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PhD Transition Report Podcast

Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

The premier podcast by industry PhDs. With thousands of monthly listeners, the Cheeky Scientist PhD Job Search Report podcast is dedicated to helping PhDs transition into their first or next industry position. Every episode provides leading edge insights on how PhDs can avoid career failure and job search rejections, and instead attract hiring managers and recruiters to get hired into top industry jobs. Recent shows cover industry resumes, LinkedIn profiles, creating a job search strategy, identifying surging career tracks and avoiding dead end career tracks, successfully preparing for and passing phone screens, video interviews and site visits, and much more. This show features top industry PhDs in 50+ different industry positions. Subscribe now and listen.


3 Career Paths For Interdisciplinary PhDs

Monday October 31, 2022

Join Isaiah as he covers 3 dynamic and fulfilling career paths that need the skills of an interdisciplinary PhD Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains that interdisciplinary PhDs have more options than they thinkNext, Isaiah describes what interdisciplinary skills companies look for in a quality job candidateFinally, Isaiah covers three career paths that provide exciting and fulfilling positions for interdisciplinary PhDs From This Week’s Show…  Industry Provides Ample Career Options For Interdisciplinary PhDs There’s a widespread belief that job prospects for interdisciplinary PhDs are extremely limited. You can either get a low-paying non-tenure track position as a TA, lecturer, or adjunct position. The idea that no one in industry hires interdisciplinary PhDs is a huge fallacy – they have numerous options in industry, especially today. Companies Aren’t Hiring You For Your Expertise Studies show that nearly 50% of interdisciplinary PhDs believe they have no job prospects after graduation. The problem is, these PhDs don’t consider industry as an option. They also don’t think they can get hired into fields outside of their PhD specialty. But companies want to hire you for your processing and problem solving abilities, not your expertise in Medieval Literature, Business Psychology,…

A Resume Bullet Point Masterclass

Friday October 28, 2022

Join Isaiah as he dissects the three major components of a well-written resume bullet point and how to use this format to highlight your skills Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains how to fill out the work experience section of your resume the right way Next, Isaiah describes the three major components of an impactful resume bullet point Finally, Isaiah emphasizes that you, as a PhD, have the skills and the experience that industry needs From This Week’s Show…  Effective Bullet Points Are A Critical Feature Of A Well-Written Resume To get your resume noticed, it has to be clear, concise, and have a singular message: that you’re the best fit for that job. And the key to this is creating bullet points that pack a punch. First, when writing an industry resume, each work experience section should include 3 to 5 bullet points that demonstrate your skills, experience, and accomplishments. You should craft these statements with intention – again, keeping them clear and concise. All bullet points in your resume must abide by the same structure, each having three critical components. The Essential Components Of An Impactful Resume Bullet Point Each point should start…

Rocket Fuel For Your LinkedIn Search Ranking

Wednesday October 26, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains how the LinkedIn search ranking algorithm works and how you can conquer it to improve your rankings Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses how the algorithm behind the LinkedIn search ranking worksNext, Isaiah explains the key to improving your search ranking is a complete LinkedIn profile and the proper use of keywords Finally, Isaiah demonstrates how long-tail keywords enhance your LinkedIn Profile From This Week’s Show…  The Magic Behind the LinkedIn Search Ranking Algorithm Increasing your search ranking on LinkedIn fast takes more than just sprinkling a few keywords into your LinkedIn profile. You need to have a strategy. And developing an effective strategy starts with understanding how the search algorithm works. Let’s walk through an example. Say an employer has an open position for a data scientist. Like most employers, they will turn to LinkedIn Recruiter (or other social media platforms) to see if they can find a qualified candidate. They do this by sending out search engine crawlers that identify profiles that match their selected keywords: words like “analytics”, “big data”, “modeling”, for example. Although companies may also search based on other parameters such as salary or employment…

Is Management Consulting Right For You?

Monday October 24, 2022

Join Isaiah as he discusses how PhDs can enjoy a challenging and rewarding career in management consulting Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah describes what a management consultant does Next, Isaiah explains why management consulting firms seek out PhDs for their top positions Finally, Isaiah reveals how your PhD-level skills align perfectly with what is needed to succeed as a consultant From This Week’s Show…  What Is Management Consulting? If you want to transition into industry, there are many career tracks to choose from: Research and development, clinical science, project management, and sales and marketing. But what many PhDs don’t realize is that their skills and experience also fit into the world of management consulting. Management Consultant sits at number 11 on CNN Money’s Best Jobs in America, and is projected to have a 10-year job growth rate of almost 22%. Why Management Consulting Firms Seek Out PhDs For Their Top Positions Management consultants help businesses improve their performance or assist them in achieving their organizational objectives. Companies come to consultants with a business problem that they need to solve, including a need to reduce annual costs, identify competitors in the marketplace, or improve production efficacy.…

Is Spyware The Newest Trend Among Employers?

Friday October 21, 2022

Join Isaiah as he covers job market trends and one key hiring trend that you should know to succeed in your industry job search Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains how applicant tracking systems work and what it means for your job search Next, Isaiah discusses the social media platforms that employers use to spy on job candidates Finally, Isaiah describes the recent hiring trends that you should leverage to stand out among job candidates From This Week’s Show… How Applicant Tracking Systems Work And What This Trend Means For You Today, I’ll discuss 4 trends that we are seeing in the job market – all of them are for the employer’s benefit. The first trend is the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and data-driven assessments in recruitment tools. Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are frequently used by companies and recruiters to perform the initial filtering of job applicants. These systems are limited to basic search principles that rely on keywords. However, ATS systems are now adapting more “intelligent” features such as AI to help them identify qualified candidates. This means that companies are now screening applicants based on a greater number of variables – and…

3 Baller Negotiation Tactics That Get You Paid

Wednesday October 19, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explores the negotiation tactics that result in a higher starting salary now and more pay for years to come Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains how not negotiating your starting salary can hurt you for years to come Next, Isaiah discusses how to best demonstrate the worth of your skills and experience Finally, Isaiah describes the tactics that get around the so-called industry salary cap From This Week’s Show…  How To Overcome The Discomfort Of Salary Negotiations If you asked any PhD in industry what the most uncomfortable part of their interview process was, I guarantee you most would say the salary negotiation. It makes sense – money is uncomfortable to talk about, no matter the situation. And it’s especially uncomfortable for PhDs. It’s alien territory. You’ve never had to advocate your worth – at least not in terms of monetary compensation. So, when preparing for your interviews, you need to get prepared. Walking into an interview with a negotiation plan will not only calm your nerves, it will also result in a better quality of life for years to come. Why A Failure To Negotiate Your Starting Salary Will Hurt…

Use Industry Speak To Talk About Your Academic Skills

Monday October 17, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains which academic skills are relevant in industry and how to use industry speak to communicate these skills Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses the many blind spots PhDs have when it comes to their skills Next, Isaiah explains how your experience in academic research – from grant writing, to analysis, to communication – can translate into industry relevant skills Finally, Isaiah emphasizes the importance of communicating these transferable skills in your industry job search From This Week’s Show…  What Is Industry Speak And Why Should You Care About It? In your industry job search, you’ll notice that most job descriptions place a particular emphasis on transferable skills. Things such as communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration. These are the skills that transfer to almost any job in industry, hence the term transferable. The key is to communicate these skills using the language of industry, or industry-speak. The Transferable Skills Industry Cares Most About Let’s start with grant writing. While you likely won’t be writing grants in industry, what grant writing demonstrates is your ability to come up with a fundable idea. In industry, this is called a pitch or a…

Gaming The Resume Filtering Systems

Friday October 14, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains how to get your resume past pesky ATS software filters and into the hands of the hiring manager Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains how Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) operate and why so many resumes don’t make it past this first filterNext, Isaiah discusses how simple changes in formatting can help your resume bypass ATS software Finally, Isaiah gives specific examples of keywords all ATS software looks for in a resume From This Week’s Show…  The Reason Why Your Resume Is Getting Rejected Picture this: You find your ideal industry job, and everything lines up. You have all the required skills; their values align with yours; and you even have a company referral. After hitting send, you’re sure it’s only a matter of time before the hiring manager reaches out to schedule an interview. But days later, instead of getting a personalized call, you get an automated rejection email. You think, “How is this possible? I was the perfect match!” Unfortunately, your resume was rejected before anyone looked at it. According to Forbes magazine, 75% of resumes submitted for a job never see human eyes. That’s because most resumes are…

3 Effective Resume-Cover Letter Combinations

Wednesday October 12, 2022

Join Isaiah as he walks through resume-cover letter combinations guaranteed to win over even the pickiest hiring managers Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses how the right resume-cover letter combination can make you an A-list job candidateNext, Isaiah explains the different resume and cover letter formats that effectively communicate your skills and abilities Finally, Isaiah presents different resume-cover letter combinations that are both complimentary and impactful From This Week’s Show…  Well-Tailored Resumes And Cover Letters Make All The Difference As a PhD in the industry job market, your competition is stiff. Nearly 50% of resumes are automatically weeded out by applicant tracking systems software, and for those that remain, only 20% will get an interview. So how do you stand out in the crowd? The answer is a well-tailored resume and cover letter. The Many Forms That Cover Letters And Resumes Take On An effective cover letter demonstrates how your experience translates into the transferable and technical skills relevant for the position. There are two formats you can use: either the standard 3 paragraph business format or the T-format. The business format describes skills in standard paragraph form whereas the T format lists skills in…

Get Hired WITHOUT Meeting The Job Requirements

Monday October 10, 2022

Join Isaiah as he reviews key strategies that get PhDs hired into industry, despite not meeting all the job requirements Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah examines how imposter syndrome hurts PhDs in their industry job search Next, Isaiah explains how job descriptions are nothing more than a wish-list – it shouldn’t dissuade you from applying Finally, Isaiah discusses the most effective ways to show employers you’re the perfect candidate for the job, despite lacking certain skills From This Week’s Show…  How Imposter Syndrome Is Sabotaging Your Industry Job Search In your industry job search, what keeps you from applying for a job? For most PhDs, the answer is they lack the skills needed for the job. That’s because PhDs often suffer from imposter syndrome which leaves many feeling that they’ll never live up to industry expectations. In academia, you’re taught to be overly critical of yourself and your abilities. But this type of thinking is not only harmful to your job search, it’s also mentally detrimental. You could bypass the perfect job for you just because you didn’t meet all the job requirements up front. So, today, I’ll walk you through several strategies that will…

Proof That Industry Postdocs Are A Scam

Friday October 7, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explores why industry postdocs are not as great as you may think Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains the reason industry postdocs were developed (and it’s not what you think)Next, Isaiah reveals the shockingly low proportion of industry postdocs that are hired into permanent positionsFinally, Isaiah list the reasons why the industry postdoc actually sabotages your industry career in the long-term From This Week’s Show…  The Unexpected Motives Behind The Industry Postdoc Many PhDs think the only way to get their foot into the industry door is through an industry postdoc. But this just isn’t true. In fact, industry postdocs are a complete scam created only to benefit big companies. They were created to breath new life into Research & Development Departments, not to bolster company recruiting efforts. That means PhDs shouldn’t expect their industry postdoc to end with a job offer. What Proportion Of Industry Postdocs Are Offered Fulltime Positions You’d be surprised at how few postdocs are hired into permanent positions. In fact, studies show that 40% of industry postdocs don’t end up working in industry at all. You heard that right. Four in 10 industry postdocs don’t end…

5 Interview Answers That Guarantee Rejection

Wednesday October 5, 2022

Join Isaiah as he covers 5 phrases you should never utter during an industry interview Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah narrows down the reasons you’re getting ghosted in the later stages of the interview process Next, Isaiah explains how using interview answers that reveal your lack of confidence can sabotage you job searchFinally, Isaiah shows you how to turn negative answers into positive ones that leave a lasting impression on employers From This Week’s Show… You Interview Answers Might Be The Reason Why You’re Not Hired Yet If you feel like you’ve done everything right – from building a strong network to writing an effective resume – but you just can’t seem to get past the interview stage, you need to figure out why. Each interview process is unique. However, what’s not unique are the interview answers that guarantee a rejection. Why You Should Avoid Interview Answers That Reveal Your Lack Of Confidence Never say, “I’m nervous” during an interview. You may think this makes you seem more human but you’re only creating a negative vibe. It’s normal to feel nervous during an interview, but you should never show it. Companies want to hire someone…

Burnt Out In Your Job Search? Do This

Monday October 3, 2022

Join Isaiah as he discusses how you can avoid total burnout by improving your industry job search strategy Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah speaks to the source of PhD burnout and how to avoid it in your industry job searchNext, Isaiah explains how having a clear vision of next steps saves you time and effort in the long-run.Finally, Isaiah shows you how to apply the 30-60-90 day plan and create an effective yet manageable job search strategy From This Week’s Show…  Burnout Is Common But There Are Simple Ways To Avoid It Many academics are burned out. They work so many long hours, are constantly under the pressure of deadlines, and are so drained of energy that they can’t even think about their job search. In fact, recent studies show that 3 in 5 employees have experienced burnout at some point in their careers – this is especially true of academics. If you can empathize, don’t despair. There are a few simple things you can do to make your job search more manageable. Create A Clear Vision Of Your Next Career Move There are hundreds – if not thousands – of industry job postings. No…

Going To A Conference? Skip The Talks. Here’s Why

Friday September 30, 2022

Join Isaiah as he discusses the strategy you should set up before going to a conference if you want to get an industry job Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains why you should skip the talks and spend time at the vendor’s floor if you want to increase your chances of transitioning into industryNext, Isaiah reviews the information you need to research before going to the conferenceFinally, Isaiah gives you pointers on the best way to network with vendors From This Week’s Show…  The Best Way To Find And industry Job At A Conference Is To Spend Quality Time At The Vendor Floor If you want to find industry job prospects at a conference, you have to stop acting like an academic. We get it – you love research. But if your conferences strategy is to hit as many research-based talks as possible, then you’re not making the most of your time (or your money for that matter – conferences are expensive). So, skip the talks and spend your time perusing the vendor floor. Why? Because while all your colleagues are sitting in a dark room listening to a presentation, you’ll be conversing and making…

Make Yourself Unforgettable To Employers

Wednesday September 28, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains why you need to build rapport with your interviewer if you want employers to remember you and offer you a job Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah talks about why you’re failing to move past the initial interview stages, even if you’re a perfect fit for the roleNext, Isaiah reviews the best strategy to use if you want to build rapport with your interviewerFinally, Isaiah discusses the importance of non-verbal cues when it comes to building rapport From This Week’s Show…  Why You’re Failing To Get Your Dream Job Have you ever felt like you were the perfect candidate for a job, only to be ghosted by the company after your first interview? At that point, you’re probably wondering what on earth happened. Chances are, you didn’t establish a rapport with the interviewer. Many PhDs leave academia thinking the only thing employers are going to care about is what they can do – emphasis on the doing, especially the skills, because that’s what’s important in academia. But in industry, you’re not only expected to do a job; you’re also expected to integrate into a team. This means that the interviewer is…

In A Dead-End Academic Career? Market Yourself Out Of It…

Monday September 26, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains what a dead-end career is and shows you what you have to do to get out of it in you’re in one Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses how you can recognize whether you’re in a dead-end careerNext, Isaiah discloses the solution to get out of a dead-end career: knowing how to market yourselfFinally, Isaiah shows you some simples ways in which you can market yourself From This Week’s Show…  What’s A Dead-End Career If you’ve been in a position for years – whether it be an academic postdoc, adjunct teaching position, professorship that’s going nowhere or even an entry-level industry role – and have yet to acquire any new skills, move up the proverbial ladder, or take on new challenges, you’re in a dead-end career. And while this situation is frustrating for anyone, job stagnation is particularly hard on PhDs. After all, you spent years acquiring knowledge, fine-tuning your skills, and keeping up with the latest innovations. For what? To have no impact? To stay where you are? Unappreciated. Underpaid. Stagnant. If you find yourself in this situation, you’re not alone. In fact, a recent Joblist survey found that…

5 Gigantic Job Search Time-Wasters

Friday September 23, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains why you’re probably wasting your time with your current job search strategy and what you need to do instead Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah tells you the blunt true: you’re probably wasting your time by using an obsolete academic job search strategyNext, Isaiah shows you the first steps you need to take to stop wasting your time and start seeing results Finally, Isaiah discusses what is a mock interview and why you should include it in your strategy to avoid rejections at the later stages of your job search From This Week’s Show…  Why You Probably Need To Revamp Your Job Search Strategy If you’re not getting anywhere in your industry job search, chances are you’re using an antiquated process taught to you by academics. The truth is, when it comes to industry, academic job search strategies are completely upside down. So, ditch the long-winded CV and start setting up a strategy that works for industry. To do this, you need to stop wasting time on things that aren’t producing results. PhDs fall into the same mental trap they fell into in grad school – they spend so much time…

Write A Riveting Professional Summary

Wednesday September 21, 2022

Join Isaiah as he discusses why the professional summary is so important and how you need to craft yours to ensure it stands out Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah reveals why you need to let go of your academic mentality before you start writing your professional summaryNext, Isaiah discloses the information that you should add at the beginning of your summary if you want to catch the hiring manager’s attentionFinally, Isaiah lists the components of a riveting professional summary and what you should add in each of them From This Week’s Show…  Why You Need To Let Go Of Academic Values When Writing Your Professional Summary Your professional summary is one of the most critical components of your industry resume. It’s what hiring managers read first and it’s what helps them decide whether your resume is worth a read. Think of yourself as a product you have to sell – how can you convince someone to “buy” in just a matter of seconds? Academia has told you that claiming accomplishments as your own is distasteful or down-right untruthful, but to catch the eye of an industry employer, your summary has to sell YOU – not…

How To Get Hired Into A Remote Role

Monday September 19, 2022

Join Isaiah as he talks about the importance of positioning yourself for a remote role if you want to get hired in today’s job market Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah presents some interesting data you need to consider if you want to target a remote roleNext, Isaiah discloses the skills you need to develop and showcase if you want to position yourself for a remote role Finally, Isaiah discusses some extra actions you can take to ensure you’re seriously considered for a remote role From This Week’s Show…  What You Need To Know About Remote Working Interest in remote and hybrid work is up by a whopping 556% – and with prominent companies deciding to continue remote work, these numbers are not going down anytime soon. Although this is great news for anyone who’s looking for more flexibility in their job, this shift comes with its own set of challenges. For one, now that geographic location is no longer a barrier, companies recruiting top talent from anywhere in the world. This means that they have infinitely more options, which also means, your competition just got fiercer. The Skills You Need To Position Yourself For A…

Networking Hacks For The Introverted PhD

Friday September 16, 2022

Join Isaiah as he discloses the strategies that introverted PhDs should follow to increase their network and stop being invisible to industry employers Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains why introverted PhDs are valuable to industry employersNext, Isaiah discusses why it’s not a good strategy to act extrovert if you’re an introverted PhD Finally, Isaiah gives you some strategies you can use to expand your network while avoiding burnout and protecting your mental space From This Week’s Show…  Why Being An Introverted PhD Isn’t A Bad Thing If You Have The Right Tools If nothing makes you sweat more than the idea of networking at a big conference, you’re not alone. Many PhDs are introverted by nature. And this isn’t a bad thing. Introverts are genuine and passionate…and they’re often some of the most productive people in the workforce. Because of this, many innovative companies in industry seek out thoughtful, introspecting introverts to fill their top positions. The problem is many introverts, especially introverted PhDs, are invisible to the companies that want to hire them. But, don’t despair – because given the right tools, introverts can get attention from employers, build a strong and long-lasting network,…

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