seen the term “shareholders”in industry job applications, this is what that means: people who own a share of the responsibility for a task.

    Your answer to this interview question is proof that you can collaborate with a lay audience respectfully and clearly.

    5 Questions You Should Always Employers At The End Of An Interview 

    If you’ve been on any industry interviews at all, you know that employers leave time at the end of the meeting for you to ask questions. 

    And the answer to that is yes – always, yes.

    This chance to ask for clarification or insight is more than a professional courtesy. 

    Employers ask if you have any questions for a few reasons.

    For one, asking clarifying questions demonstrates you were truly listening – or not.

    If you ask an insightful question, employers will be impressed and take this as a sign that you truly are as interested in working for that company.

    Conversely, if you ask a question that was already explained, employers might take this as a demonstration of your poor listening skills. 

    Don’t make that mistake. 

    Not asking questions can make you appear disinterested; asking questions shows you’re invested and serious about the opportunity.

    Another reason employers welcome questions at the end is to see if can see if the candidate has done their research.

    Asking questions also helps the interviewer observe your thought process and communication skills under pressure.

    There are many great questions you can ask about at this point. 

    The kind of company culture, management style and environment you thrive in is your job to understand. 

    By asking the right questions, you can identify any red flags that will save you and your future employer wasted time and resources.

    1. Do you have any reservations about hiring me? 

    Another less direct way to ask this question is, “Have I answered all your questions? Is there anything you’d like me to clarify or elaborate on?”

    This question probably feels too direct. Pushy, even.

    However, it is the best way to make sure you left no loose ends in this interview. 

    It could be that they realized they’d like you to repeat or quantify some results that you shared.

    Maybe they’re concerned that you’re overqualified for this job and will just leave as soon as something better comes along

    Or they may have no questions at all. 

    But by putting your interviewer on the spot, you do two things:

    1. Demonstrate how serious you are about this role and that you do not take the opportunity for granted
    2. Force the interviewer to do a pulse check on where you stand and address any concerns they have

    If they say they have no reservations, this leaves an opening for you to ask for feedback if you aren’t hired. 

    “You said you didn’t have any reservations about hiring me during our interview. Can you give me feedback on what would have made me a stronger candidate?”

    And if they do have reservations, address them – respectfully.

    Acknowledge their concerns, say you understand why they might think that could be an issue, but here are two or three reasons why it’s not.

    This is a great opportunity to reinforce that the company you’re interviewing with is your top choice – an employer that you would be excited to work for.

    It’s also a great time to showcase what you’ve learned about the company culture, mission statement or values. 

    2. How do you measure success in your team?

    When you answer this question as a job candidate, you want to focus on the qualities that you believe employers associate with success in the role.

    But by asking this question of your interviewer, you’re showing employers that you’re interested in meeting or exceeding their expectations on THEIR terms.

    You’re indicating that you know there are different priorities and different ways to measure success. Are the metrics qualitative or quantitative? 

    Are performance reviews quarterly? Monthly? Annually? 

    How often and in what medium do you receive formal feedback?

    Asking questions about what milestones you should expect to focus on also suggests that you’ve given forethought to your long-term career with the company.

    This type of question reassures your new manager that you expect to hear feedback, and that you want to understand their managerial style as well as company or team priorities.

    3. What do you enjoy most (or least) about working here?

    The importance of this question is twofold: it provides value to the person interviewing you, and it implies that you have done your research about the company.

    Asking an interviewer about their individual opinion demonstrates that you’re already investing energy in getting to know them, their team and the organization. 

    This rapport-building question shows that you’re the kind of coworker who is present and in touch with their coworkers or leadership.

    It can make your interviewer feel valued too. You’re asking about them, deferring to their expertise and experience. 

    This question also shows that you’re giving serious consideration to what it’s really like to work at XYZ Company.  

    You want to know about the pain points and highlights of working there. That demonstrates that you’re thinking outside of the job description. 

    It paints you, the job seeker, as a critical thinker, capable of looking beyond the surface of a situation or problem. 

    4. What have others in this position gone on to do? What is the career trajectory for this role?

    When you’re applying for jobs, it helps to think of each new opportunity not just as a job, but as the next step on your career path. 

    How will this position get you there? What kind of growth can you expect to see in yourself if you are offered this position?

    By asking a prospective employer this question, you’re showing you’re driven by progress and ambition. 

    It demonstrates that you’re looking for an employer that’s willing to invest in your growth – one where you can stick around for the long haul.

    It should prompt answers that speak to how this company can help you reach your goals. 

    5. What is the next step in the process? When can I expect to hear back? Can I get your contact details to follow up after our interview?

    Now that the interview is over, the recruiter is looking for a pulse check. Is this candidate still interested? How enthusiastic are they? 

    These are some great closing questions that can help answer this for them. 

    Asking this reiterates your interest.

    The answer can prepare you for any additional interviews or hiring assessments. 

    And if this interview was the final step in the hiring process, the answer will make sure that you’re clear on the hiring timeline.

    Before you leave, make sure the interviewer has all the information they need from you, both about your qualifications and also about the best way to contact you.

    Also, ask for permission to follow up if you don’t hear back from them. 

    You can say something like: I’m trying to stay very organized in my job search. If I don’t hear back from you in two weeks and two days, would it be alright to give you a call? 

    If they say yes, be sure to get a business card or write down their contact information. 

    Let me know that you are invested and are not going to disappear once you walk out the door.

    Concluding Remarks

    Taking the time to consider your answers to common interview questions can make or break your next industry interview. It’s important to make time to really understand the company – how it sees itself, and how it wants to be seen – before you ever have an in-person interview. Research the company, but also consider yourself as a candidate. Being able to articulate what you want – and what you don’t want – is something that will help set you apart in your industry job search. The STAR Method will help guide you to the most well-rounded answers to interview questions. When in doubt, always ask yourself if your answer explains Why You are right for the job and Why This Company. Don’t waste an opportunity to address questions to your interviewer while you have them in front of you. It’s a chance to erase any doubts they have about you and make a strong final impression. Take the time before your interview to read employee reviews, explore the company’s About pages and become acquainted with them on social media. Companies are literally investing in you when they extend a job offer, and the best investment they can make is in a candidate who understands what they’re getting themselves into.

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    Dr. Isaiah Hankel is the Founder and CEO of Cheeky Scientist. His articles, podcasts and trainings are consumed annually by millions of PhDs and other professionals in hundreds of different countries. He has helped PhDs transition into top companies like Amazon, Google, Apple, Intel, Dow Chemical, BASF, Merck, Genentech, Home Depot, Nestle, Hilton, SpaceX, Tesla, Syngenta, the CDC, UN and Ford Foundation.

    Dr. Hankel has published 3X bestselling books and his latest book, The Power of a PhD, debuted on the Barnes & Noble bestseller list. His methods for getting PhDs hired have been featured in the Harvard Business Review, Nature, Forbes, The Guardian, Fast Company, Entrepreneur Magazine and Success Magazine.

    Isaiah Hankel, PhD

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    Learn about the best 63 industry careers for PhDs (regardless of your academic background). In this eBook, you will gain insight into the most popular, highest-paying jobs for PhDs – all of which will allow you to do meaningful work AND get paid well for it.

    Industry Resume Guide for PhDs

    Industry Resume Guide for PhDs

    Isaiah Hankel, PhD

    Learn how to craft the perfect industry resume to attract employers. In this eBook for PhDs, you will get access to proven resume templates, learn how to structure your bullet points, and discover which keywords industry employers want to see most on PhD resumes.

    AI & ATS Resume Filters

    AI & ATS Resume Filters

    Isaiah Hankel

    In today's competitive job market, understanding the impact of AI is crucial for career success. This involves ensuring your resume stands out in the digital realm, mastering your online presence, and being aware of how AI assigns reputation scores. Discovering how to leverage AI to your advantage is essential, as it plays a pivotal role in shaping professional opportunities.

    Complete LinkedIn Guide For PhDs

    Complete LinkedIn Guide For PhDs

    Isaiah Hankel

    The LinkedIn tips & strategies within have helped PhDs from every background get hired into top industry careers.